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Everything posted by Orotava

  1. Wise words Geordie - I`m trying hard not to go after absolutely everything at any cost, like you say they`re all out there at the right time. Cheers mate
  2. Apologies in advance as this has probably been done to death on SS in the past, but I`m still playing catch-up. Remember Russ playing this briefly around `75 I think - am I right in thinking the instrumental is only available on an acetate?? Seem to recall some guy telling me back in the day that it was a flip side of a Black Magic issue?? Thanks, Pete
  3. Jesus, Mary & Joseph - what a performance!!!! As you say Pete, I now know everything I need to mate!! Thanks for posting. Pete
  4. Was Kelly Garrett booted/ reissued on any other label apart from Big Up North please??
  5. Not too long ago I returned to collecting again after selling my previous collection for peanuts back in the 80s. I`m finding it just as addictive now as I did way back, with must have tunes that I want NOW but my current strict budget dictates what I can buy as I go along. I`ve been amazed at the prices stuff goes for these days which led me to wonder if anyone has got into really deep financial trouble as a result of buying sounds ?? Personally, I lived from one week`s wages to the next back in the 70s but I could see how easily guys could get into real financial straits because the scene took over our lives. Just a thought...??
  6. That would be great mate - thanks
  7. I for one would be very interested in buying some - do you have a list of prices and condition (vinyl & label)?? Thanks, Pete
  8. Thanks for the heads up Frankie. I`ve already placed my order with Amazon for "Northern Soul - An Illustrated History" - should be a great book to read. Thanks Pete
  9. Missed out on this too, so I`m also in the hunt for a centred copy. Willing to give someone a decent profit margin for a copy??? Thanks
  10. Goldmine Soul Supply - Wigan Casino 25th Anniversary Box Set of 10 Singles WANTED Must be at least Excellent Condition Please PM me with Price + Condition All PMs answered Thank you
  11. Course it is - thank you!!
  12. I`ve been racking my brains trying to remember the tune at 08:34 - "...Please don`t let me..." Anyone help please? Thanks!!
  13. How did you know they were on holiday?
  14. Seller states it`s a 70s repress too!
  15. I just wonder what his start price was - you don`t get to £324 in 7 bids unless it was pretty hefty to begin with.
  16. Hi, Following 3 wanted - as cheap as you like please! (Trying to rebuild a collection on not much money) Please specify condition of vinyl & label and price + p&p All PM`s answered Betty Everett - Love Comes Tumbling Down - abc Now Sorted Jimmy Norman - This I Beg Of You - Samar (Just missed an Ex on here recently for £8) Now Sorted Linda Jones - I Can`t Stop Lovin` My Baby - Loma (Just missed an Ex on here recently for £6) Now Sorted Thanks and regards, Pete
  17. So an Orange Barry 1010 is a boot then?? Can anyone clarify please?? Thanks and regards, Pete
  18. Ah, so the orange ones are boots then??
  19. Have I got this right or terribly wrong? 1st Issue on Sue 4047 2nd Issue on Barry 1010 on yellow label 3rd Issue on Barry 1010 on orange label I`m here to learn - thanks in advance...
  20. I guess the old adage applies - "If you had to explain it to them then they just won`t understand"
  21. I wasn`t suggesting that people do and sorry you think it`s a stupid thread. I recently went to a soul night held in a spotless social club, brightly lit, tables and chairs everywhere, small concrete dance floor, pristine facilities, clean and tidy bar etc. but despite some great records being played there it just had no atmosphere and I might as well have listened to a load of records at home is all I`m saying
  22. Following on from the recent thread about Mr M`s - it brought back so many memories. Wigan was the only Allnighter I ever attended from 1976 to 1981, and somehow a crumbling, rabbit warren, wreck of a place with nicotine condensation dripping off the ceilings & walls somehow added to the `magic` of the place. I attend soul nights again now but they tend to be in social clubs etc. and I just wonder whether holding them in such `sterile` places detracts from the atmosphere we all enjoyed back in the day. There could well be venues around today that match WC (though I think the Health & Safety bods would probably take a dim view of such places). Are the new breed of Soulies happy with what`s out there? I guess if they have nothing to compare it to then they`ll never know?

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