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Everything posted by Drewtg

  1. Cheers Dave. How's it hanging?
  2. Yeah, I know what you mean but I think it was released Dec 75/Jan 76. It charted in 76. I get confused because I have the old Levine stuff on his 'Tomorrow' label, which were done at the same time.
  3. Keep em coming Pete. Think evelyn Thomas is a bit premature though - I think it was a bit later.
  4. We could have a bit of fun here! They are asking for track nominations for the day, on laticstracks@wiganathletic.com I'm sure the devil in us could nominate a few to keep em busy
  5. Ah! We'll have to agree to differ then. it was a lot bigger than a lot of posts in the thread, again to use 5th dimension as an example, I couldn't sell it for 50p back in the day - not exactly monster material.
  6. Might be missing the point here, if so I apologise in advance. It was a lot bigger than some of the tracks mentioned on this thread (5th dimension for example), are you saying that it wasn't big or that you didn't/don't like it?
  8. Is a "Mod" a "Modernist" or just someone who wears a parker and rides an old scooter? Clearly "The Modernists" were in at the birth of the genre, but in all my years on the scene I've met very few Mod's. It is really begining to piss me off actually, because I think I am a Modernist at heart and I remember the real Mod's from my youth. Were the Teddy-Boys responsible for keeping rock and roll going? No, I don't think so.
  9. Call me old fashioned, but the price has got nothing to do with it. All our sounds will be "worth" £500 each at some point in the future (or maybe 12 inter-galactic credits). Me; I like the music - I'm a soul man
  10. Bugger! All these years and I've been cataloguing my records wrong. I've always used the alphabet and now I find out I should have been using price. Sorry guys, I just misunderstood
  11. Nice to see Dave get a mention. I also have a big soft-spot for his mucker Dave McCadden (AKA The soul fox), funny funny guy - also started the first fanzine on the scene.
  12. Hope you are not referring to me as a "latterday arriviste" Frankie! I based my comments on eight years of going to Wigan and, like I said, in the latter years Spencer's were for tourists. Who else would go to an all-nighter to buy trousers? Let's face it, wearing baggies is a bit like being a Teddy Boy or a Mod, god forbid.
  13. /index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=208913 Just spotted Mike Walker.
  14. I can't watch it because I had this mishap when I used to be an ice-skater. Don't want to talk about it
  15. These were taken at a midweek-night (not a nighter) just for the locals, more or less. I think the age limit was lower, a bit like a youth night. If memory serves they were Daily Mirror stock photo's for a piece they did in the early days. As for the baggies, I think it depended on your crew, I wore them for the first few years - but then we sort of moved on. As for full-length leathers, no way could I afford one as a schoolboy and later a lowly apprentice. Rich boys and criminals only methinks - to use another massive generalisation
  16. Spencers' were just for the tourists, not many wore them. Bit like buying a tee-shirt at Hard-Rock Cafe. But you might be right about the year.
  17. Can't see it. End of era night was jam-packed solid. The pastel colours look late 70's but you have one geezer with a bowling shirt and another with dungarees! Put a gun to my head and I'd say 78/9.
  18. It depends whether you see it as "a market" or just beautiful music. Me; I've always liked the music
  19. Exactly! I met more gays at Wigan than I did mods, does that mean it was a BIG gay venue? It's starting to annoy me now (Meldrewish I know). What is a mod anyway, someone who wears old-fashioned clothes and likes old scooters?
  20. Bloody scooters again! What have scooters got to do with Wigan? I went for eight years and never saw one, and I didn't see any mods (mod's?) either. Arrivistes!
  21. Yeah I feel a bit miffed that I have the CD and DVD but because I don't have Blue-Ray I don't get "The making of", what's that all about? Hopefully someone will bang it on Youtube for us plebs
  22. No. I think the bloke has done a bit too much wacky. He hasn't got a clue what he is writing about...................and neither have I. Maybe he's aiming for contovesy but hasn't got the IQ to figure out how to do it?
  23. Just for the record. When I first had the idea for the plaque, I thought it should have been behind Debenhams. When I started to look more closely (overlaying old maps, etc) I found that the parade in the arcade more or less matched the old Station Rd layout, the big clue is the civic centre behind the shopping centre (back of M's). As we were never going to get the plaque bang on, we decided to put it a few extra yards up Station Rd. The reason was so that if people wanted to have a photo taken, they wouldn't be stood in front of a shop. The plaque is actually next to a fire corridor so it gives open access and full visibility for cctv - and what's a few metres between friends. To find the spot on, actual doorway, you would need a theodolite, acess to all the old land registry maps and a degree in land surveying. Anybody who says it is in the wrong place is either guessing, trying to cause trouble or has the genetic make-up of an Atlantic salmon spawned in Wigan canal. As to people ignoring the plaque, who gives a shit? It is not for us or them, it is for somebody else. I remember living in London, just up the road from a plaque for George Orwell (one of my heroes), when someone pointed it out to me I was chuffed. Hundreds of people walked past it everyday - but some looked Drew
  24. Hey Martyn, hang on in there dude. Remember Northern has always been a very broad church and what goes around comes around! I listen to some of the stuff posted on here and think WTF? It doesn't take away from my equally valid (though minority) opinion that something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Keep the faith mate and remember - when you were young EVERYBODY thought you were nuts just for liking this music anyway

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