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Everything posted by Neiljon31

  1. Hi Des If Jean Plum is still with you can you reserve for me please. Let me know paypal etc and I will sort it out soon as. Tried to pm but having no luck ! Cheers Neil
  2. Vince Alletti- The Disco Files just reading this book and its brilliant, wanted to share that...! I'm sure there will be a resume of it on Amazon, some of his tips as new releases are great to read about in that context, many of which surprised me I have to say. It go's to prove, not that I ever doubted it, that this was an amazing scene built about the music and passion of clubs and for many feeling disenfranchised for many reasons gave hope and togetherness.....essentially the key ingredients for any succesful scene / culture. I can only suggest it gets on a few 'christmas lists'. Mentioned this before but Love Saves The Day by Tim Lawrence is a great read too on the music and dance culture of NYC in the seventies. An unfairly much maligned period in the evolution of dance music.
  3. Uptown Funk Empire: Empire Strikes Back LP feat the track Gotta Have Freedom. Lovely and in the left field Dwilt Sharp-I Need You Close 7", heavy 'midnite and you'. Lovely euro exotica !! oh those frenchies
  4. Issue 12 of Shades of Soul, December 1987 had an article on this subject and then additions in subsequent issues.
  5. If its your only copy of Prophecy change your mind !! Absolute class soul record, I think in the same vein as Satin but tons better. Had it on tape from Robin Salter years ago and hits the spot anytime I play it still.Very subtle record. anyway.. speech on Prophecy over!
  6. Steve just sent ya' pm
  7. I agree got to be a 1210 for me, the hardest working deck in the world. Mine takes some hammer only domestically and I love it. Got the one plus CD going through mixer for now. What I did get recently after much cajoling from a mate who is seriously into Hi Fi were some Quad speakers, I was scared to put a record on and hear no sound difference and curse wasting my money but blimey what a difference !! I now find myself glaring at my amp thinking I wonder what will happen if I change that too Neil
  8. try again, my favourite ... off to watch the likely lads on uk gold now.
  9. oops thats same as the first one, I'm a half wit ey
  10. tilt your head for this one sorry !
  11. OK if technology is on my side here is a flyer for the Parr Hall... anybody want to take responsibility for this well crafted piece of advertising I have 2 more I will post up!
  12. thought about it, but changed me mind. hence the edit
  13. https://www.juno.co.uk/search/?header_searc...p;genre_id=0000 7" reissued last year, missed it at the time on Juno. This will do for now.
  14. Tales of Simon Soussan were funny too.....
  15. Blimey !! genuine question about Seal, staright up answer from Cunnie and a whole load of debate aboute the merits or validity of Seal. Yep I know is a forum for debate etc etc but sometimes there is no need whatsover, I was going to ask if anybody liked the new Incognito release but to be honest the stick I would get makes it not worth it.
  16. OK, I have been up the 'top cupboard' and found a flyer... hopefully I can manage to post it up here for your enjoyment. Its Scotland v England. If I find anymore I will post them up, got lots from other places but struggling for Allanton at mo' .................hopefully its here, msg says upload succesful
  17. MARK, well said. I'm glad someone put the brakes on this retro love fest. Yep it sounds ok but personally I think its contrived.
  18. A brilliant read charting the history of The Warehouse, Paradise Garage etc is Tim Lawrence book 'Love Saves The Day - A History of American Dance Music Culture, 1970 - 1979'. Pub by Duke University Press 2003. Tim also hosts UK parties for David Mancuso - a pivotal figuire in the New York scene. Best Dr Bob Jones
  19. ROSIE GAINES 'CRAZY' EPIC DEMO. 80's magic from miss Gaines. £7 Top drawer 80's, great price not something you see everyday.If you like a bit of 80's 'real soul' hint of two step but don't know this then buy it.
  20. There are also regular fairs at the Holiday Inn around 52nd Street or so off Columbus Circle, I was there a few weeks ago and got a few decent albums at nice prices. Few boxes of unpriced 45's well worth going through if you have time, but not full of bargains and as has been suggested already well picked through. Goldmine will have dates. If you need some new cartridges, stylus, mixers (!) etc get to 'Rock and Soul' behind Maceys they also have a fair few 70'/80's albums to browse. Halcyon in Brooklyn on Water Street is ok if you are near by and its a good view of Manhattan from the Waterside, nice ice cream too ! What I found disappointing was the lack of new house 12's out on the shelves, Dance Tracks has shut and so has Satellite that used to be on The Bowery. When in Greenwich Village get some Pizza from the shop at the junction of Bleeker and Carmine. Enjoy your trip
  21. "All Our Love" is also on 45! Well I never knew that ! thanks
  22. 'Its gonna take all our love' on Gladys Knight album 'all our love' from 1987 is very much a part one of 'After All' just having a good night in playin allsorts and after going in the garden for a cig wanted to tell someone, very similar I think, Both Bloody Awesome peace and love nj31x
  23. Hello, is anyone able to put up a clip of seven seas ??? thanks in advance if anyone can do it.

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