Alternate Fridays, one week sixties and one week modern, run by Dave Raistrick and he played at both nights. As for the modern nights, attendance towards the end was patchy it has to be said but the tunes that passed through there pretty amazing and if anyone has a list it will be bloody long.
I'm pretty sure Adam did the first few then Robin started playing and I recall Jean Terrell-No Limit and Arnold MCculler as big tunes but maybe because Robins brother would Jazz it up (kind of )on the floor for those two!. Graeme Ellis did start dj'ing after Robin along with regulars Sam and Arthur, I remember many a bargain, as it turned out, being bought there sadly not still got em all.
Nina Simone Touching and Caring, Tab Walton, THe Holt Brothers,Family of Eve was spun by Arthur for a little while, rememeber Gordon from Scotland who used to come to every session religiously with Kev Kelly buying this (fam of eve) and we played it over and over back at my flat, he wrote "the best fu#ck#ng record ever" across the paper sleeve. Regulars from Lincoln, Worksop, Selby, Derby, Scotland and Notts every week at the Modern Do's and of course Soul Frank from Southampton who has been discussed before on here.
Best place for playlist probably old Blackbeats sure it was written about in there and Sammy Salter also did a review in Echoes one week.
Audio first made big there I would say, Glenda Mcleod, Betty Cee, Modernique, James Cobbin, Lonnie Hill.
Think there were only 2 nighters, Tom Jackson came down and played at one which brought down the folk Byrney mentions, Kerso, Ji G, Stevie, John and Co.
Upstairs for every Friday session was the legendary Rock City Rock Night and now and again someone would stumble into the modern do from upstairs, one night a punk appeared , full mohican etc..stood there for 5 minutes then got on an empty dancefloor all alone and to something like Rideout took himself back to the Mecca or somehwere and danced like nobody's business for 5 minutes.
I'll stop now