All of the above, brilliant niter tunes...I'll add one which I only heard recently and blew my mind, constantly playing on YouTube Kim Weston " Fancy meeting you here" - utter brilliance!!
About 1984-85, that little book type list with tiny print put out by Richard Domar...Sent away my SAE after seeing the advert in Echoes when I was first getting into the scene. That showed Not all the stories of prices back in the day are good with hindsight. In that book / list was the Feathers "Trying to get to you" on Team for £100. Remember seeing that and dying to hear it... Then I did, oh dear! On a positive note got loads of £1 and £2 shots from the list phoning back week after week.
Its readily available on legit rerelease, so well preserved. Think there are 3 labels it's available on, including one of Lou Barreto's.
The fact it's an acetate makes it even better for me as it's the only original format.
I reckon it's a myth about acetates deteriorating, no worse than styrene imho. I had an audiodisc acetate with an alternate take of "Black wings..." By Hayes Cotton which I kicked the arse out of for years on various decks and it never lost sound quality to any great degree. Fact of getting a one off studio disc of a tune of immense quality makes the Gloria Jones acetate a very tasty item I'd suggest
The sales pitch certainly said it was original; "filed at Dore in LA for 50 years" "authentic 1967 studio acetate" I was taking those statements on face value...would love to hear the whole provenance story though
Just seen that the original studio acetate of Gloria Jones " Gone with the wind is my love" finished at £670!!
Don't know if I'm more shocked or gutted, I reckoned it would have went for a few £K easily so never followed the auction...would have had a go at it around that price.
Just me or does that seem like a spectacular bargain?
Just listed these mega rarities on the Bay...
Joe Hicks "I gotta be free" AGC used to hammer this when I played out, proper Northern that's never been overplayed with the bonus of "Don't it make you feel funky" on the other side.
Delites...speaks for itself!
The original issue is obvious, but what about the demos?
I've seen demos with the same label design as the issue and a variant with the horse between the letters of Colt.
Which demo is the real one?
Couple of bits n pieces for sale on the Bay here and See other items
I remember around that time my mate bought one of those black and white label acetates from a big dealer for £500, the song? "She's Wanted" no less! When he showed me it I said the same thing about black white being unusual having only ever seen the yellow and blue. The whole thing just seemed wrong, minty single side acetate of a monster record, £500 was a lot of cash but cheap for that at the time. The other thing was it being on a sales list, surely it wouldn't have made on to a list, a big dealer would have had a queue of regular buyers for that. My mate phoned the dealer and got his cash back without too much debate....bit suspicious, eh!
Can't see eBay doing anything about. Maybe they would deal with a specific complaint if a buyer sussed they had been stung and wasn't getting any joy on a refund, but general policing isn't going to happen I'd reckon. Would be a good job being the guru passing judgement on the listings though!! Having said that there is so much shite tagged with "northern soul" these days it would soon become suicidally tedious! Like you say, buyers need to be doing their homework, buying acetates is a tricky business. If it looks too good to be true, it ain't...
I'm amazed at that, thought it would have been double that. Recent times on eBay Rita and tiaras goes for 2.5k, phonetics just a boys dream goes for 3k, same as Damon fox. Those 2 are epic records in their own right, but not the same league as Packin Up, a true big time rarity, maybe even...can we say it, is it?? Dare say ho, ho holy grail !!!
Sold mine on here replying to Wants for £ 2.5k about 18 months ago, thought that was top dollar at the time, apparently not....Quality tunes just keep rising
I started going in the mid 80s, so Cecil Washington was an oldie by the time I heard it too, but I'd say it sums up what northern soul is. Still a spiritual experience every time I hear it!
Surprised to hear it wasn't easy to shift, I've hardly ever seen it for sale. Remember seeing the Virtue acetate in Butch's sales box at Shotts. They are both cracking records, but different leagues in rarity as I see it and cause I'm biased to the Arctic sound H+B much more desirable to me. Delreys is going up and up, vogue like you say I'd agree
Put me down for any of the usual outraged cliches for the Delreys Inc.
Honey and the Bees was low for the way John's auction goes.
If I could have swopped my Delreys Inc for that Arctic killer of a tune I would have been amazed!