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Everything posted by Orotava

  1. Apologies for the numpty question - I still have L Plates!! Are there 2 issues on Mowest of Frankie Valli - The Night, and if so how do you tell the difference?? Thanks, Pete
  2. Thanks mate, I`ll give it a listen.
  3. Pete, as an interested NS learner, what is the artist and song title please? All the ebay links have expired now. I think the record in question is by Otis Redding on Stone(?) but I can`t see the title anywhere? Thanks
  4. If not, then it really, really should be!!
  5. I, for one, would be interested Pete
  6. Ah, that makes sense. Every day`s a school day eh??!!!
  7. Excuse my ignorance but I`ve always wondered when and why the practice of putting drill holes in records started? Do they affect the value of the record at all? Best, Pete
  8. As someone who is embarking on building up a new collection, having sold my previous one for peanuts back in the day, I`d be really interested in quality soul packs.
  9. Hi, I`m after a copy in at least VG+ of Stemmon`s Express - Woman Love Thief (Demand) Please PM me with condition of vinyl and label, price and postage. Best regards, Pete
  10. Great photo - I haven`t seen a Yellow Hammer for literally years.
  11. Thanks for all the suggestions guys - Amazon here I come...
  12. Hi, I love reading about the Northern Soul `scene` in the 70s / 80s and wondered whether I`ve missed any books of this ilk. So far I`ve read: Northern Soul Stories - Neil Rushton The Wigan Casino Years - Tim Brown Too Darn Soulful - David Nowell The In Crowd Vol 1 - Mike Ritson/ Stuart Russell CENtral 1179 - Keith Rylatt/ Phil Scott Casino - Dave Shaw On The Right Track - Rob MvKeever The Story Of Northern Soul - David Nowell Night Shift - Pete McKenna Soul Survivors - Russ Winstanley/ David Nowell Searching For Soul - Reg Stickings Do I Love You - Paul McDonald Thanks in advance Pete
  13. Yes, I read that too.
  14. Hi, Just wondered if anyone`s aware of when Elaine Constantine`s new film called Northern Soul is due to be released?? All I can find out is that it`s Spring/ Summer. (I think we`re supposed to be in Spring now??!!!!). Thanks, Pete
  15. Oh dear, I`ve hit a nerve haven`t I or perhaps you`re feeling guilty??!!!! I was NOT trying to rob you I just suggested a refund on a record that had a label which was not as described in MY book, regardless of the vinyl condition (that was not in dispute). I just thought it would save all the hassle of posting and refunding that`s all - you could have come back with a lesser figure if you`d been minded to. Friends don`t lie to each other either - I repeat I did NOT call the label terrible, that`s an out and out lie and besmirches my name as a good buyer. And extort is way off the mark, casually suggest is a better fit methinks. To resolve this amicably then, I apologise for not just asking for a full refund as I wasn`t happy with a label that wasn`t excellent in MY book. So sorry. As I say, I`ve since bought another record with excellent vinyl and label for £10 cheaper, so everything happens for a reason. I hope you`ll agree that all my correspondence was polite and friendly and I that tentatively suggested a refund not demanded one. Again, I will still look at your sales and would be happy to buy from you again so don`t lose a potential customer over a slight difference in opinion as to what constitutes an excellent label. Please take the olive branch that`s offered, as one Daily Mail reader to another!!!
  16. Pete, Before you besmirch my name please stick to the FACTS. 1/ I did NOT state that the label was terrible - I have our correspondence still if you`d like to check back on what I actually said. 2/ The record was described as Ex NOT between Ex and Mint. 3/ As I alluded to earlier, when I buy a record described as Ex then in my book that means the vinyl AND label is just that Ex and not have any blemishes or bits of the label missing. Call me fussy if you like but that`s my expectation is all. 4/ I managed to source another copy with Ex vinyl and label for £10 cheaper so alls well that ends well. 5/ I politely wrote thanking you for your understanding in the matter and said I would still potentially buy from you in the future. THOSE are the facts my friend.
  17. Need to grade both the vinyl AND the label, so that the buyer has the full picture??
  18. If anyone else wants to give me a copy on Monumental feel free, otherwise I`ll buy a copy (seriously) if it `aint too much? Thanks, Pete
  19. YES of course it is!!! Bloody obvious now. Thanks!!
  20. Hi, Back in the early 70`s I used to attend a Northern Soul night in my local town and one DJ always finished with an ender I just loved. All I can remember is that it sounded like blue eyed soul and could possibly be by Dusty Springfield or someone similar. After all this time I can`t recall any of the song title or even how the song goes. Could possibly have been a cover version? Sorry it`s not much to go on, but my memory is shot to pieces these days!! Thanks, Pete

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