Copies of Shades Of Soul will probably be quite invaluable to this project as they include:
venue reviews
sales lists
record reviews
readers top 10's
That fanzine to me was wonderful, I learnt and discovered so much from reading such as Eddie Hubbards reviews of 45's hardly any of which I knew and would probably never of heard out until several years later at such venues say as Thorne. I never went to Wigan so can't comment on that period but during through the 80's and early 90's it struck me, (rightly or wrongly) that a whole rich seam of quality records were finding their way out of collections and bedrooms and into venues and onto dance floors that previously may not have done. Perhaps everyone feels that about a specific given time and I think that's great.
Interesting stuff anyway, good luck with it. Setting your parameters, as has has been mentioned, will be a task in itself I think !