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Everything posted by tonymads

  1. gonna be another superb night
  2. This is gonna be good 2 phenomenal record collections from our guests LIZ and PETE backed up by THE PRINCE , MOPSEY and FOXY 6 hours pure sweat and dancefloor crackers i pride myself on doing the opening set 7.30pm till 8.30pm coz you lot well 50 odd of ya are always in from 6.45pm so i get nearly 2 hrs makin you dance lololol see u all on the 24th for another edition of MACCLESFIELD SOUL CLUB and dont forget the saturday night is the short trip to chesterfields premier event the 3 roomed WINDING WHEEL
  3. This is going to be superb always a first class quality event with the very finest tunes with one of the best dance floors in the UK looking forward to seeing you all for another phenomenal night have a brilliant soulfull 2023
  4. so looking forward to another macclesfield cracker
  5. BOOOOOM 2 weeks to go cant wait
  6. 6th anniversary how did that happen we must be doing something right with a emphasis on the very best in quality soul and a touch of getm sweatting on the dance floor and a phenomenal healthy work out ,yes its hard work keeping it on but its down to you lot for makin it happen so from me ash mopsey and foxy thankyou and look forward to seeing you all on the 6th anniversary boooooooooooom lets saaaaaaviit
  8. Can;t wait Terry Westhead one of my fav soul spinners last time at macc he just blew it out of the park with quality tunes and phenomenal memories packed the floor im sure hes gonna do that again
  9. join me for a cracking night of northern soul motown back in my home village top tunes till 1 am and a few nice gins
  10. so looking forward to this its been a long time
  11. tonymads


  12. YES ALL THE two zzz WERE BACK 2022
  13. so looking forward to this as always a phenomenal night and just a brilliant line up
  14. remember it well wasn't it like a wigan warm up cant remember the djs think there was only 2 or 3 but they played top tunes and im sure there was lights on the tables ive got a vague recollection of ste whittle or dave evison doing an hour

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