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Jim Ohara

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Everything posted by Jim Ohara

  1. remember buying the album from Soul Bowl in late 80's for a tenner - something about "waltz and choir?" if i remember right - only bought it because i had a great ballad on a 45 - cant remember what the album was like to be honest - sold it a long time ago anyway!
  2. What the **** you on about man??????? Are you on drugs?
  3. Yes indeed Ady, long, long, long, before!!!
  4. Kim Tolliver - Where Were You - Hope this link works? www.youtube.com/watch?v=oB9nFhzQtCY
  5. Thanks Richards - your standards are slipping - lol!!!
  6. Don't suppose anyone has a clip of ALL sides just to compare - Richard - Premium Stuff?
  7. Thanks Byrnie, glad to see you've got my back mate! cheers jim
  8. Nice one Vin, never thought of that comparison
  9. Nice one Byrnie - at least you still have hair - well I hope it's yours and not a "highland" wish I still had mine - I really miss it
  10. Good morning sylvia you have obviously checked my profile and figured out I am 40!!!! - well firstly, you've got your numbers wrong!!!! i am 50 (well in 2 weeks time that is - PM me for my address if you want to send me a present) therefore, having been into northern from the age of 14 (that's 36 years in case you still can't count!!!) CONSUMERS as you call them, can go to whatever they bloody like - however the point I make ( which is still 100% spot on as most on the thread agree) is that this FLUFFY scene that we seem to be witnessing is SO far removed from what it once was BTW I've checked your profile and see that you are indeed a fair bit older than I am - I would have therefore thought that if you have a northern background, then you may have understood Some people just don't get it! regards jim
  11. actually think the film is in with a really good chance in just watched a couple of clips of the others and I suppose the main threat to Elaine's film winning would probably be Pride, about the miners strike - it actually looks pretty decent anyway here's hoping she wins ,
  12. Shit weather is character building dave from a cold central scotland!
  13. Sorry Dave, didn't realise that!
  14. Don't you have a telly?
  15. Well Pompeylor, as you started the adverse comments about the film - you don't seem to have much of a comeback!
  16. Oops forgot this one- Debbie Taylor - I Don't Wanna Leave You magical !
  17. Must agree with you on Four Tops - Ask The Lonely - was the ever a better record put to vinyl? if there is I'd like to hear it - quite simply THE best record ever made (alongside Marvin's "What's Going On" of coarse, oh and Marvin's "Save The Children"
  18. Hi i have season 1, 2 and 5 - £25 for the set plus postage jim
  19. sorry but I must disagree with you here always much easier to criticise than to praise ok the film may not have been absolutely perfect, but for it to be perfect it would have actually had to have been filmed through many sets of eyes from the 60's through to the present day - which is obviously impossible don't know your own background, but many, many things reminded me of how I got into northern - in particular - the local youth club scenes - 100% bang on for me - was exactly how I remember it the scenes of the guy listening to his first tape and beginning to get obsessed with some of the tunes on it - again this could have been me - or any one of us on SS the drug side - I remember seeing people injecting speed - not nice - but very real the film for me captured the timeframe exactly and is exactly how I remember it when I was 15/16 if its a bloody love story you want, with boy meets girl, boy steals girl from the "main man", then they all live happily ever after, maybe you should try a nice "rom com", there are loads around - Jennifer Anniston seems to be in most of them !!! sorry but I really just don't get where you are coming from with this only my opinion!! jim
  20. i really don't think you get it you quote - A gatekeeper mentality, a sense of "You're enjoying this all wrong" - that's the guaranteed way to kill any scene, to keep out those that might eventually bring that rawness and push those boundaries. "‹The people I'm on about in these type of video clips have no chance of pushing boundaries or bringing rawness back to the scene - are you watching the same clips as me???? yes my type of gatekeeper mentality may "kill the scene" - but if THAT is the "scene", then it is well and truly dead and i want no part of it! i have my views and you have yours - enjoy!
  21. Russel feel free to do what you feel is right for you - but i feel you are wrong to criticise the people on here who are commenting about this thread! What you must remember and take on board is that the full point of peoples critisism here is that the "proper northern / rare soul scene" WAS AND STILL IS incredibly close to a lot of peoples hearts - people have spent many hours, weeks and years caring for and keeping alive a scene that was once raw, underground, undiluted (especially in the early days), special, exclusive etc. etc. Collectors have dedicated their lives in searching for rare and exclusive records in an attempt to keep the scene moving forward (which after 40 years is very diffficult) What we are witnessing is the (albeit small) commercialisation of this RAW, UNDERGROUND scene, into a "new scene" that WE simply cannot relate to - the nostalgia, people dressing in clothes from the 70's, dancing (poorly!) to overplayed records, paying too much for overplayed and non-rare records, attending venues where the promotors are only in it for the money and their own ego etc. etc. This is why we are critical about the crap like this thread - there is no RAWNESS in this "new scene", nobody pushing any boundaries etc. etc. I suggest you read Elaine Constantines book about Northern - that may give you an idea of what i am trying to say - it gets the point across about how RAW and "rough n ready" the scene once was - OK i am aware that things move forward but to move forward into the shit that we are witnessing at present - well, it just doesn't sit right with me and a lot of other on here In summary, WE have every right to comment about something that we see was OURS being diluted and commercialised into something that we don't recognise Best Jim
  22. Holy fuck this is getting beyond a joke - u shudder to think what's next So far removed from the scene I lived and loved more than anything It's bloody embarasing
  23. you have got to love JM's descriptions THE EMPIRES The flip is obviously not as good but acts as a good diversion from the inspiraionally flawless top side translated meaning = the flipside is shite Brilliant!!!!
  24. Harry I would say that chances are, the album will be an issue when I collected albums you found a lot of demo copies had a white sticker along the bottom of the sleeve (about 8" x 4") this sticker contained the track listing with times, credits etc. the stamp on the picture was probably done as an afterthought when they were all pressed that my view anyway jim
  25. If you've been waiting a couple of years for one to turn up, why the Fxxx would you then tell everyone there's one on ebay?

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