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Everything posted by Sceneman

  1. then theres the '5 stairsteps and cubie' ,what a daft unfathomable name for the 60s .before their time in far out names . whats the facsination with stairs back then
  2. https://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/01/07/ive_seen_the_future_of_car_radio_and_dab_isnt_in_it/ Hands On Last month BMW rolled out the first cars to come with a fully integrated on-demand music-streaming service built in. Just before Xmas I took it through its paces to see how it performed and after an hour I was forced to conclude that things look ominous for digital radio, which is likely to be squeezed harder as on-demand services like this become more commonplace. For this particular service, no cables are required and it includes a subscription deal that gives the buyer roaming access to the service, built for BMW by Rara, across five European countries including the UK at no extra cost.
  3. prolly no bevy licence at the time they were ditched ,all they had was a packet of 'blues' to their name
  4. they should have sung 'muffin' sounds more likely and if it was darkness at the top he would have turned on the light
  5. what are the words theyre singing > ? what is at the top of the stairs ? sounds like >nothing< or >muffin< ?? i have never been sure since i first heard it
  6. the first JB tune i heard was the NIGHT TRAIN at the Scene club and Guy Stevens was playing it. all aboard ' the night train' . i was pretty blown away as this sound hit my teen earlugs ..
  7. had this kind reply from the jazzfm people.... quote>>>> Thanks for your email. I am sorry you are no longer able to listen to us on DAB. We had to make this decision in order to ensure the future of Jazz FM — we are a commercial business and it was stop National DAB or stop completely. We should still be able to reach 80% of our audience, but are cutting our broadcast costs by 80% - if there were the same statistics for any other city in the country, we would have looked into getting on a DAB multiplex there instead. You are right, we may lose more listeners, but it is a gamble we didn’t have a choice in as we couldn’t afford the National DAB costs. There should be another National DAB multiplex starting soon which should be a lot more cost effective for us — it was supposed to have been announced last year, but we are still waiting for the announcement. Once again I am so sorry that this has meant we are no longer available to you, but I hope you understand why we had to make this decision.. Please do mail me back or call me on the number below if you would like to talk about this further. Best wishes, Rosie Rosie Kendrick Head of Programmes and Content
  8. mike raven used the play and plug 'socket to em JB ' on his prog
  9. very mediocre recording not worth the high price
  10. theres just birdsong broadcasting on their slot now ! i have just tuned to smooth radio which isnt too bad at some times of the day ,but the dinner jazz prog was good in the evenings .daytime was just shop muzak .
  11. some info here https://www.getmeondigitalradio.com/national/ https://www.getmeondigitalradio.com/london/ paul Mc Cartney has plenty of wonga couldnt he pay their yearly rental and also use some airtime on the station
  12. theyve had some famous names DJing on there lately so are they paying them big bucks or are they doing it free ?ramsey lewis amongst other famous names on the decks !! they could ditch DAB and just stick with FM ,but theres a tech race on so bandwagons must be boarded.
  13. only 1 day to go before they pull the plug and ditch a million listeners ! the management used to be kama kazi pilots who bailed out
  14. so there advertisers should get a 40% reduction in their advertising fees then ? seeing as their advertisers advertise products that appeal to all ages they wont be happy .if theyre planning on net broadcasting that wont appeal to all ages .my guess is they have been badly informed by some marketing nut who has convinced them to climb on the hitech bandwagon .a quick look at their twitter and facebook pages show very little feedback ,just a measly few respondants . theyve started advertisng net radios but thats a small niche market IMO ,who needs a net radio that allows a person to listen to 10,000 stations from around the world
  15. whats the cost of transmitting nationally and what will they save ? presumably its a cost cutting excersise .would they use their own transmitters of rent from BBC ?
  16. like not so hot looking women suddenly looking very alluring ?
  17. my guess is their listening figures will fall off a cliff on JAN 1 .ABOLISHING broadcasts outside london is just crazy as they will find out in a few weeks time. the national listener base must be huge compared with london only .their advertisers shoulld be asking for big discounts on their fees due to the drop in listeners .flicking on the radio is simple compared with the rigmarole of setting up A net conection via wifi .groan .... peter young must be shaking his head at the dumb management decisions
  18. they have made some dumb decision in the past so its not the first ,the management arent too bright it seems .you can buy a wifi radio but i am not prepared to write off my DAB radios already ,the BBC could grab their market should they wish to . their advertisers wont be pleased as listeners around the world wont be buying their products ..
  19. now they will only broadcast to the London area ,very shortsighted .my DAB radios are obsolete already ,NO i am not using a crumby smartphone to listen in .to peter young after 25 years ,they can go to hell as far as i am concerned .
  20. english King label ? and how about the heroin lable ? seen 1 in the flesh but nothing online
  21. do a search on jazz cafe and ronnie scotts
  22. no he wasnt .the london soul boys were using this term as a snide remark street term as they thought they were superior as they had moved on to pychodelic and other new wave bands they used it and it was meant in derision . guys nowadays dont relalise that soul was a dirty word in the late 60s and sales had collapsed leading to small runs and rare records from that period .many sold off their soul collections at that time as you would be berated for having such records in the house ,and you would be classed as a wally or a simpleton ,same if you owned ska and reggae . example ; 'those silly northerners are still listening to soul music and we have moved on to new sounds ,bla bla bla ' no offence meant to anybody on here
  23. he seems to have missed Gloria Jones Heartbeat ,surely a top NS 45,or did i miss it?
  24. its twaddle .the snake at no4 ?rubbish selection
  25. did we name the Popeye waddle ?wonder who thought that up? don covay title

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