Don't think this is it but it meets the criteria, The Van Dykes, b side to Miracle after Miracle, think this is possibly to poppy, it's on you tube.
Twoshoes's post in Top night was marked as the answer
Not been to a night since Covid but the criteria would be the same as then
1 Hearing plenty of tunes that are new to me, then........
2. Dancing to something I don't know, that feeling that connects heart to brain to feet and has you up within a few bars.
3. Enquiring be it from Dj fellow punter or internet and finding a few of said tunes are in my price range,
4 Good dancefloor
5 Meeting and having interesting conversations with people I've never previously spoken with and looking forward to seeing them at another event. No slight on the company I used to keep who I miss seeing as many were purely friends seen at an event and not in the wider world.