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About Deegee

  • Birthday 11/06/1968

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Midlands, England
  • Interests
    Quoits, ,dancing. extreme knitting, fried egg juggling, roundabout spotting, polka dot counting, water devining, extreme transit van pot-holing.
  • Top Soul Sound
    too many

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  1. All Danced Out Posted by Ganche, 16 June 2009 I knew by the glorious sunshine on the way to Cleethorpes that the weekend was gonna be a blinder. I wasnt wrong. Kylee and I had a pretty easy journey to Lincolnshire and in fact, chatted so much we we... Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  2. Tonight, gonna stay up til dawn and play tunes to annoy the neighbours.
  3. Deegee

    Rugby Allniter

    photos by my neice - Amy lol, il get me own camera one day..
  4. Deegee

    Rugby Soul Club

    great night - pics by derek palmer
  5. Im playing...
  6. All Danced Out Posted by Ganche, 16 June 2009 I knew by the glorious sunshine on the way to Cleethorpes that the weekend was gonna be a blinder. I wasnt wrong. Kylee and I had a pretty easy journey to Lincolnshire and in fact, chatted so much we were there before we knew it. After the usual shinnanigans of who was sleeping where we got to the venue about halfway through Sue Brick's and Amanda's set. That started us off in great style, fantastic set girls Friday night is great for "settling in" - meeting all those folks from various locations far and wide, getting a feel for the place, you know....but this year I was tempted early on onto the dancefloor (after you had infiltrated the wall of people packing the floor) I love to watch the dancers at Cleggy - its like all the best ones are there and when you stand back and look at em it looks fantastic...all that passion....great stuff. Simsy also presented Bearsy with his SSFFL winner's medal and his beaming face when he got it had me laughing. Classic tune after classic tune and about 10 pints later we fell giggling into the caravan about 4.00am - having decided to take it easy the first night! Karime nearly made it to bed...the top half of her body on the bed....her legs on the ladder of the bunk-bed!!! where she happily snoozed!! Saturdays hangover started about 10 and we managed to crawl round to the cafe (sunglasses firmly glued on), eat their excuse for a breakfast and fall back into bed again.. As usual I missed all the daytime offerings opting to save myself for the niter session....so we chilled and swapped stories happily til it was time to go out again. Saturday night was even more buzzing, we were all dancing, and warming up ready for the performers to come on. Jesse Davis wowed us with a few numbers. I loved his version of Stormy and he sang Hang on in there girl (one of my faves) without one note out of place. He went down a treat. He was followed by the beaming smile that is Melvin Davis who equally wowed us with his offerings. It seemed the singers were on for no time at all because I was enjoying it so much. Afterwards all I remember is dancin me socks off and getting totally obliterated.....I think we left about 4.30 while we could still walk Sunday was chill out time, again, there was no way I was leaving my bed... so left the partying til the evening . Kylee and I got dressed up as the "soul police" complete with various tools of our trade...a tape measure to see if the djs had 7 inches or 12 and to check for "regulation" flares! talc for the floor, a beer towel to mop sweaty brows, a magnifying glass to check for boots, and of course, 6-inch stillettos!!and various other things....the boys seemed to favour the latex gloves and ky jelly the most - funnily enough When we came out of the ladies we walked slap bang into Melvin, Jesse and entourage who laughed with us (or maybe at us!) and were pleasantly surprised how many had taken up the fancy dress challenge. Even Ady who was dressed as a bear and little Sonny in matching outfit!! He was adorable - the baby that is....later saw the rest of the croasdell bear family dressed in pink. We did a bit of detective work as we were on duty, (although we were happy to be bribed with drinks!) checked out Dave and Rogers records with great care!! Measued flares and coshed various criminals with our pink squeaky trunchons!! Most blokes asked to be handcuffed but we preferred the "old style" of policing by giving them a clip round the ear. We had great fun all evening but found dancing in those shoes quite a hazardous task! By 12 oclock the magic fairy came and took away my magic dancing feet and gave me my bad back again so I retired for the evening. Many thanks to Ady for putting all this together (and every one else involved) Its like getting the whole soul family out together - fantastic. But my special thanks go to Karime, Kylee, Ian, Paul and Derek who made perfect trailer companions. Roll on next year!! Denise xx
  7. Deegee


    Two of the nicest blokes on the scene......long time no see.xx
  8. Deegee


    upton-upon-severn@ the Cruiser Bar
  9. According to the BBC the vinyl single is 60 today........... https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/pict...ngle/html/1.stm
  10. New night, details to follow in events talk....
  11. Deegee

    Move on! Rare Soul Night

  12. Deegee

    Rugby Allniter

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