Is there a recording out there of the interview that Guy and Chris King done on radio1? Sure it was a Saturday afternoon when they’d played the niter at Bilston near Edinburgh on the Friday. Think the only 2 tracks played were Yvonne Vernee and Eric&Vikings. Would be 86 if I remember correctly
Great seeing that SOS again...glad I was out by a factor of 10 on the box count, seems my £250 purchase of a copy from Out-a-site in the 90's did get me a rare record after all
Martin Koppel wrote an article in Shades of Soul, late 80's, where he mentions being shown a box of 1000 copies by a dealer in Detroit. Goes on to say that at his next visit there the dealer claimed to have sold them all to (I think) someone in Europe. Anyone got that article?
Just relisted this at £250 starting....seems I was a bit optimistic on the last listing!!!
Nice original here for ya.....
Listed this one today, conservative grading as ever....,
Just listed a nice EX- original on the Bay, 7 day listing.
Just listed these for a week
Bilston Allnighter , Edinburgh March day round and round in my head
"ooh ooh-ah ah, ooh-ah ah"
atmospheric haunting echo, loved it that night before I knew what it was and still pretty much somes up what it's all about to me...
Hmm, now you mention that I'm wondering if the track was Teamettes trying to get to you, not the Festhers... Could be a bit of haze in the memory...not impossible thinking about a list from 1984 right enough!!!Never know now s'pose unless someone's got an that old list ??