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Mark W

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Everything posted by Mark W

  1. Ralph Graham " You had to hurt someone" on Upfront, played covered up as Gene Mcdaniels. Flip of "She just sits there." Soulfull as they come.
  2. I bought one of these from Mick Smith at a record fair mid 80's, remember him claiming this was the only 7" release of Helpless.
  3. Its in my mind somewhere but I can't drag it out . I'll probably wake up tonight shouting it out
  4. Few Kittens tracks already mentioned, "Is it over baby" is thier best IMO, awesome haunting mid tempo.
  5. Is that the track with the same backing as "I'm gone"? If it is, think it's only on the LP, could be wrong, few empty bottles of red in the kitchen
  6. Bit unlucky Jean Carter seems to have been with the pressing plant, her "Love Hangover" on Sunflower would be brilliant if it wasn't off center. Never heard a copy yet that doesn't sound as if the haluconogenics are starting to kick in!!!
  7. What's a VPI machine? Seen these mentioned by a few Ebay sellers. Any Audio Amatuer contributors please restrict descriptions to 10,000 words
  8. Seen TJ perform at the Apollo, done "Any Day Now" crediting Chuck Jackson as a main influence of his style. Then spent the rest of the night getting pished with the good folk of Harlem. The boozer we were in was called Paris Blues, my mate reckoned it was our duty to go there when we seen the place, went into the bar and asked if the place was named after the Tony Middleton song...."Never heard of him" was the barmaids answer.
  9. Following on from that, as far as studio acetates are concerned the Charmaines "Standing in the need of love" April & Blackwood disc is up there among the best, IMO
  10. Anyone got a soundfile of the duet of "I bear witness" Frankford Wayne acetate, Vince & Connie I think it was credited to. I reckon the best unissued thing I ever heard was "Magic Touch", just an outstanding find. And before any one drones on about it not being unissued due to Kent, 100 club etc. I reckon to all intents and purposes it is unissued in the context of when it was recorded and its' originally intended audience. Just because Adey found it ( and great respect to him for doing so) and released with the target of the Northern scene, I still class it as an unissued track
  11. As I remember it Shaun Gibbons ran a few oldies niters at Blackburn Kings hall same nights Guy had the best upfront DJ's playing quality music at Tonys Empress Ballroom. Watch out on that documentry for some dodgy editing, Micheal Higgins from West Lothian does some fancy floorwork to the sound of the Magic Touch, very impressed how he changes his shirt during the moves , well, you'll know what I mean when you see it!
  12. Backstreet soul at its' best, cracking flipside too.
  13. Anyone got a copy of Changing Scene "As the city sleeps" Jo Ve Jo for sale? PM any details, Cheers, Mark
  14. Just been to Popsike , $1025 US via Ebay last year. Maybe not as rare as suspected or maybe no huge demand? Next stop the "Wants" forum
  15. Anyone heard of a copy of Changing Scene "While the City Sleeps" on Jo Ve Jo selling in recent times? Manship lists it at 500 in his book which seems fairly light to me as I thought it was shit rare. Enlighten me please.....
  16. I was guessing that might have been the scenario too
  17. Cheers for the scan Jim Cliff, still got "The Track" Mar-vics on Condor, obscure one that. Only thing I've ever seen related was a scan posted on Soulful Detroit of a 1963 Bobby James song on Indigo Records which had similair credits, although I've never heard it. I'll post up a soundfile of TheTrack when I get the technology sorted. Remember you found it on a buying trip, any more details on it?
  18. Sure Jim Wensiora first played this. I had an old tape of stuff Keb was playing around ' 88-' 89 ish and this was on italong with others from J Wensiora's collection. Things like Jay D Bryant and Tina Roberts on Security, still c/u as Honey and the Bees. Colin Law also got some great unknowns from that collection, Ralph Graham on Upfront was covered as Gene McDaniels for the "You had to hurt someone" side. Colin was first to play "She just sits there". Remember Rob M telling us about him and Keb bidding against each other for Wensiora's records when he sold up. Apparently Rob was after Jay D Bryant but Keb was taking the bidding to silly extemes...the price??? About £450 if I remember corectly . How have changed!!!
  19. funnyfacegirlrip.mp3Unknown artists on April & Blackwood 10" acetate, was told it was the Ambers, also rumoured to be a Chancellors Cap City track, unissued as far as I know. Anyone know different? Same song released on UK CBS by Gene Latter, anyone got a scan of that?

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