had this kind reply from the jazzfm people....
Thanks for your email. I am sorry you are no longer able to listen to us on DAB.
We had to make this decision in order to ensure the future of Jazz FM — we are a commercial business and it was stop National DAB or stop completely. We should still be able to reach 80% of our audience, but are cutting our broadcast costs by 80% - if there were the same statistics for any other city in the country, we would have looked into getting on a DAB multiplex there instead.
You are right, we may lose more listeners, but it is a gamble we didn’t have a choice in as we couldn’t afford the National DAB costs.
There should be another National DAB multiplex starting soon which should be a lot more cost effective for us — it was supposed to have been announced last year, but we are still waiting for the announcement.
Once again I am so sorry that this has meant we are no longer available to you, but I hope you understand why we had to make this decision.. Please do mail me back or call me on the number below if you would like to talk about this further.
Best wishes,
Rosie Kendrick
Head of Programmes and Content