feel free to do what you feel is right for you - but i feel you are wrong to criticise the people on here who are commenting about this thread!
What you must remember and take on board is that the full point of peoples critisism here is that the "proper northern / rare soul scene" WAS AND STILL IS incredibly close to a lot of peoples hearts - people have spent many hours, weeks and years caring for and keeping alive a scene that was once raw, underground, undiluted (especially in the early days), special, exclusive etc. etc. Collectors have dedicated their lives in searching for rare and exclusive records in an attempt to keep the scene moving forward (which after 40 years is very diffficult)
What we are witnessing is the (albeit small) commercialisation of this RAW, UNDERGROUND scene, into a "new scene" that WE simply cannot relate to - the nostalgia, people dressing in clothes from the 70's, dancing (poorly!) to overplayed records, paying too much for overplayed and non-rare records, attending venues where the promotors are only in it for the money and their own ego etc. etc.
This is why we are critical about the crap like this thread - there is no RAWNESS in this "new scene", nobody pushing any boundaries etc. etc.
I suggest you read Elaine Constantines book about Northern - that may give you an idea of what i am trying to say - it gets the point across about how RAW and "rough n ready" the scene once was - OK i am aware that things move forward but to move forward into the shit that we are witnessing at present - well, it just doesn't sit right with me and a lot of other on here
In summary, WE have every right to comment about something that we see was OURS being diluted and commercialised into something that we don't recognise