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Everything posted by Nsdancer

  1. Thanks so much for that Mike your a Star=0)
  2. The link worked fine for me. Although after inserting the Album name it's difficult to see any track listing. Says available for shipping from the 7th of Feb. 'Eddie Hubbard' can I please ask where you got the album info from i e the list of artists ? =0)
  3. "...I wear my hat to the side & walk with a limp". I know that's very random, but I couldn't resist it=0)
  4. What a first rate performance. Thank you for posting this. I had no idea she was Cab Calloway's daughter. That's what amazing about this site always learning new info. I love how she's overcome with Enjoy at the end ,knowing she nailed it. I had this 45 on Mgm/Cub? I think that was the label. Magic Tune!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Some Class pictures there, of what looks like a really enjoyable musical performance. You've really captured the moment. Magic Picture!!!
  6. Not heard this track or group before .Class Act ,Wonderful vocal harmonies. Thank you so very much for sharing these wonderful videos=0)
  7. Sorry ,I just re read your original post & saw this ..'am still new to soul.' Another suggestion would be to go on to youtube. There's lots of different Soul playlists which could help you find your niche so to speak & hopefully from that venues that will appeal more to your taste...Just a thought =0)
  8. Hi there=0) You could check out both the Event Playlists - Reviews & Events 'pages' on this site. It could give some insight into what your looking for. You could look for events that are closest to you & contact the organizers to see what there Music policy is. If it's not what your looking for maybe they might be able to point you in the right direction.There may be other websites you might be able to find info on or you could look/ask on facebook... Hope this helps
  9. Thank you for taking the time to write insightful review of the Grimsargh Village Soul Event. Looks & sounds like an excellent night. The best thing for me was putting up the play lists of records where played. Magic thanks again=0)
  10. Sightly off topic...I do enjoy the videos on you tube, where some one has uploaded a tune with a clip from old black & White movie. With dancers like Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers also the Nicolas Brothers. Some times the dancing matches up!
  11. Sorry Okehdownsouth I ment to put yr quote up to give my reply context.100% agree with what you said. I've spend many hours watching videos of dancing on you tube. Yes there is a lot of 'cringe' in those dancing competitions...
  12. 100% agree with what you said. I've spend many hours watching videos of dancing on you tube.
  13. The dancers in this are excellent & are giving there all. Great foot work, spins & acrobatics. What I struggle with is 'what record are they dancing to?' I do not mean the name of the record; I know that's 'a can of worms in itself ' . I mean the way there not locked into the beat & there movements (however great they are & they are great) are not in time with the music. However I am not claiming there's rules to self expression thru dance. People can dance however they wish. My own appreciation of dancing is how much someone becomes one with the Music.
  14. This is an amazing performance in IMHO & it completely blows my mind. The main reason being that she is Actually singing & Not lip sinking . I Love this record not only for it's musical excellent but it's positive message. I first heard it at a Weekender in Yarmouth 1989 (?) on the Saturday afternoon. Hearing it made me feel like I was going to literally take off & fly. I wasn't even dancing. I guess it's in the lyrics ' I'm getting high without even trying'
  15. Nice one Pete !!! your reply made me think of some of the lyrics of the Classic Gene Chandler tune 'Nothing Can Stop me ' "..get my hat I'm checking out..." =0)
  16. I was attending a weekend festival know as 'Strummer Camp' 24 May - 26 May 2019 Oldham Rugby Union Club, Byrth Road, Oldham ..."Each year some friends of the late Joe Strummer best known for being in band 'The Clash' organise a weekend festival in his honour known as 'StrummerCamp'. On the Friday late afternoon/early evening the DJ played Approx 2-3hours of 'Classic Northern'(definitely vinyl 45's) i e The Velours ' I'm Gonna Change', Bobby Paris 'Night Owl', Jackie Wilson 'The Sweetest Feeling' to name a few. Nothing ultra rare or anything like that . I would may be suppose what would come under the umbrella term the 'Top 500'. It was great hearing those tunes in such an unexpected in environment , I would have thought it would have been more of a classic Punk Vibe.
  17. Thanks for sharing. Very much enjoyed it. Interesting to see a different take on 'the music'. I have noticed odd nods to this 'scene' in films like 'Cheech & Chong's Up In Smoke' & also 'The End of the Watch' where I first heard The Delfonics -'Hey Love.
  18. Hi Andrew & thank you for your message. The Sue Catalogue is part of the 'whole package' so to speak. Sorry I am not willing to sell items separate. Best Wishes
  19. I am selling my collection Northern Soul Fanzines & Soul Magazines. I am selling them as a 'Job Lot', so sorry No 'Cherry Picking'. 67 copies of Blues & Soul dating from Nov'71- Sept'79( Please Note that there are 'gaps'). Issues 71,72,74,75,76,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,89,90,91,92,93,97,98,99,102,103,105,107 have 'Folder Holes' in them. Issue 159 is slightly soiled on the edge/s of the magazine, also there is a piece cut out off the back page.Issue 274 has the centre page poster missing(fyi it was of Tina Turner). Some copies have writing on them ie the name of the person who originally bought them,crosswords filled out, odd pen mark here & there. 17 copies of 'Black Music' including the 1st Edition from December '73 -March '1981( Please Note that there are 'gaps') the main bulk of these cover '74,'75.( please note Sept'75 slightly damaged) March .'Soul Survivor' Issues 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 these are in good condition., Voices from the Shadows Issues No.8 & No.10 are in Fine condition. Fanzines -'Shades of Soul' Issues 5,14,16 these are in good condition.'The Owl's Effort' Issues 1-6 these are fine.'Sweet Soul Music' Issue No.6 in good condition. 'Soul Cargo Issue no.7 (1978) in reasonable condition. 'Hot Buttered Soul' Issue No.5 (1972) is in good condition. 'Shout' Issue 108(1976?) is in o k condition.'Soul Sounds' Issue 12 sorry don't know the year. 'New Soul Time' Issue 2 . All in all there's 109 magazines/fanzines. Also I'm throwing in some freebs ie Sue Records Catalogue plus other miscellaneous items. I spend some time on the net researching prices etc It worked out at Approx £487. I am asking £300, that works out at just under £3.00 per item. Please No Time wasters. You can contact via email barry1966@tiscali.co.uk ps I don't live far from Manchester City Centre.

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