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Mark W

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Everything posted by Mark W

  1. Exactly, there are none there! Quite rare imho, the offer stands
  2. I'll give you £125 for it no problem, don't see this very often.
  3. Be interested to know if there is a demo. The issue I've got, and every other I've heard, is pressed slightly off centre. Makes you feel like the trip is begining when you hear it. Anyone got one not pressed off centre?
  4. Did anyone ever go to Sax's?
  5. Ghetto Boys- Handwriting on the wall- Tarx Debonairs- Please come back baby- Soul Click James Carpenter- Marriage is only a state of mind- Topper unissued(Kent CD) Larry Williams- This old heart of mine is so lonely-Okeh Fitting the bill me thinks...
  6. "One way love" played late eighties by Colin Law covered as Lou D Washington. Foolishly sold mine for £40 early nineties , only seen a few since.
  7. Certainly were, a tape went round Edinburgh at the time with that lot on it, re-living the Chesterfield (Winding Wheel?) every time I got in my car!
  8. I think we can add the New Wanderers double sider (currently with it's own thread which obviously reminded me) to this 500, somewhere near the top I would suggest.
  9. Thornton Sisters "I Keep forgettin'" Walter Wilson "Love keep me crying" Wes Oliver "Keep the faith" Joan Baker "Everybodys Talkin" ( Bettty Lavette and The Big Wheel c/u) Out-A-Sights "For the rest of my life" (Sammy Cambell and the Del Larks c/u) Debonaires "Please come back baby" (Johnny Moffet and the Tempos c/u) James Wesley Smith "Talkin' bout women" Four Larks "You need love" Virtue acetate Lonnette "Blue Jeans" (Thelma Lavern Come back someday c/u) What about the Michigan Move did Guy first play that after Stafford? Charmaines "Standing in the need of love" April & Blackwood acetate Maxine Brown "Torture" Corrections welcome if requied, I missed Stafford by a year!
  10. Didn't you post on SS some time ago you were in touch with Miles Grayson and ask for questions for him? Did that happen?
  11. 1990 I bought a collection and done a lot of sell/trade/buying with it. Done a deal with Pat Brady and got Delites "Lover" for cash and trades valuing at £500. I still lived with my folks at the time, my old man worked shifts and always signed for any post when the rest of us were at work. So I told him I had a big record coming and to be sure to be careful, keep the package away from radiators and the dog, etc. That arrived, no problems and into my "good" box it went. Now this "good" box was a new one my brother, a joiner, had made for me. It was a single row for 7" with a bit of space under the lid which can have a few laid horizontally. The new "good" box was complete but had not had the handle screwed onto the lid. As mentioned earlier my old man worked shifts which meant he was often pottering about the house for things to do during the day. A couple of days after my Delites had arrived I was working near home and popped back for my dinner. The old man was sitting in the house looking fucking grey! "Whats up with you, look like you've seen a ghost?" I ask him. "Err, I've made a massive balls up, I'm so sorry I don't know what to say,your gonna go bloody mental about this. I thought I'd put the handle on that box your brother made but a screw went right through the wood and cracked the record that was lying flat on the top of the pile." I just started pissing myself laughing as I realised what he was thinking. Turns out my old man had done his "little job on the record box" and assumed that the one lying on top of the pile was my newest arrival! This was first thing in the morning and he'd been sweating for hours about it . It was actually the Four Exceptions "You got the power" which was a shame to lose, but not a problem in the scale of things.
  12. You forgetting about another one Lenny? What about the time you got out your motor, put the copy of Pat Lewis "Look at what.." that had been bought the night before onto the driver seat, said bye to us then jumped back in the motor right on top of it Sorry to cast up painfull memories
  13. Cheers Ted, confirmation someone nearly bought a very expensive boot!
  14. Seen a Monarch Test Press of "Meet me halfway" finish on Ebay at over £500 with the reserve not met. I've got one of those Monarch test presses which has, along with bacon frying horribly over the music, TS 6016 etched in the run out. There is a delta number but it has been scratched over on both sides by some chancer trying to disguise it's age as these were, I believe, done at the same time as the boot. Just to confirm these are boots could the fortunate owner of a real Tayster copy give us the deadwax details. And could the not so fortunate owner of a Tayster boot give us the details from that. Cheers, Mark.
  15. What are Snaps and Al Tigro tracks like?
  16. Sorry to bore ya, one last bump, it's a deal, it's a steal it's sale of the f.....
  17. Geno Washington now sold.
  18. Soundclips added. Brenda_and_Sentries_MP3.mp3 LA_Rays_both_sides.mp3 Henry_Strogin_Misery.mp3 Geno_Washington_Understanding.mp3
  19. Kenny Carter now sold.
  20. As I said, priced to sell
  21. PM me if interested in any of these. Happy customers or full refund. P&P £1.50 signed for, £4 special delivery. Paypal or cheque. Thanks for looking, Mark. Kenny Carter "Gotta get myself together" RCA w/d , ex, £60 SOLD LA Rays "Yesterday & you"/"Woman like you" Arlen, ex+, £40 Henry Strogin " Misery" Hank, ex+, £20 Vontastics "Never let your love grow cold" St Lawrence, ex+, £30 Geno Washington " Understanding" Congress w/d, ex+, £10 SOLD Brenda & The Sentries "Don't make me lie" Bee, ex+, £100 This is how Anglo American described this at the start of their auction in 2006; OCT- E BRENDA & THE SENTRIES DON'T MAKE ME LIE BEE 101 VG++ £300 So obscure I can't believe they made it! Tiny Philly label, one of the big records for Ian Levine before he vanished again. Great girl group.
  22. Remember Keb playing Walter Wilson late eighties, no idea if it was a cut or proper release he had.
  23. I had to retract a bid from this guy recently for a W/D of Freddie Houston "If I had known." The price was looking good and I jumped in with the beer goggles on. In the sober light of day the "not original" part of the description became visible to me! Seen a few since on his auctions that I never knew had been booted either.

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