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Back Street Blue

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Everything posted by Back Street Blue

  1. Its the last tune I hear before I start work that I can't get out of my head, rather than tunes randomly popping into my head, so depends if I've got a CD or the radio on when I'm driving there, whether its soul or not. The current pop song that I will admit to singing along to in the car at the minute though is this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5EofwRzit0 ......but I'm not telling you what it is .......and you can't see it at work
  2. still can't find the Dec 2012 issue but got this one, issue # 138 Oct/Nov 2012 ....and noticed "Mike Atherton" listed as a contributor on inside page... ....wondering if it could be the same bloke as my long lost mate "Scally" from Oldham so looked on the manifestosoul.com website for contact details but the site's been suspended and tried the phone number for advertising which is listed in the mag but the number wasn't recognized. Anyone know how I can find out about Mike or contact them otherwise?
  3. the one's that pop into my head are usually the last one I hear before I get to work.....today it was this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrHkZohD6Vw little ann - lean lanky daddy
  4. Can't open the image for some reason. Surely all musicians have to learn from someone? Very early days, Jagger & Richards may have payed homage to the blues guitarists/artists that they idolized, but their back catalogue over the last 50 years is unique to them and original. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBecM3CQVD8
  5. .....never been to Glasto'........but went to the last "proper" summer solstice festival at Stone Henge in '84......stood out like a sore thumb amongst all the new age teepee folk as I appeared to be the only person to have a wash and clean my teeth at the stand-pipe each morning. ....Hawk Wind and King Sunny A'Dae (spelling?) were the only bands I'd heard of but it was the maddest thing I've ever experienced
  6. Well said.......got "Ronnie" when it came out but haven't read "Keif's" book yet..........Ronnie spent a fair bit of time with Bobby when they were both in self-destruct mode in LA in the 80's........as it turns out.
  7. Always been an "elvis" fan........."pump it up"
  8. Love BW......but also love the Stones.....different dudes for different moods
  9. Think there's more Wella influence than NS personally..........like a bit of "baracuta" myself though.
  10. I'd have bought that mate, it's a piece of real history that needs to be documented for posterity, and probably everyone "on the scene" would relate to some aspects of it. OK maybe not of interest from a purely musical perspective but relevant to the way NS has evolved nonetheless.
  11. Hiya Mate, thanks for posting......please pm me contact details for Carl Carlton (or your friend who can get hold of him) and I'll make some enquiries. Cheers.
  12. F*ck me that's loud.....another belter thanks Pete.
  13. Must have been a bit of a downer......never saw that personally but then again I went to oldies nights mostly.....but don't doubt your photographic memory
  14. If you want a shabby speakeasy feel in a club that's been going for decades...try the KGB in Sheffield..... If you want a warm welcome in a room reminiscent of Mr M's (in terms of aesthetics that is).....try Davy's in Sheffield... If you want a plush room with a chilled atmosphere and a stunning dancefloor....try Route 61 in Sheffield.... but if you expect to hear only wornout oldies......be prepared for a pleasant surprise .....Kind Regards from Sheffield Two-wrists Information
  15. Wore "outside clothes" to get there, especially if you couldn't scrounge a lift, hence the little bag for your dancin' threads. Exactly my take, learned how to dance in there and was always in my own little bubble in M's, even when it was far less crowded on my limited trips towards the end of the Casino days. Would gladly still go out to hear those sounds, no matter what mileage was involved, oldies that I never tire of hearing, or more importantly, dancing to. Different strokes for different folks, went to the Mecca and Ritz to get my fill of the new plays, as they often got an airing there before they found their way onto the decks at the Casino.......well the stuff I liked did anyway. Apparently, you could get onto the roof of the Casino from M's and Lemmy & Cess from Oldham would go up there to get out of "the sauna", never went up myself, too busy enjoying "the tired old sounds"!
  16. Righteous vid' Barry.................the bloke in the vest at 2:19 looks like my mate Neil "the deal" Horseman from Shaw!!!
  17. Another great artist has passed, great shame.... I used to sing this to get my little girl to sleep.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrD_g5WCbvE
  18. .......and the "mik bar".......I used to love a glass of ice-cold milk
  19. .....and all the tables with barbs stuck underneath them in second hand wrigley's spearmint
  20. 'Kin 'ell............so they don't think we're all uber-cool after all ?
  21. Heightened perception's one thing........but remembering things in the same detail after such a long time is scary man
  22. Rectangular room, couple of rows of tables and chairs either side, small stage next to the entrance, bogs on the left at the other end of the room,which were cleaner (and safer) than the main one downstairs. "Mint" amphetamine fueled atmosphere, not as many tourists as downstairs and where me and my buddies spent most of our time there.....f*ckin' loved it.
  23. .....that's the difference between the 2nd and 3rd generation dancers.....I sat in awe of what I saw happening on the dancefloor on my first outing to "the best dex-score in the world"......and it took me ages to get up the bottle to get on there. Not all the EM's lads out and about at their preferred venues perform as you describe....in fact some of the best dancers still at it hale from those parts.
  24. Picking up on the fictional approach suggested earlier, this brought to mind a book I bought mid 70's, which to me is in the style that I think an NS novel could borrow from......namely "The Jones Men" by Verne E Smith....(lent my copy out BITD and never seen it since) bit about it here; https://www.spinetinglermag.com/2010/12/17/fridays-forgotten-book-the-jones-men-by-verne-e-smith-review/

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