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Everything posted by Hooker1951

  1. They could claim it but I doubt if they'd get it. Keep on trucking. mick L
  2. PHIl Spector was the King of Teenage Operas. still sound fresh today. keep on Trucking. mick.L.
  3. The Sink was a soul club and ran regular soul n RnB sessions in the mid to late 60's we,d heard about the Sink in 1966-67 in Wigan at the Room at the Top. You can't change history Kind regards Mick L
  4. pure northern soul. Mick L
  5. no offence Conchita never heard Norma Tanega played in any Soul Clubs I frequented in the 1960's and I visited plenty. God Bless Mick L
  6. A excellent informative article with not the slightest hint a piss take of the soul scene. Mick L
  7. The Soul Scene wether we like it or not is smelting pot of music, styles, progression, nostalgia, which as evolved over the last 50 years. Everyone involved with it be it dj,s Soulies has their own personal reasons for loving this scene, never lose track that a great many still love to party and if that means dressing up in a bit of retro gear that makes them feel good . Why question that. ? I know nobody or I would like to think that nobody wishes to steal people's happiness with some of the comments on here. Let's be careful out there and leave each to their own.to some people words can hurt. Peace ,Love and Tranquility. God Bless Mick Lyons
  8. On a lighter note Aldi and Liddle do a Bootleg Shreddied wheat I beleive its a lot cheaper than John Manship,s and it's got its own label. Mick L
  9. Each to their Own.It is still a free country. I've had mine have you had yours. This is not the end of the World. There are still the variety boxes plenty of choice there if your fed up with shreddied wheat. A little bit of escapism never harmed anyone.Life,s to short. keep on Trucking Mick L
  10. CLassy Lady,Classy tune. Mick Lyons.
  11. Always loved this pushed many a waltzer car around while this was being played when I worked on the travelling fairgrounds in the 1960's. happy times. kind regards mick Lyons.
  12. That's just like Rob Smith a true gentleman of the soul scene. keep on Trucking Mick Lyons
  13. A top mix Pete well done. kind Regards Mick L.
  14. It's not the jokes it's the way you tell them Timing wins every time . Kind Regards Mick Lyons
  15. After reading this thread all i can say is all parties involved seem to be opening windows to escape.A bit more respect, common sense And can I say it Soul searching instead of Egos again. Come on Lads you can all do better than this its not like this unsavoury side of promoting has never been seen before.Its just that the with the Internet Soulies find out a lot quicker and they are quite rightly so entitled to their opinions.Always remember you can only be reasonable with reasonable people.If a Promoter or Venue Provider haven't got that quality there will always be these kind of problems leading to half truths grey areas and. Ultimately unfinished business Peace On Earth Mick L
  16. Oh what an ugly web we weave when we practise to deceive. keep on Trucking MICK L.
  17. There were more holes in the George Gently N Soul episode than a 1970's string vest Keep on Trucking Mick L.
  18. Hi Dave change of plan Stateside allniter in 2015 is now June 20th NOT JULY18 th 2016 June 18th as above kind regards Mick L
  20. Secret is Dont let them in. having a few traps set could help.Example a few grids outside the entrance with wide gaps for snapping stilletoes. A few handbag thieves working for the Soulies could help thes problems to a minimum. then the Scallies have no skirt to chase. problem solved I Hope. just don't let them in. happy Days Mick L
  21. Come on now we can all do better than that. keep on trucking. No offence meant Kind Regards Mick L
  22. Wigan had a flourishing soul scene from 1965 onwards running parralle to the Wheel and a vibrant allniters scene prior to the Torch and the Casino .The seeds of soul were well planted from 1965 onwards so you can see where the Casino came from because it was already there in spirit and substance. God Bless Mick L
  23. I started to go to soul clubs and allniters back in 1965 and you will have to trust me the music and the vibe was very similar to what became Northern Soul. for all those who were too young then to experience those wonderful and pioneering years .I,m sorry but you can't change history.It really happened. God Bless Mick L

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