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Everything posted by toc

  1. Hi mate , if u still have the rosebuds and billy davis after the weekend let me know as I would like the pair , especially the rosebuds but a bit short for a week so keep in touch if u still have it next week , cheers toc
  2. Hi mate , hold me William bell" happy " , I will get £12-50 to u tomoz , cheers toc
  3. Anybody know " the legend " from brum ? U will if u see him with a hat full of badges , great guy , he claps from behind louder than normal peeps clap from the front , great stuff legend yer on yer own pal
  4. Hi mate , £20 all in doo for u , if so I will send it tomoz , cheers toc
  5. A merry Xmas and a happy new year to all soulies from the " charity soul team " toc , tony , Nige , Ellen , Elli , Martin , Paul , Swoz , topsey , Dave , Paul , mally , vic , Jonah , , spare a thought at this time for peeps who have lost or are losing a loved one , lets try and help stop it , cheers toc and the team , all the best , cheers toc
  6. Ok guys point taken , lets draw a line in the sand , as the founder and organiser of the charity it's time to move on , this thing that is growing daily is far more important than anybodies past and as sooty has d j d twice for us for free I thank him for that as he really is a good Dj , but I refuse to let anyone drag our project into doubt , we have some great peeps involved and nothing and nobody will come between us achieving our aim of raising monies for the professor in his pursuit of finding the cure for cancer . So now if that's accepted to all then lets move on , I am , we are , 28 th dec , inner soul Sheffield , as I've said before , great d js , great charity soul raffle prizes , great peeps , and great cause , so lets move on , !! Merry x mas , toc
  7. Can't believe wot I'm reading , a guy likes to tell a story , while doing good along the way , everybody has a past , we all have , if u was on the scene in the 70 s , great times but Dodgey , we move on , so here we are , trying to do good cos close friends and family are suffering and dying thro this terrible desease , so a guy likes to tell his tales , interesting , we are building up charity soul with good , honest genuine folk who want to give up their time free to d j and help out , watch out for us , we may just be in your area next year , as for the peeps who are slaughtering the fella , move on , get a life , there's loads of things u could be doing apart from pulling somebody apart , I'm out of here , adios amigos
  8. Ok , just got in from having a meeting about charity soul and setting up our own " charitysoul Internet radio " to self promote ourselves and play good old tunes with good old soulies and raise monies at the same time , I think wot we need to do is forget about the past posts , interesting as they are and just move on , sorry Winnie and Alison if I've mis read your posts , I just mean well and do really take it to heart but that's just the passion I have for the project , it really does mean a lot to me to get this thing going and raise loads of doe for the pro , so as for our next event , it's at the inner soul in Sheffield , Martin smiths event on the 28 th of dec , guest djs rob wicks and John Vincent , anybody up for it ?? Come and see wot were about , so merry Xmas to all , regards toc
  9. Sorry Alison , Winnie mentioned about I only put it in one paragraph about I and we , ?? I didn't mean u , I get the jist about certain posts on ere and just don't get it , knocking peeps for wot ?? Get a life guys , merry x mas , toc
  10. Well said Alison , life can be a bit shit at times and interesting peeps and stories and good doing IS a breath of fresh air nowadays , if u want some HISTORY about US then read the posts from aug 26 th at the kellingley soul club in knottingley , that was our very first " charity soul event " there's posts about why , wot , where , who etc and the comments from peeps who attended , I for one ain't blowing my own trumpet as its a team thing , it's just that it was my idea , it's me who lost a very close soul friend that never stood a chance , and off I went to organise these good peeps to wots happening now , so now this will be my last post about us , we will just continue do ing as we are doing , if u do hear about us , Banbury Internet radio , soul net radio , pure rhythm radio , hopefully our own " charity soul Internet radio " a bit further down the line , then u will know u read a post about us from sootys adventures , he he all the best one and all , Tara
  11. Tut tut , kick a man while he's down ,shame on u all , if u don't know him he writes like he speaks , 120 mph , in between driving around the country Picking up and delivering supplies to fly over to the philliipines , he gave us 30 hours of his time helping out at charity soul in knottingley , now then correct me if I'm wrong but did I not see a post about keb darge the great Dj missing over there , I hope he has shown up , but did anyone ever think about the other 100,000s plus who went missing and left homeless , well sooty did , hence the help with the supplies and then delivering them to the philliipines , to the starving homeless peeps the worlds forgot about cos it's old news , but hey give me a choice in who u want to help u with doing the good stuff in life to help people who can't help themselves then I'd have a thousand sooties any day , I sincerely hope I get my point across , charity soul is steadily growing , just think twice about knocking good peeps and do summat good yer selves , cheers toc
