Agree completely with these views, Ebay is open, public and the market decides for itself. If you think a record is over-priced, simple , don't buy it. I totally disagree with mailing people to say things are over-priced, if someone can't be arsed to do a bit of research before throwing thier cash around then thats thier problem.
A few examples for your perusal.....
I put a demo of Mel Williams- Burn Baby Burn onto the Bay last year, got about 3 bids and sold for about 350 ish. A couple of months ago the less rare issue was sold by a US based seller for about 650 with 17 or so bids. That is closer to Manship's guide.I have 100% feedback and live in Edinburgh so easier to buy from,no import tax,etc..
Same batch of sales as Mel W, I had a defo (daisystamp) original of Alexander Patten, issue. This failed to meet the 150 reserve. A month or so back seen one go for over 300!
Should I have been mailing all the bidders on these records bleating IT'S NOT FAIR? Don't think so. The market does decide itself, if you score, good luck to you, if it goes the other way, tough shit!