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Everything posted by Lionelonthevinyl

  1. deleted as couldn't insert photo.
  2. No one needs to explain there musical taste to anybody, it's what makes the world go round....you like what you like...I've tried to explain about the rare soul scene to some of my mates....always ends in...there only rare because they didn't sell and weren't popular!!! Who's to argue...horses for courses...doesn't affect me or them...it's just opinion and taste...each to there own I say.....kind regards.....Rob
  3. I've been following this thread and all the records mentioned, I've heard at all the under played rare soul do,s .......you don't get many folk at these but the music is always brilliant.....each to there own but how about Eddie Holman...Hold me in your arms on grapevine...heard this played by Gillys better half Nicola at a little do I go to.....picked up for a tenner....it's a tad dearer now....each to there own...kind regards...Rob
  4. It's amazing me...it's going nuts!!! Some very expensive records there, lots of which we can all remember at reachable prices...its bloomin bonkers, but great if your selling..will they keep going up??..thank you team for posting the e.bay big sales..kind regards Rob
  5. Please don't take offence but I can see who Donald Trump mirrored his hair do on when looking at the young ladies coiffeur in the photo. It's a proper work of art....kind regards..Rob
  6. 1st saw it Steve for about £35/40....thats when it came to my attention anyway. I'm from the midlands so makes sense it was played at Leicester (before my time) and maybe known up here more than elsewhere earlier?? Thank you....Rob
  7. Couldn't of put it any better...spot on....Rob
  8. I love the diversity...every miss fit and there mates are at niters and most soul do,s...be good...Rob
  9. Will be in Devon October I think, but unfortunately my wife finds us all bonkers being so mad about the music we love!! And if you get it your addicted!! As I posted earlier I never judge (one of my better points)...long haired, shaved haired, scruffy bugger, mods what ever...we are all into it for the music, it's an amazing scene I think, got someone once telling me about the stuff he had on tic-tac,,(ric-tic) bless him..never gonna cause me any bother, nice chap really...thank you..Rob
  10. Known this for years...thought everyone did....it's gone up in price the last few years so it's collectable to a good few...great record imo....kind regards Rob. p.s...it must be you south west lot!!!!.. (It's my favourite place the south west so don't take offence!!)
  11. One on Pat Brady's....its £150 though!! good luck.....Rob
  12. At a do last night and having a ciggie With a a couple of chaps one being a big friend the other being Dave Rimmer, both chatting about going cleethorpes, and both having been every one for 26 years!!.. Most of the most knowledgeable folk I know don't do fashion, silly clothes, and a lot are scruffy buggers..but god they know there soul music and with amazing record collections!!!...never judge, appreciate everyone ( and there are some very strange folk on the niter scene) and enjoy....you will talk to people who know naff all. There harmless, listen and nod bless em.....thank you..Rob
  13. To the best of my knowledge and reading as much as possible about this record........no one knows who they are....one of my favourite double sided tunes....fantastic,, and I doubt anyone can say for definite who these ladies are....kind regards and have a great weekend......Rob
  14. Vala regan....living in the past, flip side to fireman, great record!!!!...good double sider to be fair....thank you...Rob
  15. Marge Dodson....be your baby.....decca been about for years but never been a big play for how good it is imo charles perry....how can I keep from from crying.....magnum/mutt & jeff Again never hear it. thank you....Rob
  16. That's a very valid point Steve!!!!......ive also said to a dj when he finished "loved it when you played ????? Sounded great, fitted in really well" to be told "that wasn't me it was the dj before me!"... I'm noticing a definite pattern!!!!!!.....Rob
  17. I once went up to ask for a request, waited patiently for the dj to come over and when he did I had totally forgotten what I wanted him to play!!! What a plonker!! God I get myself in some messes....thank you.....Rob
  18. A great mix again Ian and thank you for taking the time to post....not missed the anniversary do for years but unfortunately I picked up a bug and was in bed by 9, gutted!!......thank you...Rob
  19. Furthest I've got Karl is looking in the charity shops in Paignton, Devon......gotta start somewhere!! Did find a couple of four tops albums if I remember right!!....thank you matey.....Rob
  20. What a great report...thank you...fancy going South Africa and doing the garden route. Look forward to Octobers revelations!.........Rob
  21. Thank you for posting. Good call on playing both sides of the cashmeres. Nice to see Danny woods getting played out its a fab record. Might have to txt Mr R Grey to see if I can scrounge a lift over to this do, looks good...thank you...Rob
  22. Totally agree Mal....is this just an age thing? Thank you....Rob and I believe we are both 46ish!!
  23. Dave Eyles is playing at pure soul in Nuneaton in April. I'm looking forward to hearing him, heard good things...it's a rare, underplayed club so he can do what he wants, my kind of night but not for everyone...lots of oldies are great and should be included in sets...lovely to hear lots of new stuff though....kind regards...Rob. p.s never heard a bad set from mr massey, he has one or two good records!!
  24. Gotta be the professionals " that's why I love you " always will be my favourite record ....It has everything.....mind you you I've liked everyone's choices...theres some great records, cheap, expensive, just great.....thank you....Rob
  25. You have told me this story Gilly but didn't want to post it, it's far better when you do mr godins accent, hilarious!!.. Thank you........Rob

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