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Timbo58 last won the day on January 24

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About Timbo58

  • Birthday 06/03/1965

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    Willie Dale 'let your light shine'

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    Promotor of west wilts soul since 2017, Been to plenty of events up & down the country as well as Italy, France, Checia, Crotia, Greece.

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  1. TBF we use these for DJing regularly, but we always stop rotation to cue in of course. I can see they'd be no use for mixing/scratching as they are far too grippy.
  2. Having had crimynal slipmats (great quality, accurate printing & fair price) in the past, the only thing I find wrong with that type of slipmat is they can be too 'smooth' and allow discs to slip if you don't use a clamp. Also being a bit too much of a perfectionist for sound quality I did read a few articles which claimed the absolute best mats for protection against slip and sound quality/protection of the vinyl were actually the thick rubber mats that Technics come with originally. So I now use them.
  3. Personally I've always felt that if a DJ clears the floor that's perfectly OK initially, but to keep it clear record after record for an entire set is almost certainly the promotors fault in booking a completely unsuitable guest (or resident!). I'm not a fan of 'the dancefloor dictates' or 'look at us -we've sold all the tickets!' type events as the vast majority are simply catering to the least fussy audience. That's perfectly fine if your idea of 'success' is measured in £££s of course. As for advertising events truthfully & clearly -I'm absolutely in favour of that, but all too often the ones that promise they're 'keeping the faith' wouldn't know what 'the faith' was even if it came with a colouring in set & crayons.
    A real 'must do' Terrific event. Proper old school authentic WMC. no fancy nonsense here but 24 carat authenticity! decent floor, nicely polished well maintained parquet. Cheapest bar we’ve seen for many years, friendly crew & friendly venue staff too! but it’s the tunes that matter - and we were treated to some of the very best you’ll ever hear! Not just that, but a thoughtful selection of residents & guests whose enthusiastic passion for rare soul shines through. there’s lots of competition in this neck of the woods on every day we found, but those who aren’t prepared to settle for ‘the same old’ will find their journeys amply rewarded by giving this event your time. we’ll be back. Tim & Katie west wilts soul club
  4. Terrific event. Proper old school authentic WMC. no fancy nonsense here but 24 carat authenticity! decent floor, nicely polished well maintained parquet. Cheapest bar we’ve seen for many years, friendly crew & friendly venue staff too! but it’s the tunes that matter - and we were treated to some of the very best you’ll ever hear! Not just that, but a thoughtful selection of residents & guests whose enthusiastic passion for rare soul shines through. there’s lots of competition in this neck of the woods on every day we found, but those who aren’t prepared to settle for ‘the same old’ will find their journeys amply rewarded by giving this event your time. we’ll be back. Tim & Katie west wilts soul club edit: I have copied this to the reviews tab. I placed it in comments in error, and only noticed when back on my desktop!
  5. Is there anyone who has actually released a previously unreleased VINYL track(s), as in an individual person or a soul club/events organiser? NOT a record company or business, just an individual fan/club of fans. i.e. Where the disc is actually genuinely licensed and regarded as original vinyl, not some random carver/boot or re-hash of a previously recorded track, or a compilation of re-issues. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is the 'Soul in the sun' Tommy Hunt disc on 'Loughborough soul club'.
  6. As far as I am aware in simple terms you need 2 separate things to make any release legit : 1. The MCPS mechanical license 2. The permission from the present owner of the recorded work(s). If you don't have both then it's not legally anything -issued/reissued, it is a BOOT. Just as I'm an inquisitive sort I've checked the MCPS database and yes, it has been applied for, but is noted as 'unnotified' which means it isn't currently registered on the PRS database for who gets royalties. As for the original works owners it'll be who ever now owns the rights to united records.
