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Everything posted by Bagasulph

  1. Question: there was a guy used to stand on the stage with a video camera at Shotts. He was there quite often. Who was he? Where is he now? Where are those videos???
  2. Sonja Spence-Let Love Flow on Hinote. Anybody?
  3. https://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZmmmm...disco
  4. Well, Gemm's an American site, so $ is the default currency, but it's still the same amount when converted to £ (which would happen when you reached the checkout I believe). You can actually change it to £ if you want to - there's a "user settings" or something button top right - but to be honest it seems more trouble than it's worth. Anyway, got your email, and replied...
  5. Hi - no paypal required - all payments (other than the MP3 shop) are processed by GEMM. And, believe me, as a buyer ytou'll have no problem with them! But yes, of course, cheques, postal orders, cash, drugs, trades all gratefully accepted.
  6. ... Kind of updated. It's now become a work in progress because the letraset was taking too long. Hope some of you will like... https://www.milliondollardisco.com And, somerecords to buy: https://www.milliondollardisco.com/shopvinyl.html
  7. https://www.milliondollardisco.com/shopvinyl.html
  8. Got it - thanks!
  9. Anyone got?
  10. Yup. There is.
  11. I'd buy a carstairs if you add 5" to it! Actually, do you have the Carstairs 12" on Inferno?
  12. I have a hairy frog to trade.
  13. I didn't know this existed till five minutes ago! The one with no synth drums I mean - who can sell me it? Need need need... Cat#: Charm City 1932
  14. Does anyone know if the flipside of this is any good?
  15. Anyone?
  16. The Nombres "Trivialities" on Lorain Sound needed to replace the copy my daughter just melted!!
  17. I'm going to spend all my money on drugs and booze if I don't find some decent records this week. I want '70s dancers (disco ) on 12" preferably, but 45s are good too. The lesser known the better, but classics are good. In fact, anything. I want records. Now.
  18. Oh, and I've just added a link since the mixes seemingly weren't downloadable on a PC
  19. Some of you might dig it... https://www.milliondollardisco.com
  20. On Salsoul??? Come on - the ONLY record on salsoul that's a no no!!?
  21. I'll send you Curtis....
  22. The reissue 12" is white label, black print. Same as the original 12". I've only ever seen a 12" promo. Never a blue label. And definitely never red!
  23. Walter Gibbons? Wow! From beyond the grave?
  24. No it wasn't. That was Carol Williams.

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