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Everything posted by Lionelonthevinyl

  1. Some cracking stuff there from "the tosspots". Thank you for posting...kind regards...Rob
  2. Cov legend!!!! You won the f.a cup final mate with your team in 87... I support Spurs and watched it with my family who are cov fans....good luck...what a game matey!! We have spoken before about this...good taste in music as well Micky..sorry to be off topic...kind regards....Rob
  3. Regarding the break away niter in Bristol to the original all niter in Bristol....I can pretty much guarantee its politics, a fall out about something.. They will now have a 50/50 ( possibly less or more ) going to each.. I'm nothing to do with either but that's how it seems to work with us lot...kind regards...Rob
  4. Ha-ha...Sounds good to me...my kind of night..bet it's ticket only..3 at that ( and one deceased )...Rob
  5. Bad time to post this after mr roberts....only been a few times to kings hall but always rammed, and I mean packed!!....rugby busy, great atmosphere, co/op Nuneaton the same...though mr freeman has been testing the water with 70.s niters which is refreshing to me although not everyone's thing......it's all relative, pick where you want..rare, underplayed never gonna be so busy...people love the oldies nights...I'm not bothered...really enjoy your night where ever..after all we are all into the same thing, don't judge, enjoy!!...kind regards....Rob
  6. There's one on jm,s auction and one on Darren Browns raresoul45,s auction as well. Hope that helps a little...good luck..Rob
  7. I would love to read a thread on the tales of Bub....I know he was a massive character ( from what I've read )... Sounds hilarious to me.....thank you....Rob
  8. Love charlene & soul serenaders "can you win" .... Not for everyone but I love it. Thank you for posting your list. Kind regards.....Rob
  9. I personally thank you for posting this up. I'm not on any other forum, face book etc so would never of known ( though I would of heard ) if wasn't looking on soul source....the whole scene loves a moan...even at oldies nights you can hear " can't believe he/she is playing this" even though it's a very well known record....anyway thank you again..kind regards...Rob.
  10. It's gotta be £700 you never see it, and it's a minter so possibly the £800 you stated. It's the best condition one I've seen..very nice...gotta be a jm auction piece??... Good luck Ray...kind regards....Rob
  11. Heard a few of your opening sets at the co/op and in my experience you start the night off excellently...another good set..thank you for posting.......kind regards....Rob. p.s give the others a nudge to post there play lists.
  12. Some good stuff there...love Danny Woods, not played out much. And my favourite side of the cashmeres....thank you for sharing....kind regards....Rob
  13. I sold one to Des Parker (soul inc) a few weeks ago, he may still have it. Worth a p.m....if not should be easy enough to pick up....good luck...Rob
  14. Nice work Pete.....doh!!
  15. Professionals....that's why I love you....to the best of my knowledge they can't remember recording it...and it's my favourite record....definitely done in one take, it has everything..and what it's all about for me...kind regards...Rob
  16. Ha-ha it's about right but each to there own, I don't judge or really care. If you had a baracuta Harrington stolen it's an expensive jacket.....actually anything stolen is well out of order and not good....mind you years ago they would steal anything, records out your bag, coats etc....you get dick heads everywhere unfortunately........Rob
  17. Great find....you have had some amazing stuff pass through your hands Pete (for yourself and others)....is the idea to get it up for sale through mr manship at some point. Thank you.....Rob
  18. Wow.....lots of names I've never heard (and obviously lots that I have)....never knew mr Levine was a guest dj at Wigan...are some of the lesser known dj names still about on the scene?? (I obviously know the ones that are)...kind regards..Rob
  19. Jerry ganey....just a fool, on verve for me....ha-ha...the outrigger in brum happy days...kind regards....Rob
  20. Sold my boot the same as yours for £80 last year on e.bay......Rob ( might of been £87 )
  21. Hi ted....this might be on discogs......kind regards...Rob
  22. Your knowledge and memory are amazing Robb, your an interesting chap....what's old these days...can remember when someone reached 80 it was amazing, seems like the norm now....keep posting, it's good reading, thank you..Rob
  23. I'm lost with price these days matey.....you sort of start taking £1000 records as the norm....it's nuts!! Brilliant but nuts.........Rob
  24. Wow....deep pockets for Gwen Owens, but what a record!!! Very interesting on the condition report about not playing it with a straight arm record player...thank you for taking over posting jm,s auction results...kind regards...Rob
  25. If you look at the birthdays at the bottom of the forums section there are loads of folk well into there 60s. Are they still active at events etc I'm not sure....I would say your still just a slip of a lad and good luck to to you if your still enjoying it. I have to say that at events/niters there seems lots who are well into there 60,s even 70s, but I know the scene does take it out of you so there possibly a lot younger!!! Kind regards....Rob

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