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Everything posted by Neiljon31

  1. Dee Dee Sharp. Happy Bout the Whole Thing / Touch My Life TSOP About a fiver a side !!!
  2. ......also check if any record fairs / shows taking place. There’s often one up near Columbus Circle, I went last October time, worth a subway ride for sure. Also there is a bigger one on Long Island that clashed with my flight home !!
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/09/nyregion/soul-music-botanica-radio.html pop here if you’re there on a Wednesday. And if albums are your bag try Super Elevation records in Brooklyn.
  4. Sharon Ridley available at Crazy Beat (as of this mornings mail out anyway)
  5. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Je-xlmy7bAM Bank holiday ; weather set fair Like Thunder. Popular in the discos at one time I think Have fun
  6. .......and a feature on Steel City Connection 45 on Jeree.
  7. Tell you what. Its a fantastic 45. Mines yellow ; sounds the same as the white one. I’ll have a penny to a pound there’ll be a green one a blue one and a stripey one before the years out.
  8. I have subscribed to RC for years and still do. The classifieds at the back aren’t as exciting as they once were for all the obvious reasons but it’s still a good read. It’s had a face lift in recent months or so and brought in a few new regular contributors which has been good. I guess it had to appeal to a very broad church so being too in depth on any specific area too often might not be an option. In the March issue Sam Dees The Show Must Go On LP gets referenced in an article with a photo of the sleeve. Lots of book and record reviews. Id bet a few of the writing staff are on here. in short ; I like it
  9. One for Saturday tea time. Got that essential bubbly sound
  10. Nice one on Jewel there from Blackpoolsoul. I just gave the LP a spin and it’s one of those “never realised it was this good” moments. And I know that’s one thing that we can all agree on as being a good moment. Final track side 1 “Rhythms of Hope” is floating my boat especially.
  11. nice 45 from '84 also out under another alias I recall but cant remember what right now.
  12. Epitome of ‘80’s stepper ? 1985 huge track that as I recall was loved unequivocally. Perfect with a tin of red stripe, basic criteria !
  13. Thought I’d stick another fave up before I pop out for a pint. Love this, on Bluenote. Super cool, sultry stepper
  14. Just about sums it up for me ; and as I’ve said before and I’ll say again it’s a broad church brothers and sisters.
  15. Good point : I reckon you’ve cracked it there.
  16. Been through a bag of the past and found the clipping. The only clue is what I guess is the expiry date in bottom corner of the coupon on the reverse side- hopefully see pic. Not definitive but suggests 1984 ? Also came across some more flyers : soon as I can get my scanner going again I’ll get some to you Chalky for your collection / research. Couple I’d forgotten about including one for Modern Soul ‘nite’ at The Phoenix, Cavendish Sq London which was discussed on here recently I think. Plus , Leith all nighter 1988 which if I remember rightly was shut down during the night by the local Police.
  17. Mmmm I’m pretty confident on it being The Sunday Times but it’s a good while ago. I’d say it’s 1982 or early 83. I’ ll see if I can dig out the clippings for any further clues………
  18. Sunday Times Supplement, I've got the cuttings as above I'm sure, but not the whole magazine.
  19. My favourite ever* double sided 7” comes courtesy of TSOP (* I reserve the right to change my mind on a whim but maybe won’t on this one) Happy ‘bout the whole thing / Touch My Life. Dee Dee Sharp The output is so classy that whatever you play or hear can just fly straight into any top x list there and then. I played Bunny Sigler Keep Smilin’ the other week and was just so taken by it - more so than ever ! Also recently whilst on a jazzy voyage : Dexter Wansell First Light of Morning ; Monk Montgomery Reality both just smacked me about the chops while revisiting the 14 LP street sounds box that came out in 1986. Great that 32 years on it still brings joy and surprises. Great Stuff

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