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Everything posted by Andyj

  1. Following a recent post which covered OVD I recently invested in a record player and dug out what's left of my record collection. As this dates from the late 70s/early eighties there are number of tracks that I thought were class back in the day but now sound crap, 'Ral Donner' 'Don't let it slip away' for one, has anyone got similar tracks that were cool and now crap? As a footnote played Dooley Silverspoon, Game Players and still loved it!
  2. The Jezabelles released a version on Pye Disco Demand in the 70s but I thought it was pap!
  3. Dunelm House, Durham which held all dayers late 70s early 80s was a split level dance floor and seemed massive then!
  4. I admire your dedication to the 'scene' Harry you obviously love it. However please don't presume that just because people have left and returned many years later that they don't love the music. As I stated in my original post Scarborough and Blackpool were my first venues for 30 years and loved the oldies played in the main rooms but also spent time in the modern room in Scarborough and enjoyed both the walkway and circus in Blackpool and liked a lot of what I heard. Yes the weekenders are a social scene and I can't see what's wrong with that.
  5. ….With the right attitude from both sides, things can only get better. I tried to click like to your post but it seems I've used up my likes for the day!
  6. back in 1977/78 a new chart 45 would be about 60/70p pressings/imports about £1.50 when I left school in 78 and went to 6th form i got £2.50 a week pocket money (allowance my dad called it) that was for every thing so paying more than £1.50 for originals was impossible, yes you could pick up some originals for a decent price and I did so.
  7. I don't disagree with you, without the collecters the scene would die, but the reason for my post was just that it's the music that counts
  8. I'm not saying the records I listed are my current favorites, just these are how I and I would guess many others first heard about Northern Soul. I was making the point that it's about the music, Modern or oldies it's still the same, or put another way me and many other returnee's just love the sounds, surely it's how the records sound rather than how rare it is that makes it good!
  9. With reference the 'locked' post reference Blackpool Weekender I would like to make the following point(s) I got into the scene in the mid to late seventies as a schoolboy, listeing to sounds like Bok to Bach, The Snake, Pye Disco Demand re issues etc and learned to dance at the local youth club disco's. I attended Wigan late 1978 into 1979 as 16/17 year old still at school, this opened my eyes to the amount of sounds I had never heard but still love to this day. By the time I was 19 I was married and had a family to support so buying OVO was way out of my league so used to buy the Casino Classic/Grapevine/Disco Demand re-issues or pressings etc as they were affordable. In later years I have increased my music collection by buying CD compilations. Does the above make me an anti soul fan? I don't think so I love the music, love to dance and as I have just got back into the scene with a vist 1st to Scarborough then Blackpool I must say that my wife and me loved both events that we can't wait for the next one! However I must say that the 'Open letter to Kev Roberts' post dismayed me as it feels as if the scene is beset by infighting over OVO vrs music and oldies vrs new/modern, come on we all love the music surely that's what it's all about, isn'it?
  10. Like the answer in another topic regarding your all time top ten. Sounds that 'grab you' can change over time, but I'll stick with these three as must dance sounds Yvonne Baker - You didn't say a word Williams & Watson - Too Late Timi Yuro - It'l never be over for me
  11. We had a geezer like that back in the mid to late seventies a decent dancer, but only to the 'common' sounds and his fav was Hawaii 5 0!! then as soon as the northern section of the disco finished he would then start rock and rolling or head banging to Status Quo!!!
  12. Difficult subject as I think your all time top ten changes all the time, your top 3 may stay the same (mine do anyhow!) so here goes at my current top ten oldies 1. Yvonne Baker - You didn't say a word 2. Timi Yuro - It'l never be over for me 3. Williams & Watson - Too late 4. Jackie Moore - Both ends against the middle 5. Kurt Harris -Emperor of my baby's heart 6. The Montclairs - Hung up on your love 7. Ann Sexton- Youv'e been gone too long 8. Demures - Raining Teardrops 9. Carol & Gerri - How can I ever find a way 10. The Belles - Don't pretend As I say that list changes every time I try and compile it but the top three always stays the same!
  13. Will do Steve and Cheers!
  14. Hopefully will be in early as we've taken a days holiday to get over to Blackpool early! So will try and get over to say hello. I don't have a copy of Carol and Gerri so was working by memory which is not as good as it was!!!
  15. This was the first Northern Soul event I had attended for over 30 years, you know the story, get a job, get a girl/married/family etc!! But saw this advertised and as I turned 50 this year my wife (who's never been into soul but liked a few of my records!) said she would come with me. It was brilliant, even my wife loved it! In fact we had such a great time we have booked for Blackpool in November!! Only thing was I missed hearing some classic oldies from my time at Wigan circa 1978/79, things like Sheila Anthony - Living in Love, Raining Teardrops by The Demures and How Can I Ever Find a Way by Carol & Jenni and I'm sure a few more! Are some of these tracks now not heard or even classed as crap? I hope not!!

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