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Back Street Blue

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Everything posted by Back Street Blue

  1. Thanks for posting this Pete.........that was my last night at Wigan.......and despite the Tamms credentials HGDBM always reminds me of doc martins and trying to pull the bird in the pink "baby jacket" on the speedway when the fairground came to town!!
  2. Been away from this site for a while, apart from the odd event sweep, not seen the programme under discussion either yet....but bet its not as entertaining as reading this thread has been, opposite poles of the scene colliding and the net result, a superb outpouring of pure passion. That's what I call soul!!!
  3. Same round our way Manus.....Ruperts were big check parallels, worn "half mast".....prince of wales usually seen in Harrington jackets (although my mate Mick Malone had a prince of wales Cromby). and the trousers treated as different to Ruperts.
  4. Sad news. will miss bumping into Clive on the dance floor RIP Clive
  5. Well written article........and if the doubting Thomas's turn out to be correct......Pete could do a follow up interview about the hoax........"Wolves Fan falls for Dummy"
  6. Sad news R.I.P. Bobby
  7. Listen to podcasts on here but not the regular radio jobs
  8. Frank Zappa would be penning a parody record by now if he was still with us......like he did for "Disco" in 1978...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI0SIg4njx0 (Frank Zappa - dancing fool)
  9. ....if the "Tower Club" had a record bar....
  10. "just do the best you can - no one can ask more form you" ....my late parents' mantra throughout my chidhood !!! (Duke & Leonard - just do the best you can) .....couldn't clip vid sorry
  11. Hope to make it to the all dayer in sheffield on Easter Sunday........ .........but dreaming of Brighouse Friday, Burnley Saturday and the dayer on Sunday.....not going to happen unless I want the wrangles of a separation agreement!!!
  12. Agreed.........on all points
  13. Surely the artist would be in the same predicament as regards the impact of bootlegs of an obscure recording that didn't reach it's market when it was released? If so then taking the bootleggers on would be unlikely to benefit the artist......or am I missing something?
  14. So "sometimes" the artist gets paid........but "the reality is that in most cases these artists have no legal ownership over their music". That suggests that the artists seldom get paid even though you "try quite hard" to see that they do. So in essence, your view that the cover up denies the artist the ability to get paid is a mute point. The real loser then is the record company, in which case viva la cover up.
  15. So presumably you get the requisite permissions from the appropriate sources? In that case, what do you do to ensure that the artists or their heirs get their dues?
  16. Enforceable on the scale of the cases in question?..........nah. As to the rest of your verbage.....the problem is that I am not "arguing" anything......merely discussing the extended question posed in the original post. If you want an argument you'll have to quote someone else.
  17. I've spent all my working life in the practice of the law of succession, tracing, recovering and distributing assets to the descendants of their legal owners. The owner of a copy of a record which was intended for mass consumption but which failed to reach its effective market, and in some cases failed to get released at all, can play it in public and the owner of the copy of that record is under no obligation to announce the name of the song, artist or label. The fact of the matter is that the artists were not equipped with sufficient protection of any future rights should the record emerge subsequently at the time of their recording those records. In practice the idea that it would be viable to enforce intellectual property rights given the value achieved by the DJ in covering up records of that nature is preposterous. But you keep banging on if you like mate........I'm off to cover up the blemishes on my bum.
  18. To say that the practice of covering up records on the NS scene is in someway immoral in that it is disrespectful to or deprives the artist/writer/record company of revenue or recognition is naive at best. The records were damp squibs and have been written off along with any proprietory interest in them. The chain of ownership from an intellectual property or licencing perspective has been completely eroded and the practicality of enforcement has become prohibitive. The only ownership that exists is the physical possession of the individual copies in circulation amongst the record buying community that is "the scene". With that ownership comes the right for the DJ to play the records out......and without any compulsion to announce the name of the song, artist or label to anyone. If the owner of the disc decides to misinform those who want to know its true identity, that's up to him. You might think he's being naughty.......but the scene has always been a bit naughty.......that's part of the attraction.......even to the "brain dead" fans of the classics of which I am a member. This pretentious notion that the practice is somehow cheating the folk who were interested in its ownership four generations ago is just naive.
  19. Bought ship ahoy when it came out got hammered on the "music centre" along with the temp's 1990 and the isley's 2+2 all 3 still stand head and shoulders........they don't make 'em like that anymore
  20. big maybelle - quittin time eddie holman - where I'm not wanted harold melvin - get out

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