Hi there here is a list of cheap wants I would like to acquire at reasonable prices please it is quite a long list so if any one as these for sale please pm with price and condition right here goes 1 SALVADORS Stick by me baby wiseworld 70's lookalike pressing 2 VELVET SATINS Nothing compares general American red &awhile swirl 70's lookalike pressing 3 M.V.P's Turning my heartbeat up UK Buddha 70's pressing 4 JACKIE EDWARDS I feel so good UK island 70's pressing island Palm tree label 5 EDDIE PARKER I'm gone Awake label 70's lookalike green label 6 MICKIE CHAMPION What good am I musette lookalike 70's pressing 7 MARIE KNIGHT That's no way to treat a girl musicor label 70's pressing red or white label 8 LOU PRIDE I'm com'un home in the morn'un suemi lookalike 70's pressing or suemi pack from around 5 years ago with his 3 tunes in it called Lou pride the suemi sessions 9 ANN SEXTON You've been gone to long 70's pressing black & orange 77 label 10 THE VELVETS I got to find me somebody pye label or demo 11 THE YOUNGHEARTS A little togetherness Canterbury lookalike label 70's pressing 12 FRANK BEVERLY & the BUTLERS If that's what you wanted black Liberty pressing 13 DANA VALERY You don't know where your interest lies CSP COLUMBIA 70's pressing 14 SHANE MARTIN I need you CSP Columbia or epic 70's pressing 15 BILL BUSH I'm waiting / montclairs Hung up on your love 70's pressing 16 THE CARSTAIRS It really hurts me girl pink or white red coach label pressings 17 DON THOMAS Come on train blue or purple NUVJ pressings 18 THE FI DELS Try a little harder blue label pressing or jay boy pressing 19 MAURICE WILLIAMS Being without you deesu lookalike turquoise & silver label or purple dress u label pressing 20 EPITOME OF SOUND You don't love me sandbag lookalike label or green sandbag pressing 21 Edward Hamilton baby don't you weep Mary jane black& white pressing 22 BOBBY SHEEN DR.Love UK Capitol 70's pressing 23 Maxine Brown Its torture UK Kent pressing 24 Gloria Jones Tainted love turquoise champion label pressing 25 Sandi Sheldon your gonna make me want you okeh pressing or UK epic pressing 26 MEL BRITT She'll come running back fip 70's pressing stamped in run out groove 27 PATTI & the EMBLEMS You're gonna love me a long long time black and white pressing lookalike 28 Connie Clark My sugar baby yellow lookalike 70's pressing 29 MAJOR LANCE You don't want me no more okeh second press stock or demo 30 POINTER SISTERS Send him back U.S RED ATLANTIC BOOTLEG PRESSING 31 The dells run for cover UK pressing chess label 32 DUKE BROWNER Crying over you red or gold impact 70's pressing 33 7TH AVENUE AVIATORS You should o' held her congress 70's pressing 34 Laura Lee To win your heart ric tic boot or UK Tamla motown pressing 35 Towanda BARNES Y ou don't mean it A&M lookalike pressing 36 RUFUS LUMLEY I'm standing Holton lookalike pressing 37 CANDI STATON Now you've got the upper hand UNITY LOOKALIKE 70's pressing 38 Lillie Bryant Meet me half way Tayster lookalike or red 70's pressing 39 Porgy &other Monarchs My hearts crying for you musicor lookalike pressing 40 LEN JEWELL BETTING ON LOVE TERI DE LOOKALIKE 70's pressing 41 BITS & pieces Keep on running Nasco 2nd pressing 42 WADE FLEMONS JEANETTE UK SEVENS LABEL PRESSING OR RAMSEL BOOT That's it for now if any one as these to sell individually or as job lot then please pm me will only pay reasonable prices no stupid offers please as nearly all are boots or second pressing I will get back to all messages but please be patient Cheers I will be after more soon if anyone wishes to let them go