Just before I bugger off ...I'm not sure why it doesnt sell, its criminal really.. be it house, funk, roots, soul, infact anything that has balls and did not need Simon Cowell to rubber stamp it.
I can get into grumpy cynical sod mode and blame it an homogenised world that is slowly eroding away and semblance of original, creative spirit that we ever had and turning young people into nothing more than little machines designed to lap up what the corporations feed/sell them. Then bemoan the fact there are no young youth cults anymore and 'they' all look alike and where have all the punks gone where are the rude boys where are the mods who are the soul boys. BUT I hate doing that so I force myself to be positive and go search out the good stuff and speak to my nephew who is 23 (or so) and he hates all the corporate crap too and so do lots of younger people and that pleases me...
but back to the point..I was not interpreting the original post as 'has house music got soul' debate but as Jocko said it is contemporary US music we are talking about, and maybe predominantly Black US music . I think Barry recently started a thread on it.
As for why its not selling, I don't know (except for my rant). Its a real shame as Dancetracks and Vinylmania, two good independent black music suppliers/stores record stores in NY, have both recently closed down and that really really saddens me.
Not having a go by mentioning the H word, just thought it slightly relevant sorry if off key