This month we have LORIEN IMRIE travelling down from Edinburgh playing a set out for your pleasure.
Quite a few of the regulars will know Lorien and of course Scott who have been to the club a few times.
I'm sure you will give her a warm BOX welcome when she gets behind those decks.
Unfortunately Ted Massey has had to pull out of the event due to personal reasons.
Mr. Stoke-On-Trent's OZZ OSBORNE has stepped in and I'm sure the quality of his music will compliment our 10th Anniversary along with the resident Dj's.
Hope to see you there.
Giving the residents the opportunity to have a little longer on the decks and to play out some underplayed sounds.
We will be back in the forthcoming months with special guests and heading towards our 10th anniversary in MARCH.
Hope to see you there.
The Spinning Wheel's Xmas bash in memory of MARTIN BANKS will be blasting out those tunes from 7pm till late on SATURDAY 16th DEC.
This is promising to be a great night so come and join us for an evening of soul from Northern, R&B, Motown, if we've got it we'll play it.
Hope to see you there.
The end of 2024 is fast approaching and our final session of the year.
This session on the first day in December brings us the charismatic character of STEVE STRANGER with his superb record collection for your entertainment.
Steve, (well know in the South West) will be travelling up from Gloucestershire and I'm sure he will not disappoint, hope to see you there.
This month's guest Dj is Mr. SHAUN CALLON, Shaun was with us December 2023 and played out a huge variation of tunes from his superb collection.
As close to bonfire night as you can get this session is sure to be explosive.
With a large car park behind the club, great bar, good seating and talc free dancefloor what more is required for a Sunday afternoon's Soul Session.
October's event features guest Dj GEOFF MACASKILL, Geoff has a great collection of music and is really looking forward to entertaining us at THE BOX soul club's monthly session.
Back with us on this 1st day in September with Don MOPSEY Morris.
Mopsey has been with us a few times over the years and knows the score with THE BOX soul club's music, so get your dancing shoes on you're going to need them.
August's guest Dj this month is LAURENCE PROXTON, Laurence has been with us a few times over the years and has a fabulous record collection.
You may have seen a few live streams from Laurence during the pandemic when he played out some familiar and rarer music.
We are once again welcoming him on the decks for your pleasure I'm sure he won't disappoint.
Arnie has been with us before as a DJ and is a regular attendee at the club so understands the music policy and what we do at this fabulous club.
Hope to see some of you there for yet another great afternoon of Soul.
This month's special guest is Mr. Stoke-on-Trent himself OZZ OSBORNE.
Ozz is a regular attendee at THE BOX soul club and is looking forward to playing something a bit different from the norm as we do at this superb Sunday Session club.
Hope you see many of you there.
Please note, the new finishing time of 8pm, but if there is still a good number of people in we will carry on with the music.
This month's guest, ROD CLEGG, Rod runs the SOULCHOONS Southport annual charity all-dayer, resident at other clubs and has a great record collection.