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Everything posted by Hooker1951
Picture a world with no more soul events
Hooker1951 replied to Speedlimit's topic in All About the SOUL
Let’s just face the truth there will never be live Soul events ever again, We should all learn to have new interests, Gardening, fishing, more walking, listening to Radio for weather reports etc, no more amphetamine, no more beer, no more seeing you life long friends, no more dancing ,no more memories, Everybody just join the rest of the boring lifestyle of most Human Beings, Sounds terrifying doesn’t it ? Listen Up! Stay positive, Make plans , be prepared with what we’ve got at the moment and then as lockdown eases up add the the ingredients to make Soul Events happen again, You can never stop the Music, Look forward to it and it will happen. Take Care ML -
Are The Mods Responsible For The Northern/rare Soul Scene ?
Hooker1951 replied to arnie j's topic in All About the SOUL
I would say yes, judging from the mod 60,s scene up north where the mods who were into music preferred and danced to Motown Rn B , and club soul from 1964 - 69 and some let’s be honest here some Soul music that was resurrected 15 - 20 years later and claimed for NS, Of course the Mod Scene had influence on what came later not all influence but a considerable measure,The Mod scene didn’t has much crash as transform for the Mods who really loved the music first plus a new young breed who enjoyed the music from a slightly new perspective and it became NS I would say that transformation took place 69-72 depending on your location and love of Music, just my observations, Aren’t we all glad it happened? That’s what really matters isn’t it? Love this Site ML -
Hi Paul Everybody likes there favourite times and Years and I’m with you. With the memories 85 -95 are my favourite years let’s try to get them back LoL ML
Hi Thinksmart I agree it’s way off but time moves on and before you know it, It will be time for the return of live Soul events so I would say it is better to start to prepare with what is possible now, ideas etc and be ready in a positive way to give the Soulies the events they want, KR ML
It seems like the end of Lockdown is in sight, any thoughts on how the Soul Scene can be reintroduced in a safer environment and maybe go for quality events instead of quantity, Using the Lockdown Positively instead of Thinking it was all negative, For instance will it see the end of a lot of all the Tin pot promotions? And a gap for the promoters who care about the Soulies and the music? Maybe this Is the time To put things right?, Nature and Viruses are the great levellers of a host of things, You Sometimes have to make something good come out a something bad what’s happened, Let’s all try to do it with Soul KR ML
Keep Strong Dave for yourself and Pete and God Bless you in this troubled time RIP Pete KR ML
Hi Chalky Some fantastic facts and statistics about Soul in those articles, great reading KR ML
Are The Mods Responsible For The Northern/rare Soul Scene ?
Hooker1951 replied to arnie j's topic in All About the SOUL
Hi Chilli I could write you a book on it if I had the time it was meant to be a generalisation pal from my perspective and what I observed and lived, All I’m stating is that NS or Soul outlasts fashion and trend it’s the music what’s sacrosanct and beats trends and fashion everyday of the week it’s the only thing what’s Constant, I’m old enough to have remembered the original Mod scene and the 79-80 revival and in my humble opinion the original Mod scene made more of a mark , I’m not for one minute trying to steal anybody,s joy who enjoyed the second wave mod movement I’m just saying it the way I seen it, and if it was so different why was it not called something else. Dont forget the Music KR ML -
Are The Mods Responsible For The Northern/rare Soul Scene ?
Hooker1951 replied to arnie j's topic in All About the SOUL
Must beg to differ with you there the Mod scene was in its infancy in 1964 reached its zenith around 1967 I was there, also being an original skinhead by the way in 1969 working on the fairgrounds on what was termed the Soul castle Waltzer I witnessed everything over the years metamorph into different scenes music and fashion for example mods and original skinheads loved and danced to reggae and tamla Club soul etc circa 1964 -71 till like they realised their love of Soul music mattered the most and then tied their love of music to the Soul banner, Parrallel to this happening I worked for over 45 years on virtually every kind of night clubs as a doorman and boss of security with every genre of music even being an MC on the illegal and legal dance scene so I can only comment on my life experiences which were very real trust me, wore the T shirt in fact Dozens of them. Take care ML -
Are The Mods Responsible For The Northern/rare Soul Scene ?
Hooker1951 replied to arnie j's topic in All About the SOUL
They would be part of the second wave of mods which really didn’t catch on music wise to Soul they came in the wake of Quadrophenia Movie which was a pretty superficial scene without its own music and just copying what had happened 15 years before but without any originality, The Original Mod years started late 1963 until 1970 they did prefer the sounds of Tamla, RnB club soul on the whole and there own fashion by 1970 The Skinhead style and Suades style had split the mod movement along with what was left the true lovers of NS the Soulies and we lasted the longest because The Music is Real and Solid and irreplaceable , not like fashion which you can change every week. KR ML -
Are The Mods Responsible For The Northern/rare Soul Scene ?
