Well said Mr Freeman, a lovely tribute....I met Ralph at one of your great co\op nights moaning about the dj,s messing about with the sound system!! He was stood at the back next to me...I said 'it sounds great to me'...he was ' no it's all wrong' ...bless him, he never stopped moaning but he was there at the start and super knowledgeable. It was the start of a friendship, and still txt each other till the last few months before his passing, remember him playing 'The Drifters ' Pour your little heart out ' at the co/op and cleared the floor....first time I'd heard it and not sure about it... turned into a massive play!! Also heard him play 'living in the past' the flip of fireman by vala regan at a rare under played night, had massive interest as no one had listened to it fab tune.....he was a one off, love him or not, he knew his stuff!! Thank you for all the chats and your lesson to me and Boff when we dj,d twice at pure soul!! Rest in soul my friend.....Rob