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  1. Twoshoes's post in Royal mail delivery was marked as the answer   
    I think any course of action you take very much depends on the attitude of the neighbour. If you could work together contacting the sorting office where the parcel was sent out from telling them what has happened they will know or should do who was on your round on that particular day, the fact you would be jointly making the enquiry would I think strengthen your case that the parcel has not been delivered to either of you.
    Dependant on how good and how much of the hand is shown in the picture would it be possible to identify the hand as not yours, I say this because on my hands i have several scars through my work, also if it is clear the hand is either from a much younger person etc. 
        I would definitely go and speak to the neighbour one way or another for your own piece of mind as much as anything else. If indeed you do get the feeling they think you have stolen the parcel then I'd contact the post office making them aware that you are stressed due to a perceived accusation of theft which you would hope would make them look into the delivery.
       not sure any of this helps but hope you get it sorted, I know how I would feel were it to happen to me.
  2. Twoshoes's post in One to watch , My name is Ottille was marked as the answer   
    Yes,well worth watching, I watched it some time ago,very interesting.
  3. Twoshoes's post in Vondors rich girl was marked as the answer   
    Don't think this is it but it meets the criteria, The Van Dykes, b side to Miracle after Miracle, think this is possibly  to poppy, it's on you tube.
  4. Twoshoes's post in Top night was marked as the answer   
    Not been to a night since Covid but the criteria would be the same as then
    1 Hearing plenty of tunes that are new to me, then........
    2. Dancing to something I don't know, that feeling that connects heart to brain to feet and has you up within a few bars. 
    3. Enquiring be it from Dj fellow punter or internet and finding a few of said tunes are in my price range, 
    4 Good dancefloor
    5 Meeting and having interesting conversations with people I've never previously spoken with and looking forward to seeing them at another event. No slight on the company I used to keep who I miss seeing as many were purely friends seen at an event and not in the wider world.

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