With reference the 'locked' post reference Blackpool Weekender I would like to make the following point(s)
I got into the scene in the mid to late seventies as a schoolboy, listeing to sounds like Bok to Bach, The Snake, Pye Disco Demand re issues etc and learned to dance at the local youth club disco's. I attended Wigan late 1978 into 1979 as 16/17 year old still at school, this opened my eyes to the amount of sounds I had never heard but still love to this day. By the time I was 19 I was married and had a family to support so buying OVO was way out of my league so used to buy the Casino Classic/Grapevine/Disco Demand re-issues or pressings etc as they were affordable. In later years I have increased my music collection by buying CD compilations.
Does the above make me an anti soul fan? I don't think so I love the music, love to dance and as I have just got back into the scene with a vist 1st to Scarborough then Blackpool I must say that my wife and me loved both events that we can't wait for the next one!
However I must say that the 'Open letter to Kev Roberts' post dismayed me as it feels as if the scene is beset by infighting over OVO vrs music and oldies vrs new/modern, come on we all love the music surely that's what it's all about, isn'it?