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Everything posted by Lionelonthevinyl

  1. What's the point of messing people about? If you want the record buy it, if not dont. Any thing I've bought off here is always as described and if there is a problem I'm sure it would be sorted......Rob
  2. I have an old record box that has the 3rrd to 6th anniversary casino badges on, the small casino round badge with soul written in some blue hearts, a talk of the north all nighter badge, Whitchurch all dayer 1976 anniversary badge, a st Ives 1st anniversary badge and some other Wigan oldies badges etc. all original. Someone offered me £200 for it! Thought they were drunk or taken to many chemicals. Forgot to mention the 7th anniversary badge inside the lid. Not for sale but interesting thread to me.....Rob
  3. Sounds a great idea and will make interesting reading. I hope if and when the time comes you can find one for sale, and its not gone even more expensive! Good luck..
  4. Also by EddieSpencer on Canadian arc but think this is about £150?
  5. Yes it's another one with a jittery start.....Rob
  6. John Poole played this at hinckley last night. Dunno which he has but the skip was there. I've never heard one without. Great tune never the less!.....Rob
  7. I thought the same as you, and the prices given are mainly bottom end for most of these tunes.......Rob
  8. Have sent you pm.
  9. Have seen a miradon with the artist credited on the lable, would this be a boot?
  10. Oh yeah sorry. Would definitely be played but only at home......Rob
  11. The professionals-that's why I love you-groove city. I've always loved it and could buy it (at a push ) but the wife thinks its a total waste of money, bless her. She finds this soul thing/collecting rather strange. And buying this one could end in divorce!.......Rob
  12. Thank you for the info dave, think that seller was telling a porkie......atb..Rob
  13. From memory it was stated that it was the 1st copy for sale for 4 years, and didn't think it was a duffer. I was surprised how cheap it was.
  14. Did one not go last September for under a thousand? Poss didn't make its reserve if not.
  15. Would definitely like to read that. Someone told me last year that jethro the great dancer from Wigan was writing one. Sorry cant remember who told me and never saw jethro dance, but have obviously heard of him. Would prob be a good read as well. Sorry to go slightly off thread....rob
  16. After how many years, and still one of the best about! Can't be questioned with the tunes that he's broke. But to be fair some of the above aren't his best.
  17. Jerry ganey-just a fool-on verve! Been done loads this, but this is my fave.
  18. Hi boff...I would say £100ish. But could be wrong!! All the best Rob
  19. When we were kids i stopped my mate from asking for a new one he had heard called "black pudding" . It was barefootin that he had listened to by Robert Parker!!! Like was said earlier, stupid and thick, bless him.
  20. Sent payment. Thank you
  21. Pmd you
  22. Will do bri, top c.d this mate, worth the slight flesh wound to play it.
  23. Put a nasty cut on my finger trying to open it. But what a great c.d. (When I'd stemmed the bleeding!!)

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