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Everything posted by Hooker1951

  1. The tax man got Al Caopone got Lester Piggot got thousands more including me only Ken Dodd escaped he made the jury laugh that much they found him not guilty so join the club Eddie ML l
  2. Norther soul dancing already exsisted , Teddy boys all through the late 1950,s early 1960,s plus the dancing done in R n B clubs over here and the USA with a more free style move ment fitted the NS music the dance moves were already there probably as we know from 1950 onwards ML
  3. It's a fact through the history of any music that as it becomes mainstream it becomes or should I say feels watered down it happened to Rock n Roll , Punk, and R nB it happens to please the many people who just want to dip their toes in rather than be full on because of all the advantages money wise of exploiting those music phenonemones, it's something that can't be avoided because there are certain people in certain positions who always make it happen we know what good music is we know who the genuine people are. That matters you will not change the rest they just don't get it and if they are making and milking money or fame out of it they won't care anyway , Look after the people that matter don't waste your time and energy on lost causes just bless yourself that you understand it and take solace that they don't Proper Northern soul and real northern SOULIES will last forever God Bless ML
  4. Great Artist, Larger than Life character, who was a real soul man, Singer and Dancer His live acts were Legendary, R I P, Wayne ML
  5. It could've been much worse, settle down drop a few Valium tomorrow is another day at least you got Time instead of the Snake peace and tranquility for all good soulies ML
  6. RW is being invited to Strictly and his playing the original Frank Wilson followed by the Javaleers, follwed by either Wombat or the Snake is this a bad dream turning into a nightmare L o L, I'm only joking but be prepared for any kind of shock if you expect the worst it might not be that much of a dogs dinner ML
  7. DJ,s should be made to put down a £50 deposit when they arrive if they play a bad set they should lose the deposit and all the proceeds should go to Russ Winstanleys Casino ,s Soul police orphans society in honour of the great job they did stopping drugs being taken and sold at the Casino Give us a break 1 DJ 1 guest Mick L
  8. This record made it it was played everywhere in the mid sixties on radio in clubs, as a result of it being a hit it was copied by most of the British pop groups of the time usually on ep,s Rolling Stones included regards ML
  9. Much to many to mention, So many So good, to hard a question to me anyway to give a safe and solid answer ML
  10. Yes Radio 1 was manufactured to prim and proper, even though some of the DJ,s used were ex pirate stations DJ,s you could see they were toeing the line and hadn't got to he same freedom as before it's like everything else once it goes mainstream it gets watered down its called life ML
  11. The pirate stations in the 1964-67 period were fantastic for playing soul sometimes the output on soul was a good 25% of what was being played at the time we had access to Radio Caroline north , Radio London, up here in the north west loud and clear great times listening to great music ML
  12. Steve Mancha for me a more soulful production for my ears anyway, taking nothing away from Jonny Taylor,s version ML
  13. There was northern soul a long time before RW AND THE CASINO and I'm from Wigan 10 years before in a fashion as I've stated before I worked at the Casino as a doorman 3 years before Russ appeared and NS was being played then and umpteen clubs in Wigan and other NW , NE, Midland towns so to state that there would have been no NS without Russ is Ludicrous the music is bigger than any DJ or promoter I started my journey into soul in 1963 and it was alive and kicking then, I know the true story of the Casino, IE And the allnighters and it's not all like you read in the book there were suggestions made to Gerry Marshall about putting all nighters on made well before Russ and Mike Walker because I made them and I'm not trying to change history just telling you the way it was but that's another story keep calm keep happy ML PS Russ played his part but so did everybody else who promoted and danced and listened to the music like I've said before there is a a hell of a lot of forgotten heroes with no egos who should be remembered DJ,s promoters and punters alike
  14. Yes I know my POP too been obsessed with music all kinds of music for the last 55 years Rock n Roll , R n B, Rave, Popcorn and Pop if it's good music and it sounds good to my ears I will also admit it I've seen hundreds of soul acts live since 1964 and when I grew into a man did security for Rock n Roll and Soul Legends plus top pop acts over the years also DJ ,d NS and Rn B at all major venues I also MC,d at all the early raves from 1990 till 2000 with all the top DJ,s on the dance scene simply because I love music and even love more what music does for people's spirits it's one of the great levellers for human nature so I'm not disagreeing with what you hear I'm just telling you what I hear so the people who bought the blue sharks version liked what they heard and that's why they bought it I've never bought anything I don't like, collecting sounds matters to me not record labels, I'm a music man not a anorack collector and I'm not saying there,s anything wrong with being a anorack collector that's their choice oh by the way I think the velvelletes version is a great sound too Take it easy Peace and tranquility ML
