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Everything posted by Lionelonthevinyl

  1. I agree horses for courses!! I personally think everything sounds better with lyrics...doesn't mean I'm right (I am!!)....have great debates with my friends who love an instrumental....it matters not...we all love the same thing...Thank you...Rob
  2. What if the weather was rubbish?? Great idea if it's lovely and sunny...Rob
  3. These records were played at soul do,s....if yes???? there truly awful...Thank you...Rob
  4. Now that's a cover up combination Ian, brilliant!!!...why cover it, it's garbage!! Apologies to people who like it...I listened to it the other day to make sure of my dislike...yep, utter rubbish...Rob
  5. Tim tam and the turn ons...wait a minute....I can't stand it....if posted already I'm sorry...Kind rsgards...Rob
  6. Massive knowledge on Wigan Mr Freeman!! Great stuff...Thank you...Rob
  7. Sammy lee - what goes around on promco....a Russ W spin I believe? Sorry if it's been posted...thank.you...Rob
  8. Bloomin heck...Willie Tee £1548... I know it's the rarer label but seems a lot to me?? Thank you for posting every week, great stuff....Rob
  9. It wouldn't be from people on the scene....has anyone ever watched something on you tube that you know nothing about and felt like you need to leave an abusive message??? The answer will be no of course not, why would you...absolute idiots who do stuff like that..real sad nobodys..better to laugh at them..sorry rant over but it makes my blood boil!!!! Keep safe.. Rob
  10. Dont know the chap but seen him at Nuneaton a couple of times filming...a pleasant chap and certainly not intrusive...always interesting videos to watch unless you saw yourself and thought on god what a mess wish him well and there's no allowing for nob heads, there everywhere...Thank you...Rob
  11. I've never seen one for sale from memory. Will go for serious money I would imagine...way to fast for me to dance to...I can just about cope with a beat ballad...Thank you for sharing....Rob
  12. Nuneaton pingles disco, either to Dobie Gray--out on the floor or, Willie Mitchel-the champion....had a little slide about....I still do the same dance!!! Happy days...Kind regards...Rob. P.s.. moved onto the outrigger in Brum when I was a bit older.
  13. Bloomin heck...Is Willie Tee £1500 now?? Or even £1000 seems a lot to me?? This could be the going rate for tnis, I've lost touch a bit but didn't think this much!!..Thank you...Rob
  14. I've got a 50 count box that Paul (soul shaw) made for me...it's excellent!! There beautifully made, highly recommend his work. Kind regards...Rob
  15. I reckon it was copied and put on vinyl but not booted as in a replica label to try to reproduce it. Could be wrong.....Thank you...Rob
  16. Was that cheap for a cashhmeres? Don't know the condition though...Thank you..Rob
  17. Some great stuff played as normal (the ones I know anyway) thank you for posting....Rob
  18. Very nice playlist. As I said before Freddy, still think connie is the best side to sweet magic...a great play list never the less...thank you for posting......Rob. p.s ascots...another day...in my top 5 records, sublime tune.
  19. Blooming heck..mad..Rob
  20. Call me old fashioned and I really have no idea how these things work but....could you not take deposits, pre orders, see where you are and borrow a few quid from the bank? This book is obviously finished or as near as damn it....might be talking out my derrière!!!...thank you...Rob
  21. Oh I see. Thank you Russ. ashame if it doesn't make it. I would definitely buy it but I'm always very sceptical about giving ££ before hand, I'm a Luddite . As Chris mentioned before some of the guys who have written, been involved with books would have a punt on it. I will watch with interest...kind regards, Rob
  22. Apologies if I'm sounding really stupid but, if you pay your money and the amount isn't reached, what happens to your cash??....thank you....Rob
  23. Bought this for a fiver ages ago, really like it. My mates were most surprised saying, your not into modern soul!! Always bought what I like, quality cheap record in my opinion. Kind regards...Rob This is a really old thread, but still a great record.
  24. A great mix...still prefer connie to the sweet magic side but only my opinion...great play list, thank you for sharing...kind regards...Rob
  25. The auction finishes then disappears....always been like that. Not great when you want to see finishing prices, but that's how they do it...I've contacted them before about end prices and they have always mailed back with the price of said record...kind regards...Rob

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