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Twoshoes last won the day on February 9

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About Twoshoes

  • Birthday 04/03/1955

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  • Interests
    Country walking, reading and writing poetry (yeah I know), World Cinema (Audrey Tautou, oo la la), real ale and pies.
  • Top Soul Sound
    Jack Hammer What Greater love,

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  • A brief intro...
    Started my soul journey with friends at school,been through all genres of our great music, tend towards rare underplayed and contemporary these days,always open for anything new

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  1. Welcome Neil, from your intro sounds like you might have some interesting stories to tell,look forward to future posts
  2. Good advice but as I was told after my blood tests the PSA test can give in certain circumstances a false negative or positive so it is best to have an internal examination as well for greater clarity. I only say this because I'm sure many are put off by the thought of the internal exam. Don't be, I had my PSA level checked last month which was fine but I was recommended to have the internal exam, it is not as bad as you would imagine , I didn't find it painful at all . Put aside any feelings of embarrassment you may have, the test is quick and over before you know it. I second Jaco's sentiment above, you really do owe it yourselves. To you Jaco I'm sure your positive attitude has helped you through some tough times and kudos to you for getting on with your life . Hopefully your post will encourage more people to get checked out.
  3. I hope I'm not missing the obvious here but I've just been playing Baby Washington's cover of What Becomes and although I've played it several times it never came to mind to me question why her version is called What becomes of a Broken Heart. I then looked at the writers and it is credited to Tubb, Paige and Stewart not Weatherspoon , Riser and Dean as on the original by Jimmy. I've done a quick search but can't find any info as to why. I'm intrigued any of you guys have an answer?
  4. Order sorted after emailing ,now showing as posted , anyone still waiting and reluctant to phone as I was I had no response contacting customer services link then used the email link on the same page where you write your message to customer services,it's under the address. I got a response a couple of hours later using that and as i say now posted.
  5. One of the great emotive voices of our music, Moody Woman and Good Times played after many a lost love have been constant companions from my early days of collecting. thank you for your company Sir, RIP.
  6. Don't know if it has been mentioned before but The Sketch Artist Walter Presents is pretty good. French Canadian police drama.There are bits that stretch the imagination but the stories are good. Basically it's about a police sketch artist in a special unit who has powers of intuition and can make people recall things they have seen. If it would annoy you for someone describing a person in a passing car late at night in one moment to say it was dark then the next say the colour of the drivers eyes then it's probably not for you. I am for the moment trying to overlook little things like that as the back stories are interesting along with the actual crimes committed.
  7. I'm not so much concerned more fed up of waiting for my order of 13th January from John's website , haven't wanted to phone as it looks like they have enough to deal with. Record is still showing as available, I'll give it to the middle of next week then reluctantly phone.
  8. I've found that card covers come in slightly different sizes,some will take a paper sleeve others won't. I usually snip the corners of the paper sleeves at 45 degrees which makes it easier to insert into the card cover. There was a thread on here where someone recommended inner sleeves that are rounded. I bought some of these but have found the same problem, it all depends on the outer cardboard sleeve. It would appear that the few mill difference on the outer is the deciding factor. I've bought sleeves from several suppliers over the years sadly never taking notice which is the best fit. I just looked ,if you put "stiff white card sleeves" in the search box you'll find some recommendations there.
  9. You will definitely learn, I've certainly learnt more than I've contributed that's for sure, welcome. Your journey seems very similar to mine and a few more on here , the big 7 0 imminent for me . Enjoy.
  10. Yes I'm well aware of that but in this case the prices were both from Discogs so to my mind the comparison stands. I took the cheapest other sellers listing with the same grading. Surprisingly no stupid prices came up, most were in the same ball park figure. from memory at least ten were from another well known seller. Delusional or not the other sellers still came out cheaper than John's on Discogs Had a certain Boogaloo seller come up on all the records then your point would most certainly have been 100% correct.
  11. One just posted in sales by Flatop
  12. There have been many different opinions regarding John's prices on this thread. I've been buying for the last 5 years after not buying for many years and have found that in general his prices on Discogs are more often than not dearer than anyone else though not always. In regard to this sale and questions raised by some posters to this thread as to actual savings to be made i decided to do a bit of non scientific calculations based on records I have on my wants list on Discogs. I randomly chose 27 records from my list and compared those for sale by John and then other sellers. I only included records of the same grade in most cases mint or near mint. On grading which we all know is subjective as proved by a few posts on this thread John more often than not had mint copies for sale. As I thought John was in most cases amongst the dearest though as I said above not always. The records were generally in the £10 to £70 range though a few were in excess of £100, one in particular was half the price of Tim Browns listing at £100. So, 27 records bought from John = £985 same graded records from other sellers _£845 with regard to the half price sale £492.50 a saving of £353 on the price from other sellers not taking into account postage costs saved. Looks like a bargain to me. As to the sale in general I can well understand people being disappointed in records not being available but clearly some records were going to be popular choices and you were going to miss out. The record I'm waiting for is still listed as available on his site so although it won't be the end of the world if i don't get it due to it being ordered on the 13th of January my level of disappointment will be greater.Not an expensive record but at half price more acceptable, one will eventually come my way sooner or later. I have no intention of phoning adding to their workload for the sake of one record.
  13. As I didn't with this one when it came up on a link, I was intrigued by the artists name so had a look on Discogs and Musicstack drawing a blank on both. Looked at the comments on YouTube where the guy who posted it admitted they wrote the songs and created the music and imagery using various AI tools. Looks like a slippery slope to me
  14. Waiting patiently for an order placed on January 13th for just the one record from his website ,as it is still listed as available fingers crossed it will eventually be sorted.
  15. Condolences to friends and family,his knowledge will be missed.

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