  15. Everybody has their own choice to make but all of a sudden because it's discovered Blue Sharks is a session band of a completion Lp at Woolworths it becomes just pop nobody called it pop before the discovery it's called being clever after the fact I like both versions but that session band definetly caught soul it did happen more than you think, Open your eyes Open your ears but pop music it's not, no time for snobbery in soul No Offence God Bless ML
  16. As a rule I usually prefer 9 out of 10 prefer the original but for some strange reason the blue sharks version as caught something on the production that gives it that 5% I know it's of a cheap £1 Woolworth recording but it's just got the edge on the velvelletes and I do love some of their material both really good though ML
  17. Hi. Soul Slider voice a cross between Connie Francis and Brenda Lee ML
  18. I would agree with you totally on those years if I picked 10 they would be those as I've state earlier taking nothing away from the rest of the 1970's but 63~72 I was a child of the time so I might be a little biased L o L no I'm not they were the greatest! But I do respect everybody's choice God Bless ML
  19. When I was promoting on my own and together with Andy Mcabe we moved dates on many occasions to help out other promotions sad to say that favour was never ever returned in over 30 years of on and of promoting it boils down to sheer selfishness and being petty like spoiled schoolchildren they would stick venues on knowing that you had those events running on those dates for years sometimes within 5 or 10 miles of your event I've even had a couple of well respected promoters put an event300 metres from mine I have on many occasions when asked made necessary adjustments to help other promoters I will say again never has that favour been returned never even a phone call to explain why they they had to do it on that date, they lack the very first thing they are trying to promote SOUL God Bless ML
  20. All in all the film made by Elaine was a really good effort and does catch a good deal of truth about specifically 16 to 18 year olds around the NS scene in the 1974 \ 75 period those older would perhaps view it slightly differently at the time, because they had already been there, ML
  21. There were thousands of soul records before that , that weren't hits but were real soulful records no one artist or record to stake a claim that they were first the list is far to vast to come to a conclusion and that's before you start interpratating what is soul music, I think on a broader front Soul music as we know it or what I think soul music isL o L,started mid 1950's evolved late 1950's took on anew dimension early 1960's then evolved again to an even broader spectrum late 1960's early 1970,s then you get the Sweet slick Philadelphia sounds and disco soul of the mid 1970,s added to the mix there is something for everyone I just personally prefer the 1960,s up until 1973 everybody has their own choice that's what makes soul music the best peace and Tranquility ML
  22. Totally understand your opinion the Philly period produced some great soulful times however it became a little slick and sweet to old soul dogs like me I think the early 1960,s produced some of the most fantastic soulful vocals on R n B and soul records as regards Marvin Gaye great what's going on album that is a direct bi product an echo of what happened in the 1960's as regards the majority of NS music between 1970 to 75 was a repeat and a rehash of 1964 till 1970 music like I have stated before the 1960,s music period lasted until at least 1973 this is a great discussion and I look forward to hearing everybody,s points of view Respects and Peace ML
  23. There is no particular record what you could say was the first soul record everybody has their own opinion soul is in the ears of the listener and every body would have their own interpretation unless you generalise there are soulful records in the 1950,s and there is no particular year you could say things blended together when certain dance crazes materialised fashions, it's a mesh of simple and complex realities that came together from spiritual churches , blues, hard times, good times,Dancing , Romancing, Drugs, You couldn't make it up its just what happened ML
  24. Think this depends to a great degree on how old you are, I would think over 64,s you would perhaps favour the 1960,s under 60's the 1970's it's the timing of the soul had on your hormones growing up would have a major factor on your mindset first Love ect. For instance a lot of those in their 50, s seem to think that the NS scene started when they did and still fail to realise it was at least 10 years before so age of the individual would have a factor on preference if it's down to music made I think the 1960's wins hands down you could say on the other hand that 1960's music ended in 1972 Respects ML

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