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Everything posted by toc

  1. Ey up sammy , 2 more for me , David & giants and jimmy James , C u at the weekend , cheers , toc
  2. Cud I just add to the debate , as a 15-16 year old just starting out , ace cannon and saxi Russell were the sounds that blew me away back then and although they havnt got the same affect I still like em , and to add fuel to the fire I went to a soul night last sat and they played the flasher , now then that is shite , always was and will be or is it just personal taste and getting grumpy as we get older , ?, ha ,
  3. Hi mate will £15 plus p n p buy Marvin Gaye " little darlin , if so let me know the pp acc , cheers
  4. Hi mark , will £75 buy ketty lester and Thelma Lindsey , if so will send u do tomorrow , cheers , toc
  5. Has anyone got a spare copy of larry lasters " go for yourself " or would anyone like to sell one , needed for d j ing so hasn't got to be mint , please let me know , cheers toc
  6. Hi pal , I will have the 2 temptations tracks , loneliness made me realise and ain't 2 proud to beg , will send u the monies 2 moz if u let me av your pay pal acc , cheers
  7. Wot is the bottom line for the jewel akens first lonely night , ? Let me know , cheers
  8. Hi bob , wots the bottom line on the Arthur freeman track pal , ?
  9. Hi Richard , am I doing something wrong or are u not on , replied about 5 times , got no reply back , contact me please , cheers
  10. Hi I would like the capitols from u , any chance to hold till sat wed till I get my PayPal sorted , let me know , cheers
  11. Hi Paul it's terry , did u get my txt yesterday , let me know on prices please so I can decide , cheers

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