you are right Lenny - the cut i have is straight from Ron Murphy's tape with no editing - its a bit rawer, with some brass etc.
the one on Soul King is it a bit more edited and polished!!!
see attached pictures, the group were actually the New Metros and it was supposed to come out on Gold Soul
dont have the Metros LP on RCA anymore, so cant compare the faces etc, and cant remember what Ron Murphy told me about the group - probably one in the same though
you will see from the scan, Ron wrote on the label "Gold Soul 1028" - i cant remember if this was the recording session number or if it was to be the label release number
Still sounds good though and was actually just playing it today
as to the year the Soul King pressings came out - unsure about this, but from memory it was a couple of years after i got the acetate, which was around 1988 i think!!! - memory isnt too good i'm afraid