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Everything posted by Lionelonthevinyl

  1. Gilly my friend...please, please please have all these stories written down and put them into a book, memoirs or anything for people to read..your a truely nice bloke with fantastic knowledge and an even better memory!!....always enjoy our chats over a ciggie outside the do's I see you at, very educational matey....kind regards...Rob. p.s Nicola is a lovely girl as well....she also knows her stuff!....drive me mad you pair, but pick up some fab tunes from your knowledge!
  2. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!!.....Rob
  3. Ha-ha.....this must of happened to everyone......"big frank & the essences" springs to mind...£125 m-...just missed out on set sale...."will soon drop on one of these" I thought.....hmmmm, maybe not....another was "masqueraders" "how"....wanted to shell £500 on a minter but the wife said "no chance" about to go on hols....these weren't so long ago....probably 5 years?....its bloomin gone mad!...oh well, don't moan....prices to buy are high but your getting mega money when you sell.....good thread...thank you...Rob p.s these just spring to mind but there are plenty!
  4. I used to love the debates after joe's posts....yes you can see what they sold for on jm's site...but the arguments/debates on here made great reading...(Pete smiths sorely missed imho)...they were the same thing every week...who pays that much...over priced....good luck to jm for realising them prices....always the same, but entertaining never the less......on that note I never see the end of Anglo American auctions...finish when I'm at work and disappears....would love the result to be posted every month.....kind regards....Rob
  5. One for sale on here 2hours ago £650 ono.....kind regards....Rob
  6. A great read, thank you very much chalky & Larry banks, top job boys!.......the servicemen are legendary!......thank you again.......Rob
  7. How you fathomed out those lyrics from listening I have no idea.....I was going to post exactly the same song as Mick....it's a great tune but strangely I had no idea what was being sung....great work Simon.....kind regards...Rob
  8. Pure soul, Nuneaton is a fab rare under played night, friendly and the tunes are excellent.... (not sure where you live, so maybe a bit to far to travel to a do finishing at 1.15).....Kind regards....Rob P.s.....sorry, just seen your from Bristol, long way to travel to nuneatom.
  9. At a guess are the auctioneers chasing the winning bidder for the £.... and then possibly waiting for the payment to clear....Just a thought.....Kind regards...Rob
  10. If it's JM, Tim Brown or Pat Brady it must be a rare blip....they have been selling/auctioning for ever so problems would of been flagged up on here ages ago....Darren Brown I've heard good reports about as well...not sure about others...kind regards....Rob
  11. To us guys & girls over here who love the now rare soul scene, it's fascinating hearing from you....you probably won't get it, understand it, as it was a job, a great time after your military service....but to the mad, possibly obsessive (definitely!!) people into rare soul we find it fascinating....thank you...Rob
  12. Good point Russ....I have to say I'm surprised that 10k were pressed to start with, let alone 2nd & 3rd presses so very interesting......mind you I have absolutely no idea about record runs, pressing plants etc!....kind regards...Rob
  13. Great stuff.....thank you for the info and slight insight....can't wait for more!......Rob
  14. Can't wait for some stories from you!.....myself like everyone else on here loves hearing tales from the original guys and girls who made the music we all love...............does anybody know how many copies of connie/sweet magic were pressed on the chartmaker label?......thank you....Rob
  15. Same here frankie....great double sider.....connie the side for me.....not kissing ass but the servicemen never made a bad record.....great to see mr larry banks posting on here, amazing!......kind regards....Rob.
  16. Paramount four....you don't know.....is fetching good money now...not rare just in demand..there are lots and lots of records that aren't rare but get great money....Sam dees....lonely for you baby is a good example.....kind regards.....Rob
  17. I relate "stompers" to soul music....I relate "bangers" to sausages....kind regards....Rob
  18. Fantastic set.....great mixture of records....pure soul.....pure class.....Rob B
  19. There is a m demo on Pat Brady's site.....good luck....Rob
  20. Outstanding as ever Rob!.......wasn't there on this occasion but this is the standard of the records played.....you never know what's coming next!....massive oldie, under played tune you've not heard for ages, the odd cross over record...a cheapie you have never heard....probably scared to ask what it is, but always do, these guys share there vast knowledge with you and make you most, most welcome.....Mr Rob Gray . I doff my cap to you, your lovely wife Lynn, and every one involved in this little club.....well worth a visit.....kind regards to all.....Rob Bull. p.s definitely the best side of the cashmere in my very humble opinion!....and nice to see you gave a few of your shrine records an airing....mad what you have!
  21. These sets happen every time rob gray plays.......unbelievable collection of records.....not gone to far into his collection with those....pure soul is the business, well worth travelling to have a listen to the records the residents play...this months guest was Phil Shields....wallop!....amazing!.....another fine collection and a great set played...friendly place, with people who want to hear some new things mixed in with some top end oldies.....worth a visit....kind regards...Rob
  22. Chuck Jackson, o'jays, and a list to long to write down never made a bad record...kind regards and a happy Easter to all.....Rob. ( never heard that one though thank you for posting)
  23. Gotta be 400+ but possibly way more depending on day week on e.bay...and God only knows if you gave it mr manship in that condition prob 700+ I would imagine...only guessing with today's mad prices....thank you...Rob
  24. Ha-ha.....I thought you were being derogatory to the Scottish...."I blame the jocks"...was gonna say I read the play lists from Scotland and theres some good stuff being played....it wasn't until the 2nd paragraph the penny dropped!....back to the topic....absolute madness...as mentioned I presume there gonna try a repair job....what will it play like afterwards?...interested to know....not for one minute would I go near it...but would it play through with perhaps a light click every turn? Got no idea......thank you Rob

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