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Everything posted by Bagasulph

  1. Thanks mate. Right now I'm just taking notes. Will do some research and try to get a basic structure together then will be looking for details to turn it into a story. I'll take you up on this then!
  2. Thanks martyn, I've added them to my list
  3. Thanks for all the input so far.. I'll read through all the links and stuff over the course of today. But I want to keep this conversation going as the more leads I can get the better. My post yesterday was a bit spur of the moment and probably sounds like I'm totally unprepared or lacking general knowledge. But like I said, I know where I was and what I was doing at the time, but there was clearly a lot more going on than that! I have a feeling this may turn into a book right enough, but that doesn't phase me. I actually just finished writing the history of the disco remix, wrote the liner notes for Dimitri from Paris's get Down With The Philly Sound amongst other things, so I'm keen to do a good job of this, no matter what it takes!
  4. If anyone has email addresses or contact details for Guy, Butch etc could you pm me.
  5. To be fair, pre Wigan is pretty well documented.
  6. I don't think it's strictly oneupmanship Solidsoul (although there's obviously an element of that in all DJs). Keb's point was that playing the same records over and over again wasn't progressive. I saw a lot of oldies nights and the scene would've died on its arse without the people who pushed things forward. Thanks for all the suggestions so far.. Keep em coming!
  7. Cheers Quinvy!
  8. Thanks Mark, will have a read through it
  9. Yeah, Keb's in my sites! Actually, that reminds me.. I remember a magazine I stumbled upon maybe 15-20 years ago now. There was an interview with Keb where he basically talked about exactly this. It wasn't a soul mag so it was quite an odd feature but was pretty meaty.. Anyone got any idea what I'm on about?
  10. Well, if the soul police want the story told in full, then they better contribute
  11. It is indeed! But a worthy one.
  12. So, every time I see anything about Northern Soul these days (and I've seen lots) it seems that when the casino closed the scene died. I know from a lot of comments on here that many are annoyed with this view. So I'm taking it upon myself to do some research and write an article on the days after Wigan. I'll put it on my site initially but I also have plans to create a magazine in the near future so this would be a great thing to publish. I don't do things by half so if I'm going to write it I'm going to be thorough. Which means I need as much info and as many contacts as possible. I have my own recollections of the time, but they won't be enough! Anyone who can help, please let me know.
  13. Check your messages mate!
  14. Thanks Pete. As I suspected R McNeir is fake. So even Mel Britt boots are stamped? I'll have a closer look at the label next time. "PB" initials are on the genuine copies you say?
  15. A friend just acquired a handful of 45s and asked me to look at them. Some nice bits, some I'm not sure of their authenticity though.. Mel Britt - She'll Come Running Back. This one I believe to be legit. Stamped run out etc. How much is it worth nowadays? Willie Brown - Love That Stranger/Get Out and Get It. I didn't look too closely at this one, but I see it's been "reissued". How would I know the original? What's the current value? Ronnie McNeir - Sitting In My Class. I'm a bit dubious about this one. It doesn't look like a bootleg, but the labels do seem to be in very good condition for such an old record. Is there a way to tell? (Just looked at discogs and can maybe answer my own question - this copy has DETO in a straight font which Discogs lists as a reissue, the other has a more logo-ish type, so I'm guessing this one isn't legit?) Thanks for any help.
  16. Sold items now removed. Open to *sensible* offers on remainder.
  17. Few 45s if anyone wants them. All AT LEAST Ex... Eugene Blacknell - Holding On - Seaside £50 Curtis Green - I Just Gotta Get Down - Bold £20 Aged In Harmony - Theme For Someone Special/I Feel Like Dancing - Mor Tones £150 Mighty Gents - Mighty Gents - £40 Bill Avery - Disco Fever - Big Dee £100 Perfect Touch - Keep On Loving You - Creative Profile £25 The Music People - Steve Y Yo - CBS Argentina £30 Ernie Fields - I'll Be Loving You - White Wing £20 Lenny Bailey - Do It With Me - Ren Rome £40 Skye - Ain't No Need - Anada £100 Beres Hammond - Do This World A Favour - Joe Gibbs £20 Modulations - Can't Fight Your Love - Buddah £25 Glenn Dorsey - Movin' On - Good Records £40
  18. That's crazy talk! The huge audience you're describing will latch onto anything the big box in the corner tells them to. The British public are like bloody Stepford Wives nowadays. This is the whole thing that makes NS the great thing that it is. Joe Public has terrible taste in music. Always has, always will. Happy is just another song the big box in the corner has pumped repeatedly into their brains. They'll forget it the next time Britney shaves her head or something. Till they hear it at a hen night and get up and do a wee northern soul dance cos they saw that on the big box.
  19. But everyday Motown and a thin stream of more obscure tracks in your local dancehall can't be compared to a tune that the whole nation has as their ring tone!
  20. I don't actually see any haters in this thread? The impression I'm getting is a few of the older guys are annoyed at the commercialisation of a scene that kind of owes its success to the lack of commercialisation, which people seem to be misconstruing as them shaking their fists at those annoying youngsters who're trying to steal their scene.
  21. I hope I'm not being tarred with the curmudgeon brush here. I'm not bothered if Pharrell has dancers, or what age they are, or who did what when with who.. Young people are definitely a great thing for any scene. As long as they're not Pharrell fans.
  22. We're talking about two different things here - I'm talking about music, you're talking about business. "Get Lucky" is the most overhyped record of the last God knows how many years. It sold a lot, but it's not a good song. Far from it. "Blurred Lines" isn't even worth discussing. "Happy" is by an overhyped performer, whose hype is directly related to at least one other overhyped record and was produced as part of the soundtrack to an overhyped film. It doesn't read well, and if you can see comparisons to Motown, other than by measuring success, you need to get your ears cleaned out! You really honestly think Pharrell fans are going to become serious collectors and train-spotters in the future? Obviously one or two will, but that's despite liking "Happy" not as a result of it. It'll be a load of people's ring tone for a couple of weeks before becoming the tune that gets your granny up on the floor at a wedding.
  23. You can't seriously be comparing Holland Dozier, Smokey Robinson, Ashford & Simpson, Marvin Gaye et all to Pharrell?? come on!! There's million selling pop records and there's million selling pop records.

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