  7. There's a lot of truth in that Sarge. I genuinely envy those who really don't care about the music format/policy, the facilities (no dance floor etc), and think they have it all - often local events round the corner and no travelling involved unless it's once a year to 'insert major mainstream event here', they can enjoy themselves and have a party with like minded souls anywhere at any time. It's not for me, although I see the appeal -for people our age it's a safe space of familiar music with (usually) people the same age, often in a social club where bar prices are low enough to make it worth going out.
  8. Personally 2 & 3 for us, and if we start to get jaded by hearing 'the same old' we simply start going further afield.
  9. Our 1st time at this new venue for the Swansea mafia. What a hidden gem! Cheap bar, lovely 2 roomed venue -high ceilings great acoustics and the floor! Proper sprung dancefloor -and no one can fail to notice how gorgeous it is! Highly polished, super bouncy and full for the majority of the night too. It was a 2 hour each way slog for us, in the worst weather I've seen in years on the return journey -but worth every mile. Hats off to the Soul Mafia, this is an event worthy of the superb line up and wall to wall proper week in week out soulies that attend. We'll be back.
  10. Condolences for your wife Al. It's a fractious topic but I'll tread carefully, as we all have our own preferences & prejudices. The rare/Northern scene nowadays (perhaps always?) is split into varying degrees from strict original vinyl only right down to digital formats at the opposite ends. I'd guess 'the circuit' you were on is still there, although it has become much smaller since it's now very fashionable to do the retro thing and boast about being 'vinyl only', possibly to differentiate themselves from the digital offering or because it's what a lot of returning soul fans have grown up with and are familiar with. On the point of carvers & other bootlegs - its probably a fact that 90% of the audience either don't care or don't know it isn't 'legit'. Some promotors & punters alike will give leeway to big name DJs for playing all sorts of dodgy stuff, some won't. I'd say if you want to put events on then go for it, there's an audience for anything and it's undeniable that NS is the new 'thing' with pubs & clubs tripping over themselves to host events to sell their beer. There is an audience for every type of offering, one might argue that the less 'strict' it is in terms of music format, dancefloor etiquette etc the more accessible it is for newbies/day trippers and the casual music fan. It's the same as all marketing - target the right audience & good luck.
  11. Absolutely superb line up and music to match in this great venue which has been holding rare soul events for decades. My hat comes off to Tony & Pete for a string of excellent events with across the board proper rare soul -not the usual run of the mill but thoughtful inclusions of records seldom heard. Top quality lads!
  12. It's pretty simple IMHO, enjoy yourself, respect others. Respecting others is easy enough -don't drink on the dancefloor, don't chuck talc about and try to respect others dance space, ignore the few events where you don't very clearly see that sort of respect immediately. I'm on the fence with dance classes, the best seem to simply help to boost confidence and show how specific moves can be done, which isn't a bad thing, but some seem to be 'cashing in' which is never a good thing IMHO. As for where to see decent dancers -any established proper allnighter or if you can't stretch to those, then any established local event with a decent promotor will usually have a smattering of decent dancers and you'll be able quickly to pick up good habits there also. TBF the scene is a great deal bigger than just dancers -and I'd far rather see someone lost in the music and oblivious to anything else than someone who has all the moves but nothing alight in themselves. As for older people being 'protectionist' -it can feel like that, but very few saying it are doing so malevolently. Most of the comments are as a result the more embarrassing pastiches that seem to crop up when a previously largely underground scene starts to attract newcomers and it & they then see this sort of behaviour and think it's ok or even desirable to repeat it, its happened on the Mod scene & the scooter scene in the last 10-20 years also, and is generally not younger people at all -but an influx of the middle aged looking for events they can dress up & attend trying to fit in, which is quite clearly not what 90% then do -ie fit in. The best way to see the real soul scene is TRAVEL, very few of us are lucky to have a 1st rate allnighter on their doorstep, so travelling and going to various events will very quickly show you the etiquette and plenty of top class people -dancers. collectors, DJs and all round good eggs.
  13. In a separate room, yes. Not otherwise. Just my personal preference anyway.

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