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Everything posted by Hooker1951

  1. Hi Roburt Wigan Casino club formally the Empress Ballroom was renamed the Casino in the 1960,s because what was named the Palais at the rear upstairs behind the Empress Ballroom , a club inside of a club later to become Mr M,s was besides being a cabaret club , a fully fledged gambling club , Roulette , Poker all card games etc etc, playing to the early hours mid 1960,s to early 1970,s, I worked there 1971 till 73 and there was still gambling there in 72 up till Mr M,s opening , the same applied to Bolton and Leigh casino and Blackpool Casino and in other North west towns, the venues then after the gambling craze petered out lent themselves to be music venues, some to Cabaret some to a mixed bag of pop , beat, etc and some to Soul etc. Mick L
  2. Your dead right there Dylan been telling them to switch the lights off for the last 40 years, plus leaving doors open , fans switched on all things that kill the atmosphere, all the ingredients that destroy the atmosphere and keep you in reality when your trying to escape it , to be fair in all honesty a lot of people on the scene today haven’t a clue, as regards dancing there s a big difference between gymnastics acrobatics, and feeling the music I know which I prefer but each to their own ML
  3. I’ve got nothing to say about this tune the less said the better
  4. I honestly thought Jerry Butler had been dead around 6.years ago, I’m so glad he stayed with us a while longer a great artist with a great voice.will be remembered forever RiP Jerry ML
  5. I’ve mentioned this one before we had a club in Wigan Room at the Top opened in 1964 a good RnB and mod club ran regular weekly Saturday all nighters from 1965 till 1969, 8pm till 8 am,the crowd there were from Wigan St Helens , n Liverpool I was a regular there from 65 till 68, Geno Washington n the Ram jam band were frequent guest band there in 67 to 68, great memories of great times, cheers Mick L
  6. So what you do , don’t miss on Netflix Americano Primevil 6 episodes of what it was really like in the Wild West , Next time a Mormon knocks on your front door don’t open it LoL Mick L
  7. I never knew Timmy , but read his comments on here many a time, Im sure he will be missed by his family and many friends, and all on this site myself included. RiP Timmy
  8. Hi Stevie its not just the NS all niter scene that’s crumbling the Night time economy of the last 60 years is crumbling, empty venues, empty night clubs , empty pubs, with our scene we’ve got the excuse in a lot of cases of getting old, not taking has many chemicals , bad health or failing health , Seen it done it been there, different priorities like looking after your health and living hopefully a bit longer L ol’, these problems on their own would be enough , add on just more of the same and you’ve got a mountain to climb before you’ve gone through the front door, Memories might be all we have soon, So don’t go losing your memory are you really will be in Shit street, LOL, ML
  9. We are all doomed again double doomed , if this weren’t serious it would be hilarious
  10. Harold Burrage, what a great artist understated and underrated made some great music in his time top RnB Soul man of his time, could do up tempo , mid tempo, and great Soul ballads , amazing he,s been dead 58 years I’m just happy listening to him on any 45 he made LoL, Slipped Master Key on in my sets a good few times at Keele all niter in the early 1990,s, Anyway hope you get your answer on your question Mick
  11. Yes Sam n Dave were there right at the start of my love for Soul music together with Otis, Wilson, etc R I P Sam
  12. It’s on my wish list starting this weekend can’t wait. ML
  13. Will the real JJ Jackson please stand up, both got voices full of Soul ML
  14. Brenton wood had his own style, nice easy going Soul singing that got over to you in a different kind of way, He was excellent at what he did without a doubt definitely had his own niche, Sad news again . R I P Brenton Wood ML
  15. All her best material for me was the the early 1960,s up till 67 it was soul of the time with her stamp on it ML
  16. Watch Nightmare Alley top film , top acting and very atmospheric with Karma like always having the last say, Mick
  17. Fantastic artist and unique , full of soul and a top RnB artist, I used to make them Waltzer cars take off when Soulful dress was played Great memories of proper Soul Singer Mick L R I P. Sugar Pie Desanto
  18. A very merry Christmas to Mike and all who support him with the running of Soul Source and to all the Soul lovers, record collectors, RnB lovers , Doo wop and popcorn fans , Dj,s Dancers, who contribute their views opinions, and knowledge to this site and the music we love, and never forget. ( if you like what you do Keep on doing it) Mick L
  19. Your not wrong there Peter, absolutely Dire Mick
  20. And there were a few Dj,s well known who fell for it, no offence to them but I would not have been one bit fooled with that four vandals sound, I trust A1 has much improved from The Four Vandals effort so some of them might possibly be fooled again LoL, Have a great weekend Mick
  21. Nothing lasts forever but it can be remembered a lot longer than it lasts, Good Soul music like all good music will be remembered longer hopefully forever, but the artists and musicians who made the music are mostly too old and have passed away, It might be and I say Might in a very questionable way that A1 if perfected to replicate the sounds we love and I refer to my particular favourite period of soul music which is circa 1960 to 1975 that A1 will bridge a gap to make sure those sounds and artists will never be forgotten , We know they will never be replaced but it may be a precious tool in keeping the music immortal and the memories immortal. It’s up to the people listening if it is acceptable and we all know that’s going to be a very big ask with the Soul lovers on this site, Let’s hope that A1 just gets better and produces the goods to make it happen, Mick
  22. If A1 carries on improving and the music and vocals are made so they can replicate the perfection and in some cases the imperfections on the best in Soul and RnB and popcorn , it will carry the day for a lot of people if they use there imagination which you would have too, Good Music will always be the winner, wether it’s humans or Robots who make it if it’s not good enough it will never fool the people on this site in a million years anyway , but never say never. Mick
  23. You will never be able to recreate the original sounds from original artists and the musicians, they are from the time and place that existed then , the world was a much different place then , So as time moves on we have lost those people through age or mortality and they can never be brought back to do it again , we can still listen though to the fantastic music and memories they made and that will always be our point of contact. However the future with A1+ is still unknown to where it may end up, if there is a way to enhance and add on or take away from sounds we love and it does capture the music we love and cherish , I’m sure we would recognise that it was good we’ve had enough practise to not be kidded or fooled by pretentious music , it might never happen but I think it’s worth giving it a try if it does get there, After all we will be the judges of that Mick

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