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Everything posted by Foxman

  1. Pm'd you mate. Is this one you have to sell?
  2. Hey folks, A few wants here. May not be able to snag em all but figured I'd list em all the same. They don't need to be immaculate (label condition no concern for me) as long as they play nice and loud for dj and radio. Can deal with the odd crackle etc. Please message if you have any listed below to sell. First come (with the best price), first served. -Evie Sands “You’ve Got Me Uptight” (Blue Cat) Issue is fine, doesn't necessarily need to be a demo. -Young Jessie "You Were Meant For Me/Mary Lou" (Mercury) Black or green label not fussed either way. Can't really afford a minter so vg+ playing condition is fine with this one as long as the price reasonable. -Mac Rebennack “Storm Warning” (Rex) Again, happy with vg+ if there's nothin better. Tune's rough as guts anyways. -Wess “Heart Breaker” (Durium/Vergara, not the French pressing though) Cheers Adam PS: If anyone's got Billy Emerson on Constellation let me know. Still after that one.
  3. Wow. For one in that condition that's a pretty good price. If you're selling that and I strike out on Rosa Lee Brooks I'll get in touch.
  4. Hey folks, First off, apologies to admins if I should have just amended my Rosa Lee Brooks valuation post and added these to that one. Message me if there's any drama. Anyways, got some money coming in the next fortnight and looking for a current valuation on these two (if in case a Rosa Lee Brooks doesn't turn up, although these ones are pretty tough finds no less): -Toni and the Showmen "Try My Love" (Ten Star) -Charles Spurling "Let Me Be (A Stepping Soul) - blue or yellow label, figure yellow's more. Figure they're a bit under the Rosa Lee Brooks value which I think is around 500-600. Cheers in advance for any assistance. Adam
  5. Thanks Mark. Sorry I didn't see this sooner (didn't get a notification for some reason). Alan did mention that one on a facebook group yesterday and I figured it'd be somewhere around the 500-600 mark. Tax refund coming soon so scouting for a price so I know how much to put aside. Hopefully I can get one before it goes up any higher as a lot of these tunes do. Cheers Adam
  6. Hey folks, Just after a current valuation for Rosa Lee Brooks "Utee" on Revis, preferably for those graded vg+ and above. I have seen a couple on discogs but compared to others I've seen the asking prices have been well over the top (in excess of 800ukp etc which, to be fair, it shouldn't get up to that). That said, I know it's a tough one. Hoping to get help on a reasonable price before I put out a want add. Cheers Adam
  7. Hey folks, Still after this one. On review, may have been off the mark with the price so if anybody's got one to sell, hit me up with a decent price and I'll consider it. Cheers again Adam
  8. Heya folks, After a vg+ (playing condition) 45 of Gene McDaniels "Sweet Lover No More" on Columbia. Please message if you've got one to sell and include paypal details, postage to Australia and asking price (no offers, sorry). Cash at the ready for a decent price. Cheers! Adam
  9. Hey there folks, After a vg+ or better copy of Lonnie Brooks "Demonstrating" (Chirrup). Will pay £30 for a decent copy. Please message if you've got one to sell and please include postage to Australia. Failing that, still after: Floyd Newman "Frog Stomp" (Stax) Billy Emerson "Aunt Molly" (Constellation) Both worth about the same. If anyone has either of those please let me know. Cheers Adam
  10. Hey folks, After a play-graded vg+ or better copy of Floyd Newman "Sassy/Frog Stomp" on Stax. Last one I saw sold went for about $35USD and that one was super clean and white label earlier this year. Happy to pay that price for a decent copy. If you've got one to sell please message me with PayPal details, postage to Australia and asking price. Cheers Adam
  11. Just the one for today: Lee Moses "She's a Bad Girl/Dark End of the Street" (Gates) plays NM. £75. PayPal as gift, posting from Australia. Please message if interested. Cheers! Adam
  12. Hey folks, Got three more to sell for today: Jimmy Castor “Block Party/It’s What You Give” (Jet Set) looks VG plays EX 30GBP Joy Lovejoy “In Orbit/Uh Hum” (Chess UK) EX 40GBP Andy Mack “Later Than You Think/Do You Wanta Go” (Chess) EX 30GBP Paypal as gift, posting from Australia. Please message if interested. Cheers! Adam
  13. Four to go for now. All EX playing grade unless specified. PayPal as gift, posting from Australia. PM if interested. Cheers! - Frank Dell "Baby You've Got It/Need" (Valise) £50 - Vernon Garrett "Second to None/Love Has Caught Me" (Venture) £20 VG+ - Barbara Carr "Don't Knock Love/Think About It Baby" (Chess) £20 - OV Wright "I Love the Way You Love/Blowin' in the Wind" (Back Beat) £20
  14. Hey there folks, Been a while so gonna try for this one again: Looking for Billy the kid Emerson "Aunt Molly" on Constellation. Vg+ or better playing condition will do. Please message me with postage to Australia and asking price if you've got one to sell. Cheers. Adam
  15. Hey there folks, After a decent copy of Sonny Holliday "School Days/Baby Baby" on Constellation. White label or blue, not fussed either way. If you've got one to sell for a decent price please message me with paypal details and postage to Australia. Seen a couple online but overpriced for their grade methinks. Last one I saw auctioned off earlier this year for $33USD ($44AUD) and that was a near minter. Ok to pay up to $50AUD for a vg+ or better copy. Cheers Adam
  16. Hey folks, Been ages so thought I'd give this one another try. After Billy the kid Emerson "Aunt Molly" on Constellation. Vg+ or better will do. If you've got one to sell please message me with postage to Australia and asking price. Average is around $60AUD at the moment. Cheers Adam
  17. Hey there folks, After a vg+ or better copy of Rumblers "Soulful Jerk" on Downey. Will pay up to £50 for a better than decent copy. Please message with postage to Australia if you've got one to sell. Cheers Adam
  18. Hey folks, Looking for a vg+ or better copy of: Ike and Tina Turner "I Wish My Dream Would Come True/Flee Flee Fla" on Kent. Please PM with postage to Australia if you've got one to sell for a good price. Cheers! Adam
  19. Sorted for Billie Poole.
  20. Hey there folks, Couple I’m looking for, please PM with fair price and postage to Australia if you have either (or both) of these to sell: Billy “the kid” Emerson "AuntMolly” (Constellation) Billie Poole “Them Blues” (Riverside) Cheers! Adam
  21. Yeah I did consider that.
  22. Thanks Greg. Thing is I'm not necessarily chasing this one, just very keen to know what on earth it is. I'll do everyone a favour a spare them my opinion on the subject of cover-ups. I actually do know the cat who has this 45 (lives in my town) but never bothered to ask directly. Holds these kinda things closeto his chest. (Not that Perth's a particularly large or competitive scene mind you.) Cheers Adam
  23. The telltale "C/U" next to it on playlists. But hey, could just be the title that needs uncovering.
  24. Nobody knows this? Not even the Divine Gospel fellow? Anyone know the details feel free to post em here (or pm if you're protective of the ol' cover-ups).
  25. Hey folks, Simple query although maybe not so simple to answer: what it the actual artist and title of this tune? (Note: it's not Reverend John "We Gonna Have a Time".) Hope someone can help. Many thanks in advance! Cheers Adam

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