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Everything posted by Orotava

  1. So cross with myself that I missed her Cheltenham gig - will have to travel further afield now
  2. No pun intended??
  3. I guess some boots are quite rare and command a decent price and then there are reissues and there are reissues, but agree that the majority should be no more than an Ayrton Senna...
  4. Mmmmmmm I guess it begs the question what he/ she COULD have bought for £180 - 3 tasty £60 sides perhaps??
  5. I`m no great expert but the seller has put the record up as a Buy It Now option, you`ve accepted the offer and paid him so therefore a contract has been made. He now wants to break that contract by retracting the offer and acceptance so I`m guessing you need to open a case under the Resolution Centre?? Others will know better than me as to how that works.
  6. Goddam awful in my view - cheap, tacky sugar-coated portrayal not to mention the ubiquitous Frank Wilson...
  7. Blimey Steve, Well remembered! I struggle to remember what I had for breakfast...
  8. I saw a yellowhammer whilst out walking the dogs early this morning - first one I`ve seen for absolutely YEARS. Well chuffed!
  9. Not to mention the ubiquitous Frank Wilson !! Thanks by the way.
  10. Listened to this yesterday on Radio 4 of all places - not my usual station but big Bruv contacted me about it: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03bd23y Can anyone help me with the tunes at 01:15, 10:38 and 12:09 please ?? Thanks!
  11. Blimey, reading your post I thought at first you`d paid £300 for it!!
  12. If it meant that I could go to just one more WC Allnighter from the mid 70s then I would drive all day...
  13. I wish to be associated with the comments above!!
  14. Just finished reading this - easy enough to read but aren`t the photos just god awful??!!!!!!!!
  15. How good did that sound at WC...
  16. So has clapping always been endemic in Northern from way back in the day then??
  17. Yes it is.
  18. Was Howard Tate - "Baby I Love You" ever reissued or boot legged please? I`ve just bought a copy with VK10525 and A66709 and 10257 (I think) in the dead wax/ run out. Is this an original?? Thanks.
  19. Yep, true enough Peter. I don`t think you`ll receive a reply any time soon.
  20. Mentions reissue twice in the ad so caveat emptor methinks.
  21. Excellent - Happy New Year Ian
  22. Happy New Year to all - hope 2014 brings you everything you wish yourself.
  23. Not long now....
  24. Brilliant photos - thanks for posting them. They`re certainly a better quality than a lot you see - ah happy days....

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