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Everything posted by Bloodseed

  1. Johnny Wyatt This thing called Love in Ex condition £120 plus £4 postage
  2. £75 plus £3.50 postage Ex condition
  3. Another afternoon of All across the board Soul R& B Northern rare soul with R& B legend Dj Jon Drake guesting plus young fun Alfie Leavy from Bristol Northern Soul Club join us on Facebook to see what we are all about https://www.facebook.com/groups/764680756976437/?ref=share_group_link
  4. Ex condition £26 plus £3.50 postage
  5. Bobby Goldsboro It’s too late VG £15 Felice Taylor I can feel your love Ex £28 Erma Franklin piece of my heart with great flip Big Boss Man Ex £12 or all 3 for £40 plus postage
  6. Hit and run issue in Ex condition £20 plus £3 postage
  7. In Ex condition £35 plus £3.50p postage
  8. Bit harsh but that’s your opinion which I respect but don’t agree with have a good weekend and hap soul life
  9. Felice Taylor I can feel your love In Ex condition plays great £40 plus £3.50p postage
  10. Felice Taylor I can feel your love In Ex condition plays great £50 plus £3.50p postage
  11. Not implying you cast stones I mean in general I’ve spoken to several well travelled prominent and highly respected people on the scene and theirs is of the same opinion as mine that people are somewhat jealous and that we should let them be many say they will burn themselves out well why don’t people wait and see instead of pushing them out ? As I’ve said been around these people and their intentions are honourable and the main ingredient for me is that they love the music by the time they can say they have done what we did eg hitch lifts stay out all weekends going to dayers and niters we will be pretty much older and probably not so much judgemental anyway They are doing it their way so you have to respect that as I keep saying this is nobody’s scene
  12. Indeed Music and promoting it should be the key here The music will either entice people or it won’t it’s up to the individual to choose again going back to the youngsters us older ones have to remember what it was like to have heard rare soul tunes when we were that age so all this is a generation thing and just done differently now but the heartbeat of it is still the same
  13. Chalky isn’t that the way it’s always been ? I went to niters back in the day and maybe a third of them are still going it’s a circle as for these youngsters they do travel and support other venues I know this as I’ve spoken to them as near as last Sunday when they attended my do after going to the 100 club the night before We need to encourage them and from where I’m standing it looks healthier for the future if we all pull in the same direction no one owns the scene so we all need to do our bit
  14. Well said I have worked closely with BNSC and we guest there in January having got to know Eve Levanna and these up and coming kids I can vouch that they are trying to hold up the scene as many people are now getting older and it needs this injection I have been involved or started this great soul scene journey way back in mid 70s and am impressed as of any time in what they are trying to achieve we support each other here in Bristol ( I’ve been here since 1990s ) Go Go Children was a fore runner other than Yate that kept it going down here furthermore talking to these kids they are knowledgeable and so enthusiastic about this music and that in essence is the reality people judge but never go so it’s a bit hypocritical in my eyes keep going Eve Levanna and co because if you don’t the scene will die because people have casted stones and not give it a chance
  15. £8 each or all 4 for £25 plus postage all play well
  16. This is the first Stardust issue with Silver Text In VG+ condition £20 all in
  17. In. VG+ condition plays well £30 all in
  18. Hi thanks but I have a copy now
  19. In Ex condition both sides £100 all in
  20. Bristol Splash of soul Sunday soul sessions playing all across the board soul northern RnB Motown rare soul 6th Soul guest Djs John Lloyd & Connor Beckles always a great afternoon / evening of quality music good size dancefloor cheap licensed bar ample car parking space and above all great atmosphere great crowd pride ourselves on matching anyone for playing music you will enjoy and appreciate
  21. Thanks for heads up
  22. Yes thanks mate got a copy now
  23. In VG+ or better
  24. In VG + condition or better

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