Hooker1951 replied to arnie j's topic in All About the SOUL
They would be part of the second wave of mods which really didn’t catch on music wise to Soul they came in the wake of Quadrophenia Movie which was a pretty superficial scene without its own music and just copying what had happened 15 years before but without any originality, The Original Mod years started late 1963 until 1970 they did prefer the sounds of Tamla, RnB club soul on the whole and there own fashion by 1970 The Skinhead style and Suades style had split the mod movement along with what was left the true lovers of NS the Soulies and we lasted the longest because The Music is Real and Solid and irreplaceable , not like fashion which you can change every week. KR ML -
I love Solomon Burke’s music in the mid 1960,s He used to be called The King of Rock n Soul, when I DJ,d over the years I used to include Peeping in my sets one of my favourites of Solomon a real solid mover keep Safe ML
Are The Mods Responsible For The Northern/rare Soul Scene ?
Hooker1951 replied to arnie j's topic in All About the SOUL
There was a gradual evolution for some mods to morph into Soulies not every mod ,some mods just liked the look and the fashion the music was secondary to them, In fact I know a lot of early Rockers who loved Soul music, so like everything else the tall flowers grow the music and atmosphere became sacrosanct to the real Soulies the fashion was a bi product and became in some cases a superficial side of NS, what really matters is that the true soul people found what they were looking for and couldn’t get enough of the most fantastic music in the world KR ML -
sad news Little Richard has passed away RIP
Hooker1951 replied to Mickjay33's topic in All About the SOUL
I was blessed that I had the good luck to see Richard live in his pomp and trust me they threw away the mould when he was born the man was magic he was a phenomenon nobody ever could follow him on stage, the energy the sound the voice belonged to another universe, And Remember he was responsible for giving Otis Reading , Jimmy Hendrix, and James Brown their breaks into the big time besides being imitated by the likes of Prince , Michael Jackson, even Elton John etc and dozens more he was and will always be an brilliant original Icon, Rest in Peace Richard Wayne Penniman You were the king of Rock n Roll and RnB There will never be another like you Soul Brother Mick L -
Articles: Hound Dog! The Big Mama Thornton Story
Hooker1951 replied to Windlesoul's topic in Front Page News & Articles
A Great article and what a voice I once read a story by Little Richard where he said Big Mamma and himself had some kind of altercation and she chased him around a venue saying she was going to chop him in pieces he said if she had caught him she would have she was one mean big mamma LoL apparently her drug of choice was embalming fluid but what an artist KR ML -
BBC Four The Story of Ready Steady Go! Documentary
Hooker1951 commented on Mike's article in News Archives
Hi Tam the show was first aired late summer of 1963 around 6.30 Friday evenings it then went to a later time around 10.30 pm for awhile I watched all the shows in 1963 and 64 and didn’t miss many in 65 66 except when in late 66 I was holidaying with HMP, the show was good because it didn’t just play what was current hits ect but also established RnB acts American and British it was a great show highlighting what was going on at the time around the clubs in the UK beside the current hit parade I remember James Brown having nearly a complete show to himself and Otis Reading they were both at their peak at the time, It was a great innovator of a show at the time a great mix of music and the best acts around American and British, it would be great if they could show them all from the Start again but I believe some idiot wiped them probably the same one who wiped Thank your Lucky Stars another treasure chest of memories and music gone forever KR ML -
BBC Four The Story of Ready Steady Go! Documentary
Hooker1951 commented on Mike's article in News Archives
BBC Four The Story of Ready Steady Go! Documentary
Hooker1951 commented on Mike's article in News Archives
Remember the first RSG like it was last week started with the Safaris instrumental I think it was around august 1963 in the middle of the British beat boom but they still managed to bring a good few American acts on I remember The Beatles bringing PJProby across early 1964 him singing Walking the Dog on the show, Great Memories, Ronnettes late 63 ect Mick zJagger singing You’d better Move on A Arthur Alexander classic KR ML -
Somebody put the Snake in my box once and it bit me ML
I had my full play box stolen from my estate car, broke the back window and away with the mixer however they were scallies who didn’t know what they’d got and couldn’t keep their mouths shut, they were spoken too in a sensible way returned the box everything intact plus a new radio and cassette system which they probably would have stolen from some other poor bugger. I was lucky, but I have over the years had around a couple of dozen stolen at different venues, it’s funny but I used to have a second sense about some that were stolen and check my box maybe a week later to find they’d gone. ML
Record Mirror R&B Singles & Albums Charts 19th Feb 1966
Hooker1951 commented on an article in News Archives
I was around.then and you could still play most of those singles at a club soul night and get a good hour pleasing to the audience ML -
I used to have a solid pair of mono decks the sound difference playing mono soul records was fantastic louder, richer more full on if their was a violin playing 3 miles away in the recording you would hear it, ML
Deliberately pitching gigs to clash with other local gig
Hooker1951 replied to Vadnochka's topic in All About the SOUL
It’s been going on for the last 45 years friend it’s a disgrace it’s worse now because their are a lot of watered down cheap sake Soul nights everywhere, the scene today is becoming a parody of what it used to be, It’s bad enough for seasoned Soulies but what chance would new people on the scene have to progress they wouldn’t have a clue what was the way forward unless they are the type which aren’t looking for the real thing and it seems like there are a good few of them. KR ML -
BBC 1 Inside Out - Wigan Casino Segment 10 Feb 2020
Hooker1951 replied to Timillustrator's topic in All About the SOUL
We are all doomed again doomed I tell you I can’t take much more of this it’s just to much ML