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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Anyone with one of these to sell? No idea of value I'm afraid. If anyone can advise that would be great. Cheers Stuart
  2. Good evening Soul source. Please pm me with the price and condition if you are willing to part with a copy of the above record. Thanks in advance Stuart
  3. A short q and a was published by the organisers of the Movin on weekender in Barcelona. It can be found on the Facebook thread for the event in November last year.
  4. Hello Des Id like to take the summits. As you say superb1
  5. For the record, I think Andrew Wilson's acadenic work here is excellent and insightful and would recommend it.
  6. THE LOST FAMILY BLOW MY MIND Innovation II copy please. Please PM with price and condition Cheers
  7. Wanted for good home. Please pm with price and condition. I would estimate price range 350 to 500 gbp depending on condition.
  8. Hello I bought this a little while ago for just a couple of pounds. I assumed it was some sort of re-issue but I've seen someone advertise this at three figures. Google searches dont really tell the story. Can anyone help me determine the legitamacy or otherwise of this record? Thanks in advance. Stuart
  9. Something strange here. I cursory Google search would enable anyone to identify this as something other than the highly valued original. Someone is being conned but it may not be in the obvious way we might assume. Really marvellous record though. Where was it first played etc?
  10. Threads such as this are very valuable to new collectors. Thanks to all that contribute in this way.
  11. Charity is a fundamentally flawed concept and the realm of the misguided and mallicious. This person appears to be both.
  12. All reasonable trades considered. Thanks in advance. The Superbs - Go for what you know / The wind is blowing - Dore 771 (VG+) 30th Anniversary Special 6T 25. Jackie Day - Get to steppin / Larry Banks and Jaibo - My life is no better (M-)
  13. A absolutely brilliant night. No intelopers, no talc, no fancy dress. Serious, sweaty, edgy, well organised, music superbly curated by dj's worthy of the title.
  14. I remember the term being applied to a particular sound the emerged in the very late 80's. Things like Bobby Brown's 'don't be cruel' is the most high profile example of what I'm on about. Seems it may have been used differently in different regions. Clausel is brilliant but I just thought of it as a bit slow...plodder is a good description of the sound and the associated dancing but I don't think that's a very marketable word.
  15. What is the record box of choice for discerning record collectors and DJ's? I tried to buy a case recently and was a bit disappointed with what was available in either shops or via the internet. Any recommendations? PS I'm sure this isn't the ideal forum but it did seem the most appropriate. Cheers Stuart
  16. The section on how to use the 'music media' known as vinyl is particularly pointless. I suspect some of this is deliberaty crass.
  17. I'm seeking a M- copy. Estimate £40 - £50 Please PM any response. Thanks
  18. Very good question Nick prompting some interesting responses. My route was direct and in short through my good friends the Jackson brother's tapes supplied by Adam Mitchell and Robin Salter in the early 80s. Then Sam and Arthur at Nottingham's Rock City when I actually broke Hull's city limits. As we've discussed before a lot of great music played in that era. It seems we have been in a post modern era for a while. There is comparitively little contemporary music that sits comfortably with the heritage which is why I think current 'modern' rooms are unappealing to many who observe them from the periphery (me included). Those involved seem to enjoy it and that's what its all about really.
  19. Great story. Really uplifting in an understated sort of way I think.
  20. Please state your price and condition in line with the Soul Source grading system. Many thanks
  21. This has probably been done before but I wonder if people wouldn't mind sharing their insight.... I was thinking about Paul Weller's cover of 'If I could only be sure' and how it was a redeeming feature of his album Studio 150 and I began to wonder how many other artists had covered relatively obscure NS records. 'Tainted Love' Soft Cell is perhaps the obvious example of a pop artist bringing a soul record to the attention of the wider record buying public. What other examples can people think of?
  22. For me dancing is a very important part of my relationship with the music. I think most dancers are in their own world with the music and it can be quite a spiritual thing. When someone is dancing this way they deserve a bit of respect. Wondering about the dancefloor with a pint, bad lindyhopping with aged partner, being pissed on the floor, dancing like your a Hull KR Cheerleader are all disrespectful acts. People who fail to respect the dancefloor should be fined £3 per offence.
  23. It is difficult to make predictions in terms of the future size of the market. Globalisation means that there are many people who may yet become fanatical about the music and the sub-cultural identity that comes with Northern Soul. It seems to me that their is something in the creativity of the artists involved, particularly between 61 - 81, that is universal and inimitable. A demand to listen and understand this period of creativity in black music will always be present. How people will consume it is another matter. I would guess that original vinyl copies of the most interesting music will only become more and more valuable. High priced rareities with little artistic value or historical interest will fall. If their of high quality musically and rare your on to a winner. People still want a penny black in mint condition but you can't post a letter with it.
  24. Jim, My story and purchase policy is similar to yours except I've only just started collecting again. My ambition is to put on an event sometime in the future. I quite like just playing them at home. I find it an antidote to technology overload. Stuart
  25. I'd send him a completely different record back and await his manic response.

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