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Everything posted by Lionelonthevinyl

  1. K Wynder Frog, Green Door, done by Shakin Stephens!!! Has that been done??? From memory it's been covered loads but shakey done the biz!!! thank you...Rob
  2. That's 100% the one to have!! (A rare beast) .... Thank you....Rob
  3. Simon & Garfunkle cover.....Rob
  4. I knew someone would answer more eloquentently than me!! Thank you Frankie!! ...Rob
  5. It's massively wonky!!!! But brilliant, perfect soul tune!! Last Don Gardner was 20k, Junior Mcants 15k (allegedly) maybe 16k is about right?? A fantastic record if you love soul music....if you don't, and don't get it, it would sound horrendous!! Thank you.. Rob P.s no idea about 1and 2 but it's certainly rare!
  6. Was the MVP,S,,,,,,,,a bit spenny?? No ones mentioned it so presume not??? Thank you Rob
  7. Carol & Gerri....both sides are fantaste! Thank you...Rob
  8. Mello Souls- We can make it......takes some beating I think...thank you....Rob
  9. My criteria is the same as the above, mostly. I go to a fantastic rare and under played event and it's generally poorly attended! The music is mint...considering everyone seems to want to hear new stuff, why does no one attend these?? Just my thoughts, great thread, thank you...Rob
  10. Out of interest, if you bought it, found out it was a boot, could you get a refund? Thank you. Rob
  11. The boots don't have the ARP stamp. And as mentioned by Lee, stubborn heart sits lower on the originals not with txt missing through the middle....a boot, a decent one but it's just not right. Thank you Rob
  12. A niter tune for sure!! Would like to see John Westons playlist and Les Normans, if you could bully them into it please?? Thank you, great records....Rob
  13. I can't help you I'm afraid, sorry. But I've heard it on lots of occasions. It's rare I believe but certainly copies around. There are lots of people (not always the big name dj,s) who have seriously good collections. Possibly heard Rob Gray play it who i don't think you would know? Thank you Rob Also heard Rob Gray play Sandy Golden, now thats a rare mega tune!!!
  14. Heard this plenty of times....great record though!! Thank you...Rob (At rare under played events)
  15. Agreed, but why do it? Obviously they don't have better things to do....it's always been a case of who owns what though,, but now you have social media I suppose you can really show off...thank you, Rob
  16. So you mean.....advertised at a highly inflated price with no intention of selling? A willy swinging competition? Thank you....Rob
  17. Fred Perry was an ivy league look that the original, very early mods wore, as was lacoste I believe? I've stopped wearing Fred Perry as it's so bloody expensive!! Thank you...Rob
  18. Who doesn't like a vest to wear at any gathering?? A family meal, a beer with your dad on a sunday? Or just relaxing at home, it's a winner!!! Not for me but crack on if you think it's necessary..thank you...Rob
  19. Seems fairly recently, in the last year?? On Mr Manships as well. A great record to me and very rare...although the chap on here who put Al Williams on and the masqueraders in the last 24hrs, with a few weeks ago Don Gardner....maybe there common????...thank you Rob
  20. Well done Mal, and good luck!!!!...Rob
  21. Agreed.....bonkers! Thank you....Rob
  22. Totally agree, was a good night music wise and a good laugh to boot!! Thank you...Rob
  23. For the love of god thank you for posting.....Rob
  24. Was the Ascots a decent price folks?? Top 10 tune for me. I know it wasn't the best copy but no one mentioned it, presuming it's on the money??? Thank you....Rob
  25. Yay!!! I'm not absolutely mad!! Thank you both for replying back.....Rob Mind you.... Some great records on Mr Searlings play list, thank you for posting Chalks.

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