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Mark W

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Everything posted by Mark W

  1. 1990 I bought a collection and done a lot of sell/trade/buying with it. Done a deal with Pat Brady and got Delites "Lover" for cash and trades valuing at £500. I still lived with my folks at the time, my old man worked shifts and always signed for any post when the rest of us were at work. So I told him I had a big record coming and to be sure to be careful, keep the package away from radiators and the dog, etc. That arrived, no problems and into my "good" box it went. Now this "good" box was a new one my brother, a joiner, had made for me. It was a single row for 7" with a bit of space under the lid which can have a few laid horizontally. The new "good" box was complete but had not had the handle screwed onto the lid. As mentioned earlier my old man worked shifts which meant he was often pottering about the house for things to do during the day. A couple of days after my Delites had arrived I was working near home and popped back for my dinner. The old man was sitting in the house looking fucking grey! "Whats up with you, look like you've seen a ghost?" I ask him. "Err, I've made a massive balls up, I'm so sorry I don't know what to say,your gonna go bloody mental about this. I thought I'd put the handle on that box your brother made but a screw went right through the wood and cracked the record that was lying flat on the top of the pile." I just started pissing myself laughing as I realised what he was thinking. Turns out my old man had done his "little job on the record box" and assumed that the one lying on top of the pile was my newest arrival! This was first thing in the morning and he'd been sweating for hours about it . It was actually the Four Exceptions "You got the power" which was a shame to lose, but not a problem in the scale of things
  2. I bought one of that batch from Richard Domar in late 80's. Suspicion on one side and Marvin Gaye "Killin Me" (now known as Love starved heart) on the other side. He had one of those you have at the time as well which my mate bought. He only had 1 copy of each though, as I tried to get Gladys / Temps also but it had gone.
  3. That's the one, I bought it from Rob back then as the Ambers. Read an article on, I think Soulful kinda music(?), about April & Blackwood acetates saying this was an unissued Chancellors Capcity track which seemed plausible enough, but can't say for sure who it is. Those tapes you mention were in a class of their own for quality unknowns.
  4. It goes like...... mp3 Removed - Site Rules
  5. Version of Gene Latter, no artist credited but believed to be unissued Chancellors track. 60s recording of "Black wings.." single sided.
  6. Guy H used to play the Grand Prixs "Roar of the crowd" which I'm sure was on Tina(?). Wasn't a massive record but fairly popular for a while at the end of Soultown era at Blackburn. Record was white sounding as I recall it. Got a soundclip of this one you mention?
  7. Floorshakers LP was first I bought from HMV in Edinburgh. Had just started going to a few Soul nights when I picked this up and it was the start of Kent leading the way for me with quality Northern. In my early days getting into the music used to buy an lp for a particular track or artist I'd heard. Testament to the quality of the compilation that I always ended up hooked on the whole album. Best for me were Floorshakers, Footstompers and Torture.
  8. Is this the same group who done "Gotta find a new love" and "I can feel it" , version of which came out on Benn X reissue?? Have a cut of those from early 90's with the superior (not Benn X) version of GFANL. Thought at the time to be unissued studio tape only, but from thread on here in past seems there are a couple of original Mercury acetates with those tracks on. A soundclip would be nice of this one, but could understand if you didn't fancy that idea.
  9. PM'd you
  10. PM'd you
  11. Not 100% certain, but, I'm pretty sure Mark Linton had this around the time of Allanton niters, anyone confirm??
  12. Were they having a laugh when Veep put out a track by Willie and the Handjives???
  13. Alright Alan, Was indeed the Citations. Same title, different song played at the same time was Wes Oliver on Starfire. Both were on THAT tape!
  14. PM me if you read this Alan or someone send me a mobile number please, Cheers, Mark.
  15. Looking forward to this. Got an Ebay message back from the man, get those questions ready....
  16. Tape of Keb's big players done the rounds in Edinburgh in late eighties, all current (or shit rare and underplayed) and all brilliant. Included Danny Moore Charmaines" Standing..." April Blackwood acetate Honeybees C/U (Tina Roberts - Security) Tempos C/U (Debonairs- Soul Click) Springers JD Bryant Cairos Eddie Daye & 4 Bars Deadbeats James Wesley Smith-Angeltown Ty Karim- Romark Wes Oliver-Starfire Sequins- Get away-unissued Sammy Campbell C/U (Out-a-sights -Saru) Betty Turner-Crescent Joe Hicks I Gotta be free-AGC Fabulous Impacts acetate (Moments-Hog) Dynamic 3- Delval Walter Wilson-Wand And so on... Now that was THE tape!
  17. First played '87, surely that IS the test of time well and truly passed??? Great memories of this at Tony's Empress in Blackburn, G Davis and R Tyler, fantastic Northern IMO.
  18. Remember early 90's when the rumour was there had been a quantity find of the Executive Four. Seen a few then around £400, seems that rumour was wrong!
  19. https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SIDNEY-BARNES-ember-...A1%7C240%3A1318 Have a listen, !!
  20. First one is an April & Blackwood acetate, "Sing everybody sing", unissued and one off I believe. Rob used to credit it to Van McCoy when he played it.
  21. Shirley Finney Every Day People JAS 515 Other side is Bacharach song What the world needs now
  22. When we ran the Claremont soul do's in Edinburgh, one night in mid 90's Sam was booked to play for us. He double booked with Winsford(?) nighter and rather than let us down, he came to Edinburgh to do 10-11 then legged it south again to do his nighter booking. A true proffesional for ya
  23. Jim Nabbie Look here girl RPI Midtempo track which I think was c/u as Jesse Davis, although not sure if it was a Keb spin.

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