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Everything posted by stokesoulboy

  1. Keith Minshull and myself are doing a session with all money going towards Sue, she may donate this in honour of Billy, djs already on board keith Minshull Nige Brown sean chapman ozz osborne Ged Beggs phil ankers plus more to be added . the venue is the box in Crewe maybe you guys can get on board ? rip Billy, we are missing you massively.
  2. My take for what it’s worth, still the country’s best attended nighter (500 plus) no pun ! I actually find stoke refreshing, especially when Andy Dyson drops unissued one off sounds next to absolutely incredible underplayed sounds like The Facinations ! Two rooms, plenty to go at from 70s floaters from Soul sam and Ted Massey playing straight from the heart. Add a pinch of Latin and top draw sounds from Sean, and experienced dj Chris King and John Poole plus guests making waves like Mick and the all nighter favourite Daz Dakin makes for hours of quality. I am sure there are really enjoyable nighters all over the country, but Stoke is and remains a firm favourite.
  3. Pretty sure it was Greg Tormo who told me Johnny Hendley was in a mental institution, and in quite a bad way. Great reading chalky! Ozz
  4. Another white record, Jay & the Americans - living above your head Keele late 80s, my first nighter, and this was just a killer song, I also looked thru the record sellers for bargains, which there probably was back then but out of reach to a 18 year old !
  5. Doni is polish and still alive n well
  6. Totally agree , that's talent !
  7. I always thought it was a nervous condition, many moons had passed between 64-71 and it was just too much for him, maybe alcohol but still a shame that it happened.
  8. Unsurprising about Gilbert, it was offered to him and he turned it down ! Personally I think Jackie is by far the version , wouldn't sell my demo ever, great record
  9. Really sad news.
  10. Let's clear this one up, first the torch records was indeed Minshull and Tot Johnson, Tot paid the rights to release this as a single, it's one of two versions , the king 45 is a different take (minus the organ riff ) the torch one has it tho, Brian Rae played this out via a jap cd early on. Tot wanted his own label, it was an ambition for him to put something out, he did it right and paid, he still has around 50 copies, he gives them to friends etc. if I remember both versions came out at the same time, I didn't know it came out on Kent ? But i don't really look at these "new "45s so that's the reason! Hope this helps !
  11. Class record tho, I can see the issue topping 1k soon !
  12. Wharfedale have a unusual ohm reading due to the x over inside the speakers , and not all amps run sweet at 4 ohm even if it says so on the box ! I'd get a 2ohm capable amp to be sure
  13. And yes, JA has discovered some quite wonderful records and from all accounts is a good guy to deal with.
  14. And yes, JA has discovered some quite wonderful records and from all accounts is a good guy to deal with.
  15. In a true and honest opinion I don't think everyone including some that are adored and well respected are completely squeaky clean . I'm not naming names, but the clue is in the supply and demand comment , I had a conversation in Memphis about ten years ago with James govan, he told me that his records sold in England but the payment never came thru, this was issued in the uk ??? Make your own minds up, but one thing is clear to me, some people can do no wrong. Major labels did dirty dealings back then, welcome to show biz, golden rule number one is trust nobody . Keep smiling
  16. Jeff king, Simon soussan, ootp, green light, bjd, soul fox, soul galore, even pye bloody disco demand, all a part of northern soul history, in fact essential elements of a scene that's still strong in 2015, you cannot air brush this lot out of history ? Supply and demand met, and again listen to some of the people left from back in the 60s, there product sold, they didn't get paid sadly and these were major labels. Simon was moving and shaking in LA, yes he saw the disco boom and did it well, same as Berry Gordy made the perfect pop soul sounds and sold millions. For all the above over the years I'm grateful to play these records, ok not joe 90 or the Wigan joker but the discoveries, rare, not so rare, and the just bloody good soul records.
  17. Strings a go go, love bound all the mirwood instr stuff, what a time to be hearing these great records, I'm sure a "supertime" was had back then
  18. Appreggio love and desire, based on the flirtations Ady, as for Doni you may be correct, but it's his name on the record ! Fully appreciate it was a Detroit backing track in 65 that rose batiste added the vocal to become I miss my baby. My point is that Simon didn't always do things dodgy !
  19. Frank Wilson involved i think Ian ??
  20. When Simon's collection came up for sale years ago, according to Tim Ashibende there was "everything" on the list, not talking boots here, we are talking his own collection. This reflects the man's taste of soul music, as for the darker side that so many wish to dwell on, here is a few facts to take in. 1 Doni Burdick only got paid once for bari track- via Simon, not a penny from sound impressions. 2 Sidney Barnes got a credit and royalties for Love & desire, yet zilch from stronger than her love. I am sure there is more to follow, but one thing for sure, is one hell of a night if you took him out to dinner and heard some of his tales from the 70's. It's 2015, and Ian has tracked him down, well done & I for one will be very interested in what Simon is up to, i really hope he is well & happy. Lot's of water has passed under the bridge since the 70's.
  21. Ian , Alton McLain did it in 79 and they were connected to the LA music scene ! I'd say that's the one Simon was after and probably in some way linked to the group Krystal ??
  22. Ok I own up, I have this on the flip of Chris the glove taylor 12" reckless. Didn't know it was on the flip tho ! Collecting breaks n funk as well as soul music helped out here.
  23. I say well done Ian for finding him, personally for all the records he found, covered up etc I'd say he is responsible for a boat load of soul . I hope he is well and will do some sort of interview

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