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Everything posted by Deegee

  1. ...What's really floated your musical boat in this stifling heat? Doesn't have to be rare, just good! TONE
  2. Couldnt put it any better than that. But I do like a good old sing!!
  3. Deegee


    Cool pics Andy Ive met Amma (above) she's lovely! Denise
  4. Deegee

    guatemalan fruit

  5. Deegee

    rsg @ westcott social

    anHow far from Guatamala? Roughly. In kilometers please. aaaa16500km or 10250 miles give or take the odd 10km or so, that is from Aylsebury to Guatamala City.... aaaaaanJon Buck aaaansorry no discount for South American Indians.... aan aaaano bugger, better set off then - its a bit of a walk eh?
  6. Deegee

    rsg @ westcott social

    to give you an idea of mileage....Westcott is 60 odd miles from Birmingham....26 Miles From Hemel....45 Miles From Reading....38 miles from Bedford.... How far from Guatamala? Roughly. In kilometers please.
  7. Thanks everyone These, and all the memories from the the other thread have been kindly printed off by Sian and we have 16 pages of tributes for the family today. Cheers Denise xx
  8. Ditto plus Matt Smart, Keith Money, Kenny Burrell, Dave Rimmer, Dave Raistrick, Roger Banks, Adam, Trevski, the list is really endless cos Id get bored listening to the same dj all the time. But then I wasnt "allowed" to go to dos in the earlier days so never heard the 70's/80's ones so talking about the last four years. I couldnt pick one between them tho. ooh and Mick H and Gooey Hennigan! and..........
  9. Hi Everyone, I thought Id start a thread to pay tribute to Nige where anyone who met/knew him could post up stories involving him or even just how they met him. His parents didnt really know all his friends so they think this is a good idea. I will print them off and give them to Nige B. at the funeral and he can share them with the family .(so, not too rude!) I didnt know him very well but had a right laugh at Tina and Fudge's party with him where not only did we put the worlds to right, he played "I go to pieces" and we sang it along very loudly much to the amusement of Karl and Debbie Rhodes. We werent drunk - honest!! Come on, give us your stories!! Denise xx P.S. I have ok'd this with his sister through Mandy (Thanks Mandy)
  10. I take at least three tops!
  11. O God, Im so sorry. Only met Nige a few times and what a lovely man he was. My thoughts are with his family and close friends. RIP darlin. Denise
  12. I note from your title that you have an 'E' missing - hope you find it
  13. my son is walking round the house now singing the Ray C version, though he thinks my music is shi*te!! I'l brainwash him yet!!
  14. Cheers simsy - been trawling for a week now to find out!!
  15. Was listening to some tunes on my computer the other night and found this tune which I thought was great, but only have the title of it - Ive got a woman. Any ideas you clever lot? ive_got_a_woman.mp3 My 16 year old son then pointed out that Kanye West has ripped this and mixed it as Golddigger!! Anyone know where I can get a copy? Denise x
  16. My older sister and her friend used to make me listen to motown when I was 12 because we shared a bedroom. If I brought anything home that wasnt "mod" my sister showed me the error of my ways and disposed of my records!! I went on to go out with scooterists/soulies who also listened to the music but never took me to do's because they were "out with the lads" !! Eventually my sister moved on and away from soul but her friend didnt and about four years ago she asked me if Id like to go to a soul do, which I did and have never looked back. She is now my best mate (Sian) and I go to more do's than her now! Cheers Sian Denise

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