  12. Rather amusing to say the least , our scene has always been similar to football in that its all about opinions , hence wots going down at the mo , one thing for sure that aint going down is no one is coming forward and saying " good luck guys " or " where can I donate " or " wot can I do to help , , I/ we have always tried to spread the word correctly without forcing it onto peeps as there is too much legalised begging at the mo , trouble is how much actually gets to the front line ,?,I / we can guarantee that approx 98% of our donations will go to Noman and his laboratory at York ,so if there's anybody out there in these difficult financial times that would like to help us then e mail me on terry@charitysoul.com , all help or donations will be welcome , sorry if this post is in the wrong section ?? Mr opinion is at it again , he he have a good one to one and all , Chou toc
  13. Clearly a difference of opinion and character there but wot we are trying to achieve at charity soul is there for everyone to see , raise money thro the music we love to donate to professor Norman maitland in his 25 year attempt to find the cure for cancer is there to be seen by all , I would like to thank sooty for his time and effort in helping us , like I would the rest of the guys and girls , Swoz , topsy , Elli , , travelling for hours to be with us , cos they want to but most of all , cos they can , the reason it strikes a chord in most peeps lives is that we have all lost someone or know someone who has , and it ain't going away ,Yvonne vernee has lost 2 brothers to it , that's why she wants to be with us , all our local d js who all work for free , many thanks , we are going to be busier next year , clubs around the country are just finding out about us and want to help , we are trying to get our charity no , u need 5 k , we are over half way there in 4 months sooty not 12 , it's 5 months since I bought that record off u thro soul source and that's when I asked u about my idea , and u backed me 100% , now the friendship is formed and off we go in search of funds to help the prof , who is a fantastic guy in his own rights , without peeps like him we wud all be in shit street , so lets not be negative Gordon as we are doing our best to help solve a problem that we are struggling with at the mo ,believe it or not we have had a bit of negative feedback but in general everyone is behind us so lets get behind the project and raise some serios doe for the pro and try and let him achieve his own personal ambition and find a cure for the dreaded desease , oh by the way 98% of money raised will go to him once we get our charity no , so Chou for now , toc
  14. Cracking tune ed , and near mint , good price aswell ,
  15. I haven't been there for years but an old mate of mine from knottingley , Stefan dee has just opened a place called the soul lodge just outside las Americas , look him up on Facebook or the Internet , supposed to be good , good luck pal , toc
  16. Hi des , put the ad libs away for me , I will get the doe to u either later today or tomoz , cheers des , regards toc
  17. I have em framed all the time to use as raffle prizes at our charity events at the kellingley soul club , look great , a guy called John on pontefract market does em for me , very professional , he uses double sided tape also so they don't move anywhere and he doesn't charge the earth , get yer self down to see him , well worth it , regards toc
  18. I like that one lee aswell , great sound , let me know if u have still got it further down the line , cheers toc
  19. We haven't spot lighted our charity on soul source until today and after holding our second event yesterday at the kellingley soul club in knottingley West Yorkshire , which went down brilliant again , I would like to publicly thank the d js who travelled from around the country to support us , Nick turvey from Banbury Internet radio , Eddie Swoz from Wolverhampton , wiganelli , Paul Atkinson from vixen fm , Martin smith from inner soul Sheffield , vic Hankins from Harrogate soul club , mally from Leeds , jimmy Walsh from Crewe , our resident d js and last but not least the great guy called Sooty who I met for the first time on Saturday who left today as a lifetime friend , great stuff to all the guys , as about us , we raise money to give every penny to professor Norman maitland at York Uni who is the worlds leading man on stem cell research on prostrate cancer , and in his words if he cracks that then the rest will fall into place , and let me tell u they are knocking on the door , so if anybody is interested in helping us look us up on our website " charitysoul uk . Com , lets try thro the love of our music do something worthwhile , our next event is the 8 th dec , a Sunday alldayer , all are welcome , look forward to your support , toc
  20. I help promote a couple of venues where sammy has just posted and it is a problem to sort out , the typical drunk who just wants topping up is a pain in the arse and our policy is we don't allow admission after 11pm , normally it works but I have seen young lads just walk thro and don't give a monkeys who's there , as for promoters who don't care then that's up to the soulies to sort out , they would care if u stopped going for a few times , they would have to sort it then eh , problems we don't need but sometimes get , solution ?? We can only do our best , keep putting signs up and hopefully the piss eds get the point , cheers toc
  21. Eh up sooty , save me the jackie Wilson " brought about the changes in me " until u come up oct 6th , look 4 ward to that , hope u sell up , cheers pal , toc
  22. Bub was a great guy and a very good d j who used to remember your requests and would play them if he saw you in a place , he defo played the joker because he was the joker , always joking and laughing could tell a great story only like Barnsley folk can , brilliant , had some good nights on a Monday in the Norman in monk Breton aswell , not many characters left now , he's sorely missed ,
  23. Hi mate will £20 buy spencer wiggins and tony Clarke ? Plus p p , let me know with your details , cheers
  24. Would like the ruby winters "yo yo " send me your details , cheers

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