That has been my thinking, both the record I bought and received and a subsequent order are both still listed for sale,I know from a previous purchase John does have multiple copies of certain records but i doubt he would on some of the more expensive items which could be where some of the out of stock complaints arise. I looked on Discogs and from what I read the seller has to delete an item sold manually, don't know if I'm 100% correct on that, perhaps someone on here who sells on there could give us an idea how it works, whether it is simple.
I do think a lot of the flak John has received would have been avoided if he had explained why orders were not dealt with chronologically as is evident from some of the posts on here, I got my order before others who had ordered 7 days before me. The second order from Monday of this week is still being processed, obviously ordered knowing patience would be required which given the money saved I am happy with.